Will IM Be Your Career?

Will IM Be Your Career?

  • Yes. I will rely on IM earnings

    Votes: 168 48.8%
  • No. It is a stepping stone to bigger things.

    Votes: 176 51.2%

  • Total voters
but anyways riddarhussetbitch, keep spittin' out your garbage statistics since it makes you sound smart to those who don't know any better. keep on rackin' up those rep points from the indians and DP converts.

It won't last for life due to people helping noobs. For some reason when people make money "online" they feel the need to bring everyone and their dog in until whatever it is dies. Eventually there will be 5x, 10x, 100x, or even 1,000x the people running campaigns. It will kill ROI

Thus I why I prefer to flame noobs instaid of help them. I have owned programs, ran different things, been in different markets for about 14 years and it happens every single time.

Everyone is going to have a different opinion on this. I have nothing against helping people, but I still understand 100% what you're saying and of course I'd love to keep competition low.

True story, just being devil's advocate- about 6-7 years ago when I knew absolutely nothing about affiliate marketing, an aquaintance showed me some methods he was using to make a ton of cash from IM. The things he taught me had us both banking for a few years. It eventually dried up, and I invested some of my money into learning PPC. Once I figured out how to make it work for me, I shared that info with him and now we are both doing well again. I'm sure this is probably a rare situation, but I 100% believe that favors can go a really long way in this biz.
Once I figured out how to make it work for me, I shared that info with him and now we are both doing well again. I'm sure this is probably a rare situation, but I 100% believe that favors can go a really long way in this biz.
sharing info with a close friend is totally different than posting it on a public forum. glowleaf claims i have no sense of perspective for thinking like this, but he obviously cannot perceive the amount of lurkers who just leech info off of here. "oh the internet and world are so big and vast", he says. no, they are not.
[FONT=&quot]Stop it already and just send me all your campaign’s data by PM [/FONT]:D
[FONT=&quot]Seriously, I answered no.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I'm just in IM so I can make monies to pursue my dream: complete world domination and everlasting life.[/FONT]
Yes, I plan to build business systems around Affiliate marketing. It makes
for inexpensive testing before launching an expensive project/business.
It is also damn good cashflow.

Growing my "what I do" out of a self-employed, paid solely on my efforts
mentality was a major stepping stone wealth wise. My cashflow took a hit
for a while. However, because I spent money on building a team and systems
(in which employees know my tricks btw) the cashflow keeps growing without
my direct involvement.

A market does not dry up because "secrets" are exposed. The method
might. Competition brings about a better method. Better products.
Better business people.

A mentality that is hoarding and scarcity oriented (as demonstrated above) is
full of negativity, victimhood, and angst. But it sure makes for a good laugh.
However, because I spent money on building a team and systems
(in which employees know my tricks btw) the cashflow keeps growing without
my direct involvement.

A market does not dry up because "secrets" are exposed. The method
might. Competition brings about a better method. Better products.
Better business people.
you'll see. i had an employer with "secrets" and systems. now he's bankrupt and i'm making money.
They did a study that showed a striking statistic: the average person's income is approximately equal to the AVERAGE (aka mean) of his/her 10 closest associates....the implication here is that the more people close to you doing well, the better you'll do financially....and the deeper you look it also implies that the more people your friends help because you helped them, the higher they'll income will be and by a law of social action, the higher your income will be.

You're looking at this the wrong way. This is an effect, not a cause. You can't turn it around to say that simply by surrounding yourself with successful people you will become successful yourself. That statistic is redundant imo.

It's as if one did a study showing that if you live in an apartment in a city, you're very likely to be surrounded by people who also live in an apartment in the very same city.

That said, I believe the premise of helping each other, but for the simple reason that you have to give in order to receive. This kind of social reciprocation is the law of social action you referenced.
sharing info with a close friend is totally different than posting it on a public forum. glowleaf claims i have no sense of perspective for thinking like this, but he obviously cannot perceive the amount of lurkers who just leech info off of here. "oh the internet and world are so big and vast", he says. no, they are not.

Ok, let me rephrase that. If you are a copying monkey with no brains and imagination, and you simply do what some guru has leaked and you make money for a while, only to see it dry up next month and you go looking for more spoonfed methods, then yes, there is competition.

If you have brains and imagination, you will have FUCKING 200+ wannado projects on your list and not enough lifetimes to develop them all.
I currently rely on my IM earnings to provide for my family, however it's not my plan on being a IMer for life.

My goal is to be able to use a portion of my IM earnings to buy real estate which doesn't get google slapped :)

I feel the same way others do in this thread about newbies.....

Real Estate is one of the best examples to what happens when too many newbies get in a market.......it crashes. I met a guy who went to FL in 2002 and bought a house close to the beach for $250k , lived in it for 4 years & then sold it for over $750k...That's more than $100k a year for not really doing anything. In fact, i've met many people like him....most are flipping burgers now, some are doing well still , however the majority still are.

Now i'm getting the same feeling with IM , however I feel like i'm getting into it around the 2002-2003 time frame compared to real estate, just getting hot and (unfortunately) attracting attention of more and more people. EVENTUALLY it WILL get oversaturated to the point many will be forced out due to competetion. A smaller group of people I'm sure will do be doing great or better than they are now, however those will be the real innovators in the industry and not the copy-and-paste types.

I agree with the poster about Bill Gates, however Bill Gates didn't give out free copies of windows either. Having connections to people in this biz , and helping those who warrant the help is a great thing.

There's a few that absolutely hate me *Caugh* Nickycakes *caugh* due to the fact when I first started IM I kept asking questions over and over again of every possible magnitude for IM......Guess what, I got the answers to all my stupid questions and up untill a few weeks ago , I was banking HARD due to my persistence of begging.........IMO it shouldn't be this easy to get good information.
I have genuine enthusiasm for this business, this site and the future of AM. Unfortunately, while I have knowledge of SEO, PPC and site-building I'm not a master of any of those things, so not making much money. I hope to master something, anything at all and build on it as a portable income wherever I am and whatever else I'm doing. I started knowing *nothing* and somebody had to explain to me what affiliate marketing is.

As for helping noobs, I don't believe in being stingy with knowledge and try to pass along things I've learned because many people have helped me. Noobs tend to drop out anyway if they can't take the confusion (which had me in knots for months). I guess the inane dickrolling helps thin the herd somewhat.

There should be a third option in the poll for those who would like to combine AM with other things they're doing, which is the option I'd choose.
you'll see. i had an employer with "secrets" and systems. now he's bankrupt and i'm making money.

1-I would not hire someone like you or me. 2-If your employer went
bankrupt because of one employee then your employer deserved to
go under and hell you are to be congratulated for killing off a
weaker player. Innovate or die. If your projection is right about
me (which is speculation based on no knowledge of my methods
or even what space I am in-so pretty much worthless) then I
deserve to be taken out of the game too.

No biggie, learn, grow, get back in the game. I believe the money
streams are massive. Few want to pay the price and put in
the hard work to sustain the streams. Thus why so many
start ubercamping.
Bahhhhhhh ....

Just came home from a casino poker session, I'm down $500.

Could've bought a nice gun with that money ...

With that said, I don't think I can hustle at the poker table anymore.

Getting sick of grinding and downswings.