Can Beta become Alpha?

you really think paying someone to beat someone else up makes you the stronger, "alpha" man?

i don't know what all this shit is about alpha and attracting girls. skinny ass indians can get chicks, like someoen else said. there's a difference between confidence to get girls and being that one dude in the room who could kick the shit out of anyone.

And what kind of martial arts do you do?

If I had to choose Rogan or Zucherberg? I'd take Zucherberg without question. Not only am I a billionaire who's transforming modern communication, but I also have loads of personal details on hundreds of millions of people. Sounds pretty sweet to me.

I wouldn't be either guy, but you could definitely take traits you like from both guys and grow yourself, instead of dreaming to be a Zuckerberg or Rogan, I'd rather be myself and take inspiration from these dudes and aim to be even better than these dudes combined, because ultimately I have the choice on how I want to live my life and be remembered.

I think Rogan is a fuckin badass with the podcast, totally changing the way hundreds of thousands think, while Zuckerberg has changed the way billions stay in touch, while making plenty of bank.

Rogan also trains kettlebells, drives muscle cars, smokes weed, does psychedelics, is a BJJ brown belt, screams like a girl when a motherfucker gets hit with a overhand right and witnesses desperate chicks and dudes eat a plate full of donkey cock to win some money. So that's gotta account for something.
IV. Don’t play by her rules

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest woman and the most strident feminist wants to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the core of a healthy loving relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as a bulwark against her tempest. When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be there… strong, solid, unshakeable and immovable.

If this paragraph has any validity then it describes a parent-child type relationship not a grown-up relationship. It is as correct as exaggerated.

What is basically says - treat women like children and you'll be fine :) which is again both partly correct and partly completely exaggerated.
"IX. Connect with her emotions

Set yourself apart from other men and connect with a woman’s emotional landscape. Her mind is an alien world that requires deft navigation to reach your rendevous. Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the arid desert of logic. Be playful. Employ all your senses. Describe in lush detail scenarios to set her heart afire. Give your feelings freedom to roam. ROAM. Yes, that is a good word. You’re not on a linear path with her. You are ROAMING all over, taking her on an adventure. In this world, there is no need to finish thoughts or draw conclusions. There is only need to EXPERIENCE. You’re grabbing her hand and running with her down an infinite, labyrinthine alleyway with no end, laughing and letting your fingers glide on the cobblestone walls along the way."

This paragraph basically says: "Completely change your masculine make-up and become an emo fag." Trust me most women are not worth the trouble to play such a character COMPLETELY different from your true nature. Still the best advice is: "Be yourself". Why? Becase you will find someone who is compatible and you won't have to fake it for your entire life - If you guys want to live a lie all your lives, be my guests, but that makes you Beta not Alpha.

It's simple:

- Be nice in words, but less frequently in actions
- Don't take shit from anyone (this is Beta's MAJOR problem)
- Go out there and talk to women frequently, you'll get better at it and will find a few that you get along with

The end.
Model your sexual habits around Genghis Khan, and tell me when you're in prison for rape. As for me, I'm not alpha like Genghis Khan and I'm comfortable with that.

Clearly you've never paid for sex - the benefits are numerous. Not going to get into a debate about relationships vs prostitution though. And not sure where you get the impression of having "flat out given up" - it's just a matter of personal choice. It actually tends to be the sexually/socially inexperienced ones that have a rose-colored view of "natural" picking up and attraction - they'll soon learn that it gets old quick if you make that a significant part of your life.

It's precisely because there are so many fine things to enjoy in life that some people choose to fulfill their sexual needs in a transactional manner - that way it becomes "compartmentalized", easy to manage and they can live life to its fullest (like climbing Mount Everest if that's what rocks the particular gentleman's boat). It's actually the very opposite of "putting the pussy on a pedestal".

You know, while I don't support ME ever having to pay for it, I'll completely accept and understand your argument. I think it's an ego thing for me.

I completely understand where you're coming from, but it's about a different allocation of, should I say, "brainpower"? I've tried the "acting alpha and pua" stuff and found that yes it works if you work it, but the amount of energy that was going into it was taking away from more productive areas of my life. Sure for those who find it comes more naturally and requires less effort and actually enjoy it I say more power to you, but not everyone is wired the same way - different people have different psychological priorities/strengths/weaknesses.
We don't need to talk about me personally, but I'm not trying to become PUA. I asked for psychology books and resources because I find them fascinating, and may be able to roll the 1% that really blows my mind into my personality. This book is just really cool stuff, and I want to go deeper. I don't need the help, but it can't hurt. It's just cool stuff.

