You Bitched, We Listened. Sorta.

Closing up the old threads will really be a slap for providers like me who have been running services since early 2008! god damn it's like 3 years now.

I have the following suggestions.

a) Keep the old threads open and charge something monthly or set up a subscription so that the providers can keep them running as they want to.

b) Auto-Closing of the threads and referencing your Old threads is definitely going to be a big mess.

c) Charge something like low $XXX to create a new service thread in the marketplace and then charge $XX per month subscription to keep it running, why not do that. It's capitalism at its best and let the fittest survive.

Let's see the reaction to my comments now.


Red definitely has a point here. If you read closely, members aren't upset by the fee but what ticks them off the most is having to make another thread. The review copies that we give out is what really gets our service going. By the time we are done giving out review copies, the 10 days is almost over. Hmm, why not pay for a full 30 days or maybe 3 months in advance? Just a thought!

Closing up the old threads will really be a slap for providers like me who have been running services since early 2008! god damn it's like 3 years now.

I have the following suggestions.

a) Keep the old threads open and charge something monthly or set up a subscription so that the providers can keep them running as they want to.

b) Auto-Closing of the threads and referencing your Old threads is definitely going to be a big mess.

c) Charge something like low $XXX to create a new service thread in the marketplace and then charge $XX per month subscription to keep it running, why not do that. It's capitalism at its best and let the fittest survive.

Let's see the reaction to my comments now.


I agree with everything you have said except for the amount to charge.

There are some threads on here (including mine) where we sell services for cheaper than the bigger threads that have built up a reputation and offer multiple scaling packages that cost more. Smaller services (while people may not like them, think they get in the way, think only bitches run them, etc...) allow the noobies (or even experienced guys) who are tight on cash to get something, that will help them get the push of promoting their site(s), without breaking the bank. In my situation, I would love to offer bigger services, however, its just not possible with my full-time job, 7 month old, and other commitments I have outside of the internet, so I rely on my smaller services (that are much easier for me to manage) to earn me a few bucks every day.

While I have not been on this forum for very long, I really do like it, and I am afraid that with these changes, it will push us smaller service sellers out of the forum completely.

Perhaps these suggestions could be taken into consideration:

1. An option for us smaller service thread guys that would allow us to pay month by month to keep our threads open, while still allowing us to keep our prices low, but still providing revenue to the forum. A pricing example would be $33.00 per month (this equates to $396/per year).

2. A yearly service thread subscription. Where the heavy hitters of this forum who offer more expensive services could purchase a subscription that costs more, but would be offered a discount for paying for a full year in advance. Using the pricing scale as above, if you paid a year in advance, you could get a discount of $50.00/off or something like that.

I also wonder if it would be possible to make "small incentives" on your threads that you can pay for on a case by case basis in order to promote your thread.


1. Paying $x to have your thread become a sticky for however many days you want to pay for it.

2. Making a rotating banner that would display on all threads throughout the forum to showcase services.

3. Having the ability to pay to edit the thread

I think I am so concerned/saddened by this change and take it a little bit personally is because I love to offer my services to people. I don't make a huge profit off of my services (because of the nature of them), but its nice to be able to offer something to someone that helps them in one way or another, and even though I don't make that much, I still make a few bucks. I am very fortunate to have found this forum, and to get a good response for a service like mine that is relatively small compared to the other services on this forum.

I hope that this whole thing gets figured out soon. Like I said, I am very fortunate to have found this forum, and to be able to post my services for as long as I did for no charge.

That being said, I am all for paying to setup threads, I just wish there could be other options for the services that are small(er) like mine.

Thank you,

Closing up the old threads will really be a slap for providers like me who have been running services since early 2008! god damn it's like 3 years now.

I have the following suggestions.

a) Keep the old threads open and charge something monthly or set up a subscription so that the providers can keep them running as they want to.

b) Auto-Closing of the threads and referencing your Old threads is definitely going to be a big mess.

c) Charge something like low $XXX to create a new service thread in the marketplace and then charge $XX per month subscription to keep it running, why not do that. It's capitalism at its best and let the fittest survive.

Let's see the reaction to my comments now.


I agree 100% and since most of us want to keep our old threads, Brandon mentioned that they're working on a solution.
I agree 100% and since most of us want to keep our old threads, Brandon mentioned that they're working on a solution.

I've read everything from page to the last post and was trying to look for an alternative to this but haven't seen it. So I'll be waiting for brandon as well. This changes are really good but I'll wait for something better.

$36 is a nothing compared on what you can make in the BST section and if you really provide really good shit.

The 10 day rule is also good, just import the testimonials from the old thread to a new one while providing the link to the testi. Another work yes but that's how it goes. It will be better because a new picky customers will have the chance to see the testimonials rather than browse to every single page that you have and look for something. Now they can look at it on 1 page.

