Can Beta become Alpha?

True story - this just happened a few days ago.

There is one chick I've been fucking for awhile and I've laid out some pretty clear rules that she has mostly followed. She's knows I'm in a relationship, but like most women she just sees that as a challenge. About a month ago, she broke one of the rules (not a big deal, but you have to assert your dominance or you'll lose it). I told her that she was "on punishment" until November.

She was pissed, claiming I was treating her unfairly, etc and I just calmly told her that we would revisit this in November. So she takes November 1st off of work and begs me to come over to fuck, that she needs me, misses me etc., so I agree.

Normally she's wearing a dress with no panties or some other ready-to-fuck type outfit, but she's wearing jeans and a sweater so I figured she wanted to try and regain some of the power she felt she had lost in our "arrangement". So I wasn't surprised when she wanted to talk about how she felt I shouldn't be allowed to just put her on punishment, blah, blah, blah. I knew she would expect me to start trying to coax her out of her clothes etc., since I only came over to fuck her. So I turned the tables on her again.

We got up to the bedroom and while she was talking about feelings and all that bullshit I told her to take her pants off. I stood across the room fully dressed, coat still on. She looked at me all crazy and I repeated to her to take her pants off. I made it clear that I was not getting undressed, but that if she wanted me to listen to her bullshit she would have to speak to me while she was naked. I could see she didn't appreciate it but she complied. She continued to talk some more and I told her to take her sweater and bra off. She complied and I just stood there listening to her bitch about her unfair treatment.

She began to realize that she was speaking to me fully naked while I looked on completely disinterested in her or anything she had to say. I could see when the realization hit her and she pulled the sheet over herself and shut the fuck up. Then I simply asked her if she was done. She said yes. Then I asked her if she wanted some dick or not. She said yes. I told her she needed to ask me for it. When she did, I told her to get off the bed and come over to me. When she got in front of me, I put her on her knees and put my dick in her mouth. After awhile I got undressed, took her over to the bed and fucked all the orgasms out of her. I've never seen her so turned on.

Like a boss.

Hope you can live out your fantasy one day bro.

True story - this just happened a few days ago.

There is one chick I've been fucking for awhile and I've laid out some pretty clear rules that she has mostly followed. She's knows I'm in a relationship, but like most women she just sees that as a challenge. About a month ago, she broke one of the rules (not a big deal, but you have to assert your dominance or you'll lose it). I told her that she was "on punishment" until November.

She was pissed, claiming I was treating her unfairly, etc and I just calmly told her that we would revisit this in November. So she takes November 1st off of work and begs me to come over to fuck, that she needs me, misses me etc., so I agree.

Normally she's wearing a dress with no panties or some other ready-to-fuck type outfit, but she's wearing jeans and a sweater so I figured she wanted to try and regain some of the power she felt she had lost in our "arrangement". So I wasn't surprised when she wanted to talk about how she felt I shouldn't be allowed to just put her on punishment, blah, blah, blah. I knew she would expect me to start trying to coax her out of her clothes etc., since I only came over to fuck her. So I turned the tables on her again.

We got up to the bedroom and while she was talking about feelings and all that bullshit I told her to take her pants off. I stood across the room fully dressed, coat still on. She looked at me all crazy and I repeated to her to take her pants off. I made it clear that I was not getting undressed, but that if she wanted me to listen to her bullshit she would have to speak to me while she was naked. I could see she didn't appreciate it but she complied. She continued to talk some more and I told her to take her sweater and bra off. She complied and I just stood there listening to her bitch about her unfair treatment.

She began to realize that she was speaking to me fully naked while I looked on completely disinterested in her or anything she had to say. I could see when the realization hit her and she pulled the sheet over herself and shut the fuck up. Then I simply asked her if she was done. She said yes. Then I asked her if she wanted some dick or not. She said yes. I told her she needed to ask me for it. When she did, I told her to get off the bed and come over to me. When she got in front of me, I put her on her knees and put my dick in her mouth. After awhile I got undressed, took her over to the bed and fucked all the orgasms out of her. I've never seen her so turned on.

Like a boss.

I neither know nor care, but I suspect that if you're the sort of person who spends time worrying on a messageboard whether or not you're alpha or beta, or if you can become either, you probably don't get enough pussy.
is it possible? maybe this transformation happened to you or you know stories it happened to other dudes behaviors?
or if one is beta it is for life?

If you put aside the labels of "alpha" and "beta"...what are you really trying to achieve?

In my view "alphas" are the label given to guys who do what they want and "betas" are a label for guys that do what they think others expect of them.

That mindset can definately be changed.

Keep it simple and never try to become an alpha male. Just keep trying to follow your own path and not other peoples.
This thread couldn't have come at a better time.

Right now I'm reading PITCH ANYTHING:
[ame=""] Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal (9780071752855): Oren Klaff: Books[/ame]

So far, this book is AWESOME. I thought it'd help with copywriting skills, but it's far better for IRL skills. I was just reading about some alpha-busting tactics. This book is basically "pro-style pickup artist psychology for sales guys."

Meanwhile, right now, I'm getting out of this fucked up, vague, ambiguous relationship I've found myself in. And as I'm reading this book above, I'm thinking to myself,

"Oh shit, it's been a long time since I've read any PUA stuff... but I LOVE this evolutionary psychology stuff. Do I really want to get back into this?"

And the answer is YES.

