Can Beta become Alpha?

An alpha male isn't someone who can beat another guys ass, he's a guy who doesn't give a fuck if he can beat another guys ass. He's the guy who's going to do what he wants, when he wants it, regardless of who's standing in his way.

i'm 6'3" and 235lbs. bench 350 and front squat 400. don't need no fucking martial arts. i'll just break your neck.
[ame=""]Gracie Jiu Jitsu vs. Bodybuilder - YouTube[/ame]

What's especially impressive is that on the ground you'd expect the bigger guy to win. After all you hear lots of stories about skinny boxers ktfo'ing much bigger and stronger guys.

Admittedly a huge difference in skill level though.
What's especially impressive is that on the ground you'd expect the bigger guy to win. After all you hear lots of stories about skinny boxers ktfo'ing much bigger and stronger guys.

Admittedly a huge difference in skill level though.
you know what the difference between all that mma shit, boxing and street fighting is? RULES. no rules and brute force + size wins.
you know what the difference between all that mma shit, boxing and street fighting is? RULES. no rules and brute force + size wins.

and most of the time you are not dealing with a trained fighter in top physical condition who has the stamina to even withstand a single solid connection.
you know what the difference between all that mma shit, boxing and street fighting is? RULES. no rules and brute force + size wins.
LOL you wanna talk no rules on the street?

rock < knife < gun

And please, go start a street fight with an average amateur 150lb boxer with no more than, say, a year of full-time training/fighting. Assuming you have no MA training, I'd love to hear what happens.


^This might be staged though.
^that's the result of the hyper competitive society we live in today. Guys want to be the smartest, richest, strongest, hottest, funnest, etc... no one's ever content with what they have/are.
Motherfuckers would rather be "alpha" than cultivate wisdom and maturity.

Society is completely degrading nowadays, the level of perversion is out of control. And this is wfire, which is prolly above average joe the six pack IQ level. Imagine the average degenerates.
Every generation before us has said something to this effect: "the end is nigh, look at how degraded, chaotic and immoral society has become".

Technology has simply made so many darker parts of society much more visible not only through factual (radio, news, internet) but also fictional media (movies).

Forget about "perversion", "alphaness" or "degenerates". You're missing the big picture: power. You know why everyone in this thread can't agree on or define what an alpha male is? It's because power can be attained in different ways. Money, religious/other brainwashing, charm, intimidation, force (i.e. bigger guns), politics, technology.. the list goes on.

Point is, it all comes down to power. How will YOU gain power in this world? Money just happens to be the most liquid form of power, but is not the only (and sometimes not even the best) way.
Every generation before us has said something to this effect: "the end is nigh, look at how degraded, chaotic and immoral society has become".

Technology has simply made so many darker parts of society much more visible not only through factual (radio, news, internet) but also fictional media (movies).

Forget about "perversion", "alphaness" or "degenerates". You're missing the big picture: power. You know why everyone in this thread can't agree on or define what an alpha male is? It's because power can be attained in different ways. Money, religious/other brainwashing, charm, intimidation, force (i.e. bigger guns), politics, technology.. the list goes on.

Point is, it all comes down to power. How will YOU gain power in this world? Money just happens to be the most liquid form of power, but is not the only (and sometimes not even the best) way.

Kali Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Every generation before us has said something to this effect: "the end is nigh, look at how degraded, chaotic and immoral society has become".

Technology has simply made so many darker parts of society much more visible not only through factual (radio, news, internet) but also fictional media (movies).

Forget about "perversion", "alphaness" or "degenerates". You're missing the big picture: power. You know why everyone in this thread can't agree on or define what an alpha male is? It's because power can be attained in different ways. Money, religious/other brainwashing, charm, intimidation, force (i.e. bigger guns), politics, technology.. the list goes on.

Point is, it all comes down to power. How will YOU gain power in this world? Money just happens to be the most liquid form of power, but is not the only (and sometimes not even the best) way.
You are right about power.

However, IMO there is a flaw in thinking that power can make you Alpha. How alpha are you really if it depends on your power, money, physical strength or what have you? What happens to your alphaness if those things are gone?

I think it all comes down to confidence, maturity and wisdom. True confidence has to be independent of all external factors. True confidence has nothing to do with one's gender.
For that one need to look inside, be quiet and resolve all or most the internal glitches and internal limiting beliefs, INSTEAD of trying to gain more power and money. Cause like guerilla said you might end up being an insecure psychopath with all the power and money and I doubt that will bring you much lasting happiness. ;)
If one were to live their life with the following philosophy, then they are true alpha:

A man is said to be confirmed in spiritual knowledge when he forsaketh every desire which entereth into his heart, and of himself is happy and content in the Self through the Self. His mind is undisturbed in adversity; he is happy and contented in prosperity, and he is a stranger to anxiety, fear, and anger. When in every condition he receives each event, whether favorable or unfavorable,with an equal mind which neither likes nor dislikes, his wisdom is established, and, having met good or evil, neither rejoiceth at the one nor is cast down by the other. - Khrisna, Bhagavad Gita
of course it is... once you start improving your life it really happens on it's own.


Mad insight, bro.