Just one question. What difference will it make if the 10 day rule will be extended to 30 day as Zingo mentioned? I'll pay monthly if that's the case. It'll be much better to have an option for sellers like:

Option 1: $36 for 10 days
Option 2: $108 for 30 days

Then restart a new thread or renew. If Jon's decision is final then I'm good with it. Just adapt!
but still crossing my fingers for brandon :D

I think I've read most of your concerns here on the other thread and you have been answered right? Why post it again here and adding more shit?

I agree with everything you have said except for the amount to charge.
There are some threads on here (including mine) where we sell services for cheaper than the bigger threads that have built up a reputation and offer multiple scaling packages that cost more. Smaller services (while people may not like them, think they get in the way, think only bitches run them, etc...) allow the noobies (or even experienced guys) who are tight on cash to get something, that will help them get the push of promoting their site(s), without breaking the bank. In my situation, I would love to offer bigger services, however, its just not possible with my full-time job, 7 month old, and other commitments I have outside of the internet, so I rely on my smaller services (that are much easier for me to manage) to earn me a few bucks every day.
Back onto this topic here, stop complaining. If you sell something and you really can't make over $100 a month from it, then this place is not for you.

While I have not been on this forum for very long, I really do like it, and I am afraid that with these changes, it will push us smaller service sellers out of the forum completely.
I disagree with you because if you're really serious on what you do a $5 service can turn into a $50 a day. Your stuff, but as you mentioned
its just not possible with my full-time job, 7 month old, and other commitments I have outside of the internet,
<-- Old grown excuses! and for your info I have a 9 month old, other commitments, social life and a fulltime job. but still making more than a thousand a month here by providing good stuff. IM not comparing just saying that youre excuses are lame and old.

Perhaps these suggestions could be taken into consideration:1. An option for us smaller service thread guys that would allow us to pay month by month to keep our threads open, while still allowing us to keep our prices low, but still providing revenue to the forum. A pricing example would be $33.00 per month (this equates to $396/per year).
2. A yearly service thread subscription. Where the heavy hitters of this forum who offer more expensive services could purchase a subscription that costs more, but would be offered a discount for paying for a full year in advance. Using the pricing scale as above, if you paid a year in advance, you could get a discount of $50.00/off or something like that.
I also wonder if it would be possible to make "small incentives" on your threads that you can pay for on a case by case basis in order to promote your thread.
IE:1. Paying $x to have your thread become a sticky for however many days you want to pay for it.
2. Making a rotating banner that would display on all threads throughout the forum to showcase services.
This update was done to avoid people from registering and posting new services on the BST section. It will provide Mods "more time" to focus on other things rather than spend the time with the Banhammer. If all of these suggestions will be taken to place Mods will have more work than ever before. Might as well stick to the old one rather than implementing all of these.

Also Ask Jon about the "rotating banner" shit you are suggesting. I've been in the forums for quite a while. Been a lurker for a year before registering and have never experienced or see any shitty banners selling stuff like Wafo has and as I read on Jon's posts it will never happen.

3. Having the ability to pay to edit the thread

I think I am so concerned/saddened by this change and take it a little bit personally is because I love to offer my services to people. I don't make a huge profit off of my services (because of the nature of them), but its nice to be able to offer something to someone that helps them in one way or another, and even though I don't make that much, I still make a few bucks. I am very fortunate to have found this forum, and to get a good response for a service like mine that is relatively small compared to the other services on this forum.

This is the shit that made me reply to your post. You asked this in Zingo's thread. And you have been answered by "using a picture for your price list uploaded on your server" so that if you need to change anything you can easily change them. This has been answered Am I correct and you agreed right?

We are all waiting for something better! yes we all are!
but please stop giving out complications and stop giving more shit than solutions that will help sort out the issue.

It starts when a few members start bitching over competition from newbies even while raking in dollars from $xx,xxx businesses established via free advertising provided by admins. The admins are fed up and put up a quick solution which ends up hurting everyone in the end.
Overall I like this idea. Raise the bar and eliminate alot of the issues. Besides WickedFire costs a lot to host and run, I have run forums before, not this big, but its a pain in both cost and time. The forum should pay for itsself and maybe even make a few bucks for the people who have to put in all the time.

I for one am very grateful for WickedFire being here, I have made thousands of dollars on this forum, and I am all for giving back and weeding out stupidness all at the same time.
If this whole shenanigans taught me anything, it's that I'm going to be raising my rates significantly. Can't wait to see how the content forum shakes out price-wise...
So much nicer here without all the shitty SEO threads and broke ass content provider threads. Instead of crying like a bunch of little bitches I'd like to take a moment and thank Jon for taking steps to making the forum experience more positive.
If this whole shenanigans taught me anything, it's that I'm going to be raising my rates significantly. Can't wait to see how the content forum shakes out price-wise...
Quality is a great way to counter price sensitivity. There is always a market for quality content at a higher rate. In fact, most of the high rate guys are so booked I can't send them any work.

