Can Beta become Alpha?

Obviously dudes wanna get chicks, but at what cost? Shit like PUA manuals, rules, or mentalities just seem like manipulating dumb bitches into banging them. At the end of the day, you're the same pitiful schmuck following a blueprint for some empty, fleeting physical contact. Nothing's really changed except you feel "like a boss" and can brag to your fellow dweebs.

I don't like the mentality espoused in the sixteen rules listed above, it basically dehumanizes women to the nth degree. While I think men are generally superior in many aspects, I still eventually want to be with someone I can respect and just because so many girls seem like braindead sluts doesn't mean there aren't some real gems out there that you can develop REAL connections with. But keep following your rulebooks, WOW tards.

Obviously dudes wanna get chicks, but at what cost? Shit like PUA manuals... brag to your fellow dweebs. WOW tards.
Yep... I'd never even heard of PUA until now. Kids these days are a real bunch of fucking pussies. I am disgusted to be sharing the same earth with them.
Is this why you are disliked here? Because you tell the truth?

You are all chasing "status" by being able to brag about VOLUME of women. But what kind of status? Status given out by cattle, LOL. Do you also stop by the pasture and show off your spinning rims to the cows? This is how relevant your pursuits are. Concentrate on what you want to achieve in life - do you want to go through life banging air heads, or do you eventually want somebody of higher quality?

There aren't many out there. It's fine to practice on the air heads in your twenties IN ORDER TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU WANT IN A WOMAN, but once you do you go after that. Do you really want to lie to yourself your whole life? Do you?

Obviously dudes wanna get chicks, but at what cost? Shit like PUA manuals, rules, or mentalities just seem like manipulating dumb bitches into banging them. At the end of the day, you're the same pitiful schmuck following a blueprint for some empty, fleeting physical contact. Nothing's really changed except you feel "like a boss" and can brag to your fellow dweebs.

I don't like the mentality espoused in the sixteen rules listed above, it basically dehumanizes women to the nth degree. While I think men are generally superior in many aspects, I still eventually want to be with someone I can respect and just because so many girls seem like braindead sluts doesn't mean there aren't some real gems out there that you can develop REAL connections with. But keep following your rulebooks, WOW tards.
From a chick's perspective this is simple...

Be confident, not cocky. There is a fine line when swagger goes from appealing to being an ass.

Seriously, I have a sales guy that tends to lead towards being cocky so I made him post a sign above his desk that says "Confident, not Cocky."

Pull this off, add a solid cologne and watch the panties drop! :love-smiley-087:

With business and life in general this is the same. Who are you gonna buy your next "whatever" from? The dude that pauses a lot, has their eyes looking every which way but at you and looks disheveled or the guy that looks you in the eyes, comes across like he knows what he is talking about and is dressed like he has his shit together?
All great manipulators understand the importance of being both sides of the coin.

Understand that you are neither alpha nor beta, you're simply someone who has only mastered one part of the craft.

Become more familiar with the aggressive side of yourself, as knowing both will allow you to assess situations and let you decide which cards to play.

No one is locked into being alpha or beta, but you're naturally drawn to the one side or another.

The best practice for getting in touch with your testosterone side is making a commitment to working out and sleeping with plenty of women so that you no longer possess the desire to change for them as demonstrated by your drive to post this thread.

Not wanting to choose where to eat is fine. That doesn't make you beta.

As an alpha male, you reserve the right to delegate shitty responsibilities and things you don't want to do to the rest of your pack.

Tell your woman that choosing somewhere to eat is her responsibility. If she can't make up her mind, don't take her out to eat.

Balance this by making an effort to take her out to dinner somewhere nice occasionally to reward her good effort.
you really think paying someone to beat someone else up makes you the stronger, "alpha" man?

i don't know what all this shit is about alpha and attracting girls. skinny ass indians can get chicks, like someoen else said. there's a difference between confidence to get girls and being that one dude in the room who could kick the shit out of anyone.

You sir, are dumb as fuck. But let's go with your assertion that "alpha"ness is based on your ability to assert your will on others via direct physical violence. You do realize that the most alpha/dangerous man in the room is not the dude with the highest one rep max for bench/snatch/deadlift, right?

The most dangerous man in a given room is the man who is most proficient at using whatever weapon they have access to. For many that might just be the knowledge they have acquired through training for hand to hand combat, a knife, firearm, whatever.

You seem to be a few thousand years behind the times when it comes to what is alpha and what is beta. You, the knuckle dragging neaderthal, are the beta of the modern world and the sooner you understand that fact the sooner you can learn to be an alpha in modern society.

Also, stop worrying about other dudes so much and focus on doing you and banging chicks. You're the guy who is staring at other guys doing DLs, huh? But only so you can offer them tips on how to correct their form.... :/
Beta Males Have Lower Stress Than Alpha Males, Study Shows

beta cant become alpha because they cant take the heat

Actually, I'd say "alpha males" have more stress because they buy into this whole alpha vs. beta bullshit, and put so much time and energy into it. Reminds me of my old high school buddies. Everyone always trying to be "cooler" than the other, and it's just this huge circle-jerk of meaningless bullshit. Must suck to go through life like that, because more than likely, you wake up when you're 60 and realize you pissed away the most valuable years of your life trying to be who you thought everyone wanted you to be. That's gotta suck.

Considering this is a forum full of marketers who know full well how the media & marketing can bend your perception of reality, I'm left quite confused as how so many of you can buy into this bullshit?

This whole, "yo man, I'm alpha, because I'm just so awesome" ... is just so ... 12 year old kid playground bullshit.
Berto download Real Social Dynamics - Blueprint Decoded

Its mostly about internal game.

While this thread is bumped, figured I'd thank you for this. Been watching a video here or there, not very far yet.

Anyway, it works well for me when Tyler puts it into "Caveman" philosophies. I'm a big fan of evolutionary studies of any kind. What are women wired to desire out of men? Not looks or exactly money, but...

- Resourcefulness
- Dominance
- Fearlessness
- DICTATE REALITY and not have it DICTATED TO THEM! (my favorite - I'm big on this)

Bullet #1 shows why I need to choose where to go to dinner. I don't have to always like doing it but I'm rolling with it.

Now I see why things went so poorly with the last girl and not so much this current one, who I basically do whatever I want to in front of her. I'll continue watching. Good shit so far, thanks again.
Berto I am glad you enjoyed it. Based on one of our previous conversations about Primal lifestyle, exercising etc I knew it would hit home.

What will blow your mind is his thoughts about happiness.

I have been happy continuously since last February because I clicked. Always happy...its fucking great.
The danger is to overthink something that is supposed to be instinctual. Careful with that.

If you try too hard a girl will see right through you. IMHO.
Oh, and one more thing my children. One that I got from an old fart who had more women and children that you can imagine:

"Talk to her like she is one of your good buddies."

That will radiate confidence, real confidence.

Don't be all nicey, slimy, sweety. It comes off as fake and needy.