As for your time and its value, I completely agree. I have a buddy who owns a business and he admittedly said he spends 40% of his waking time actively getting laid. The dude likes variety. He crushes it on his game is next level with or without that website. But I can't feature that either.

I spend like 0.4% of my time actively chasing women. If doing things right, you can make women a part of something you're already doing. For me, that's when I'm out playing volleyball. Lots of hotties in the circuit.

End of story, both ends of the spectrum (prostitution / wasting all life reading PUA shit) are not for me. There's a good medium. I don't agree with ME paying, but I totally get your argument, especially if you're mad hustlin on business and not just being a couch potato.
Back to the argument at hand, here's a question:

I know women like men to lead. It's the whole alpha thing. But let's say it's time to make plans for dinner and drinks. I honestly hate being the leader. I don't want that responsibility/control. I'll just end up picking something I already know about instead of someone showing me something new.

I want her to tell me where we should eat.

Does that make me beta? Maybe, I don't know. I know it's not alpha. I think I'm just socially lazy sometimes. But this is where I get into trouble, because I just don't care about too much stuff whereas the woman often wants to be led.

Maybe I just need a more aggressive, ambitious girl. Usually I get along well with those types, at least for a while until we start butting heads.
But let's say it's time to make plans for dinner and drinks. I honestly hate being the leader. I don't want that responsibility/control. I'll just end up picking something I already know about instead of someone showing me something new.

I want her to tell me where we should eat.

Does that make me beta? Maybe, I don't know. I know it's not alpha. I think I'm just socially lazy sometimes. But this is where I get into trouble, because I just don't care about too much stuff whereas the woman often wants to be led.

Maybe I just need a more aggressive, ambitious girl. Usually I get along well with those types, at least for a while until we start butting heads.

Yes. That's a huge turn off for a lot of women for sure. In fact a friend of mine got dumped recently, and one of the reasons was exactly like what you just described, because he always let her decide where to go eat. True story. What did he know? He was just trying to be the nice guy and always pleasing. The girl is the aggressive/alpha type so I think you got to be even more 'alpha' than her if you want her to stay attracted to you.
You are what you believe you are, and beliefs are not solid... That's all you need to know.

You act out your expectations in the world and the world in turn is giving you what you expect.
This is because subconsciously trough body language etc. you're communicating how you feel about yourself to others. So you're actually telling other people that you're a beta male...
You may not say it out laud, but your body language, the way you act and other subtleties say it.
This alpha/beta labeling is getting annoying because of how general it is, there are way too many variables to polarize guys like that. Besides, the definitions are too loose- are we talking about the ability to get girls or personality traits? Either way, you can't just put every guy into one of the two camps- most guys don't wholly fit either definition.

I've seen many effective methods of catching poon in action, the "cold macho no-shit-from-anybody beef jerky chewing gun collecting bench pressing collar popping sports watching female exploiting" approach certainly works, but that's not everybody's style, and there is a vast pool of girls who see right through that shit and consider guys like that obnoxious.

Sometimes you have to be cunning, sometimes you have to act like a pussy to get pussy. It's not as black and white as you think, a good 'nice guy' or even a well-played 'mysterious guy' routine can get you laid like a motherfucker, but you need to have good social skills to pull it off. You don't need social grace to appear 'alpha' to people, you just have to act entitled and better than everyone else. You have to pump up your ego to fit the 'alpha' bill. Like I said, that's not some people's style.

There's plenty of room for the quiet and reserved thinker in the world of poon, but not for the coward (mostly). I encourage you to rethink what you mean by beta/alpha, their current use is far too blanketed to mean much.

And as far as I'm concerned, the OP of this thread doesn't know shit about human behavior, he sounds like Vin Diesel teaching a philosophy class.

You could always email Oren Klaff and ask for a reading list. I am pretty sure you wouldn't be the first person to do so.
getting chicks doesn't make you alpha. being able to beat another guy's ass makes you alpha. any retard can get a girl. fuck bitches.


This looks very impressive. However, you should note that gorillas are near to extinction, whereas we humans, who are puny by comparison, notably aren't.