Why some of you guys nickel and dimed for so long with beggar rates is beyond me.
I am providing my opinion to help keep costs low, and provide the forum a way to earn the revenue that they desire... If they don't like my opinion, they don't have to read my posts, nor do you.
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Quality is a great way to counter price sensitivity. There is always a market for quality content at a higher rate. In fact, most of the high rate guys are so booked I can't send them any work.

Why some of you guys nickel and dimed for so long with beggar rates is beyond me.

This x 1000.

When I did servicing, the more I raised my rates, the better clients, workload, and less BS I got from shitty clients looking for bottom of the barrel.

SEOM: Looking at your rates, I see why you're so gungho on the process here - dude you're going to learn one day soon that whoring your talents for pennies like you're doing in that rate card is going to keep you plateau'd in this industry forever bitching about pricing.

If you put up a thread (maybe you did) when this shit was first activated, and had a good service - you'd be getting your return + profit by now. If not - you'd be forced to identify different service offerings and adapt to the market to continue to service clients with either bigger packages or longer runs (no homo).

Also: Many people here run big offers who bank well, and they hire guys that hire you, and or encourage affiliates to hire you. We filter out the cheapest guys just for that reason. My brands are sensitive and being in servicing back in my day I HATE when people undercut the industry then bitch that they don't make enough i.e. to upkeep with their forum advertising costs.

Not trying to pick a fight - but guys like me will much quicker leave WF altogether to look for providers than hire shitty people that can't flip their $36, or I have to read/vet 80 threads to find a good one - fuck that I'm gone. And right now I'm looking to hire people, BECAUSE there is at least a filter here now. This should help you make more money (or figure out a way to adapt so you can - it might even be what finally forces you to get to your next level), pouting all the way until it happens I suppose.

I'd MUCH rather look through a directory of services that have cutout the guys who undercut the market, and that value their services knowing their worth and lessening the chance of bullshittery in my shopping here.

EDIT: and that tag never gets old :)
Not that my opinion means shit, but I'll throw my hat in the ring with the majority. Payment is great idea, but 10 day closure rule is retarded. Doesn't really matter to me, as I only sell here maybe once every 4 - 8 weeks, and make my handful of WF sales.

Sometimes it takes people a week or two to get around my software enough to post a review about it. Now they won't even be able to post a review.
This x 1000.

When I did servicing, the more I raised my rates, the better clients, workload, and less BS I got from shitty clients looking for bottom of the barrel.

SEOM: Looking at your rates, I see why you're so gungho on the process here - dude you're going to learn one day soon that whoring your talents for pennies like you're doing in that rate card is going to keep you plateau'd in this industry forever bitching about pricing.

If you put up a thread (maybe you did) when this shit was first activated, and had a good service - you'd be getting your return + profit by now. If not - you'd be forced to identify different service offerings and adapt to the market to continue to service clients with either bigger packages or longer runs (no homo).

Also: Many people here run big offers who bank well, and they hire guys that hire you, and or encourage affiliates to hire you. We filter out the cheapest guys just for that reason. My brands are sensitive and being in servicing back in my day I HATE when people undercut the industry then bitch that they don't make enough i.e. to upkeep with their forum advertising costs.

Not trying to pick a fight - but guys like me will much quicker leave WF altogether to look for providers than hire shitty people that can't flip their $36, or I have to read/vet 80 threads to find a good one - fuck that I'm gone. And right now I'm looking to hire people, BECAUSE there is at least a filter here now. This should help you make more money (or figure out a way to adapt so you can - it might even be what finally forces you to get to your next level), pouting all the way until it happens I suppose.

I'd MUCH rather look through a directory of services that have cutout the guys who undercut the market, and that value their services knowing their worth and lessening the chance of bullshittery in my shopping here.

EDIT: and that tag never gets old :)

I hope you're right, and that other buyers think the same way. I had some excellent reviews in my previous sales thread -- and would have to guess at least 40% of the private messages I received were from people low-balling, or trying to get bulk rates for small jobs.

I'm warming to this change. Hopefully, the people that are demanding an end to the "bottom of the barrel" services will be willing to prove it and pay according to quality; as opposed to looking for the cheapest crap they can find.
For WF I'd eat the 30 something bucks.. but it'd be nice if the vendor who posted in this thread would respond to my PM's or email.

Dude let me know if I need to find someone else -- and if you need the 30 bucks that bad, fuckin keep it.
Glad to see this happening.

I was a serial purchaser of services/products until I just got burned out trying to navigate the great providers vs. the crappy ones.

Looks like I'll be giving the BST a look see again.......