I am not normally beta, but I'm definitely not alpha either. I'm the guy who just doesn't give a fuck about either and marches to my own beat. But when I do the alpha psychology stuff, I do get the girl more often than normal. While we need to re-program our brains, we CAN change, at least a bit. Especially when the change rewards us and we work at it for a while.

So anyway, if anyone has any good books for me to get into this stuff, please send them over. I'm not talking about learning Mystery's gay ass openers from 2002. I'm talking about learning more crazy ass, control the shit out of the frame, rock someone's world psychology shit that only a true geek wants to read. Because it's interesting as hell and it's WORKED.

In the meantime, I'm gonna be reading PITCH ANYTHING and see where it applies to my social standing as well as copywriting. It's damned interesting so far and I wish I had it 6 years ago when I was getting into IRL sales job.

PS: +rep fvaldez. That needs to be posted here more often.
PPS: yuckystuff - fuck yeah. osmosis me your attitude!
Berto, I might have a few links to drop for you. There is some pretty powerful stuff out there.
I don't think Berto is looking for a PUA, but more on how to control someone at a much deeper level.
I pretty much figured those commandments out at the age of 16. They are (in general) so true it's disturbing.

And the other truth is that once you realize those commandments are true it's almost impossible to put a woman on a pedestal anyway - which makes it even easier to follow the commandments. The simple fact that most women acts in such ways makes it almost impossible for you to respect them.

Men naturally want to take care and provide for a women. Women want to to be taken care of. Men find some weakness in a women endearing and we want to help them. Women find weakness in a man disgusting and they will run at any sight of it. It's not hard keeping women off the pedestal after knowing this.

And of course nothing makes a man more attractive to a woman than another woman on the mans arm. That's pretty fucking disgusting IMO.

Anyway, this is a generalization of course. Not ALL women are like this.. prob just 90+% of the attractive ones are (i.e. those who can be). But none of this is surprising when you realize Mother Nature is a filthy whore who deserves a good donkey punch.
Personality is a persistent illusion. The true human self is homogeneous in all beings - and is infinite.

It is only tightly held conceptions that create what you think is "you."

Funniest part is, when you think you're the alpha dude with a great lifestyle and no problems, you catch the ONE girl you actually care about. You go out with her, she suddely disregards you, starts talking to other guys. Instead of ignoring that and focussing on chicks that are hitting on you, you turn beta and go jealous.

Well, this happened to me today. And I have tons of friends who are pick up coaches and I saw every logical step happen to me. Had 2 chicks hitting on me while my girl was talking to some other dudes. 2 chicks going crazy bc im not giving a flying fuck and literally telling me that they want to hook up. blah blah, I didn't care..

Now, I'm at home, fucking bored, on WF and my chick is snoring after telling me that I've been too nice to her. LOL and FML.

Moral of the story: Even when you act alpha all along.. when something hits you and you actually start caring about someone before she does it at the same level as you do.. you're fucked and out of the game. Fvalde's V. Adhere to the golden ratio is GOLD.

Honestly; The only and right way to become alpha: Don't give a fuck. Do your thing. Be a man and keep your options.
ffs did noone read the link I posted.

ALPHA'S ARE BORN NOT MADE, and this is coming from a beta. You'll only make yourself miserable trying to be what you were never meant to be. Faking takes a lot of energy, energy better spent on improving other areas of your life that will actually make you happy.

Clearly a lot of the obsession with alphaness/betaness comes from sexual repression/frustration, so here's a tip - go to Thailand or Costa Rica, spend some time with the expats there, and see if they give two shits about being "alpha" or "beta".

When you're actually plowing that tight local pussy, the very last thing on your mind will be "oh but I feel so beta because I paid for it".

Just stay away from the underage shit unless you also want to get your tight virgin anus plowed.. in prison. Over and over and over again and again and again.. fcuk just came on keyboard..
You'll only make yourself miserable trying to be what you were never meant to be.

LOL! The most retarded thing I've ever read... yeah this is exactly the 'believe/mindset' that separates the 'losers' and the 'winners'.

Leadership, picking up girls, great communication skills, making money etc... all these are just skills which you can acquire. Once you have them, you'll gain the confident that you need and will naturally be looked upon as the so-called alpha.
Oh god, I hate all this alpha/beta shit, mainly because everybody categorizes different people with an "either or" type of mentality.

Truth is, even the most alpha of motherfuckers have some beta qualities and some beta's might be some stone cold pimps under their geeky exterior. I've seen it before. I've known guys who you'd think could slay any woman they talk to, but shells up and exudes "bitchness" and therefore the chicks don't give a fuck about him. And I've also known guys who look like your typical D&D / Warhammer enthusiast who smashes poon ridiculously above his level.

Point is, you are who you are. There are obviously people who tick more boxes as an "alpha" than others, and if you can find a way to "tick more boxes" by making a conscious change, then yes. You CAN become more alpha.

But if you are dealt some shit cards in life, like being under 5'6, hit with the ugly stick, no athletic ability, really dimwitted etc. then obviously its going to be hard as fuck to tick more boxes in the "alpha" category.

However, if you are born an angry genetic freak and some Brock Lesnar / Shaq type of character without even trying, chicks will want you for having strong genes and strong demeanor. It can seem unfair, at times because it is. You can attend 30 fucking PUA seminars and still be a herb of all herbs while Lesnar smashes your high school crush.

There will ALWAYS be somebody bigger and badder and can fuck the shit out of your girlfriend better than you can even dream of, just keep that in mind, do you, and life will be better.