Xrumer Blast — 10 000 valid profiles

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I want to make a notice.

I faced with some difficulties registering gmail account, so i will be using another mail domain. But xrumer removes all letters after activation. So I will not give you email with report, profiles list only.

I also got one of the reviews, and this one basically exactly summarizes my experience with the service. For $20 it's a great deal.
Just an update to this - every couple of days I check site explorer for links, and every day the total number of links is growing. Right now I'd say about 60% are a direct result of this blast.
Can you do this with multiple URLs? Example: if I have 400 properties pointing to my money site, can the 10,000 links be spread up upon those 400 property URLs?
Ryabinchik did a great job with what I asked of him. I asked him to use a variety of URLs with a variety of anchors and this is exactly what I received.

I checked the list of profiles I received and there was a good mix of english and non-english forums, and all of the profiles were accessable.

From the sample I tested there were a good number of domains with PR. I saw one PR 5 and a number of 3 & 4.

He also communicates well in english over ICQ and seems like a nice guy.

I would definitely use his services again.
tried one of these services before and I guess I'm wondering how well do they stick.. not here to hijack just asking that's all
payment sent. Hope to hear good news from you soon :)

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Sent to: konstantin Schwabauer
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