Did Everquest pop your MMO cherry? Are you tired of WoW and its copycats dumbing down your MMO experience? Have you never played EQ but want to see what all the fuss is about? Do you sometimes have nightmares about running around naked trying to find your corpse in the middle of West Karana?
Project 1999 is a free emulated Everquest server (run through eqemulator.org) that has been developed to recreate the original Everquest experience as accurately as possible. It is the result of a demand for reliving the classic age of Everquest, that is, Vanilla through Velious, that Sony is unable or unwilling to meet. You may have heard of Sony's progression or EQMac servers. EQMac has both the Luclin and Planes of Power expansions which, love them or hate them, are not part of classic Everquest. The progression servers have many of the new features of contemporary EQ built in, which, for many of us nostalgic old-timers, makes playing on them completely undesirable. Project 1999 eliminates these features as much as possible and overall is the most accurate classic experience currently available.
That said, Project 1999 is a work in progress based off the Everquest Titanium client. There are some legal limitations for the developers, especially when it comes to modifying the client. The Vanilla-look client can't be hardcoded, though people have come up with UIs that make your client look Velious era, or even Vanilla-era to some degree. Also, there are some intentional differences, mostly ones designed to prevent faction/experience/plat grinding exploits, protect the economy, and keep the raid scene from getting too awful. There are a few weird/random things that aren't classic, but for the most part, the developers do a good job making things feel right.
The community of classic Everquest has been recreated to a large degree and most people are polite, friendly, and at least somewhat concerned with their character's reputation. Unfortunately, due to people's more recent experience with games that give you whatever content you want on a silver (instanced) platter, you will occasionally run into people who will attempt to bully, rules-lawyer, or grief you out of a camp or group. This is most noticeable at high-value item camps that are fairly easily soloable by lots of different classes, but is thankfully not a general problem. The endgame raiding scene is extremely competitive, much more so than most live servers, which has led to strained and at times openly hostile relationships between the various top raiding guilds. Raid guild drama is pretty darn classic and this server has it in spades, both in game and on the forums. There are guilds that raid casually, though these guilds tend not to kill as many of the most desirable mobs. There are leveling guilds and community guilds as well if that's more your speed.
The population has recently taken a hit due to the release of Diablo 3 and the (hopefully temporary) exodus of a number of long-time players to EQMac until Velious gets released on P99. Right now, there's around 300 people online on average with peak hours getting up near 500 and off hours dipping to 100. However, due to strict policies against multi-boxing accounts, almost all characters are unique players, which greatly encourages grouping. Recently there's been an upswing in the low-mid level population, so it's a good time to start playing. The high level game is rather sparse compared to a few months ago, but there's still plenty of opportunities to get leveling groups, especially if you join a guild.
CURRENT PROGRESSION (June 12th, 2012): Kunark + Epics
The server has been running publicly since Fall 2009. The plane of fear was introduced during the following winter. Hate was opened (with a Bloody Kithicor event) in Feb 2010, which was shortly followed by the opening of the Temple of Solusek Ro and the first mid-level class armor sets, as well as the removal of dropped items like Rubicite, Manastone, Guise of the Deceiver, and Journeyman Boots (go here for a more complete list - JBoots are now a quest result of course). The Plane of Sky and The Hole were made available later in 2010. In the spring of 2011, Kunark was released, and not long after some drops were removed (check the above link for details). Most recently, Veeshan's Peak was opened and the original class Epic Quests were implemented.
Here are some things that are still in: Class/Race XP penalties, original Fear and Hate mobs/gods, level capped (52 max) Nagafen/Vox raids, original epic mobs (Ragefire is still in SolB for instance), and pre-revamp zones like Cazic Thule, Chardok, Droga, etc. If you have a specific question about progression, ask in the thread.
There's a very good guide to getting started here:
Project 1999 Guidebook - Project 1999
If you're even a little technically proficient that should work just fine. However, there is an easier and more convenient way!
1. Find yourself a copy of Everquest: Titanium, and do a clean install (note, do not install in 'program files' or another protected directory in Windows 7/Vista if you want to be able to use combat logs or take screenshots).
2. Create a forum account and a loginserver account at
EQEmulator See steps 2 and 3 here for more information.
3. Download and use Duxa's All in One Installer:
This method gives you a launcher that will check for updates, automatically fixes a number of issues that result from running EQ on a multicore CPU, and also lets you implement a lot of classic tweaks without much effort. If you're playing on more than one emulated Everquest server, this is highly recommended.
Project 1999 includes both a "blue" (PVE) server and a more recently released "red" (PVP) server. Though, like the red server, it doesn't appear to be very active at the moment. I will say that Red99 recently had some changes made to the XP system to promote faster leveling at low levels and less grind overall, so if that appeals to you it might be worth a look. Red99 is behind Blue99 in progression as well and is still pre-Kunark. Check the red thread or the official forums for more info.
Project 1999 has strict policies regarding all of the above. Here's a rundown of some of the more common offenses and how they're handled.
3rd party "cheating" software (Macroquest, ShowEQ) = Ban, *HIGH* enforcement + automatic detection - This server has far better hack/cheat detection than anything Sony ever ran. If you run this stuff, even for some benign reason, you will get caught and you will get banned. It's honestly one of the best reasons to play on p1999 over some of the other available classic-ish options out there.
2-Boxing (more than one character per player) = Ban, high enforcement - It is not possible to log in more than one account from the same IP address without a special exemption. Sure, it would be nice if you could mule items, port and powerlevel yourself, but this rule is what ultimately encourages grouping at all levels. The community would be much less classic-like without this rule. GMs have gotten pretty good about catching people who try to get around this with proxies and cell-phone tethering etc. and the community helps to police it.
Real Money Trading (trading in game stuff for out of game stuff) = Ban, low enforcement - This rule used to get enforced much more rigorously than it currently does. That said, please do not use this thread for RMT. If you must mix with free pixels, just google Project 1999 RMT and you should find what you're looking for. Note to buyers: almost all enforcement of this rule is buyer oriented, so beware - you can lose your P99 character/items/plat and they will still get to keep your dolla bills,WoW/D3 gold, Isk, etc. I know exactly one person who managed to get his money back from a RMT that resulted in a ban.
See here for more rules info:
Project 1999 Guidebook - Project 1999
If you want to play with people who share your IP address, you will need to apply for an IP exemption here:
Project 1999 - Announcements in Forum : Petition / Exploit Note: this can take a few weeks to go through.
You will be able to find some good item and quest info on current EQ fansites like Allakhazam, but some of it is wrong for P99's take on classic EQ. Here are some classic and server-specific resources.
Best resource site - Official P99 Wiki:
Project 1999 Wiki
Maps - EQAtlas mirror:
EQ Atlas
Spells - Classic through Luclin spell list (ignore Velious and Luclin spells for now):
Auction trackers - the official wiki has prices for many items on each individual item's page, but many of them are out of date or have been manipulated by the people who upload logs. I'd recommend this tracker instead:
a hungry dot com - Eqauctions. You can also check out the East Commonlands subforum on the P99 website.
Goon-written project 1999 FAQ:
Project 1999 F.A.Q. - Project 1999
P1999/Everquest Beginner's Guide - very useful if you never played EQ at all or during the classic era:
Feel free to ask any other questions in this thread or on the official P1999 forums:
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If you're having trouble getting the game to run or want more info on modified UIs and other technical stuff, check out the stickies in the Tech Discussion forum:
Technical Discussion - Project 1999