Will IM Be Your Career?

Will IM Be Your Career?

  • Yes. I will rely on IM earnings

    Votes: 168 48.8%
  • No. It is a stepping stone to bigger things.

    Votes: 176 51.2%

  • Total voters

I said yes, it hopefully will become my career. I'm a college student majoring in Marketing, so I'm trying to make this Internet marketing work for me for real.

One thing I enjoy about IM is that it rewards those who are smartest with the most monetary compensation. It's a ranking system that most nations' lack (see the salaries of schoolteachers against that of professional sports players). I like the odds wen they're stacked in our favor.
I plan on sticking to what I know best and scaling scaling scaling. There is always diversification in mind (and in action). I've always wanted to own a tangible business - ideally cash based.

I have several ideas rolling around in my head, but for now it's IM (and has been for years) and I'll continue doing what i'm good at. I can't spread myself any thinner these days.
It's a very lucrative career for many and for me, it sure is looking to be that way. Real jobs are almost chump change as compared to the profit I know I could make online. The thing about a job outside of the internet though is stability. With marketing on the internet or marketing in any sense it could go one way or another and you take a risk in just about everything you do.
I plan to milk this internet stuff for as long as I can make good money doing it, or until I become super depressed and then I'll use all the monies I've made online to go into something like real estate.

Make internet monies -> buy commercial real estate + start a franchise ?
I'll be direct marketing for life.

The internet is just a medium, albeit an awesome one. But it's not the only medium, and media evolves. I'll evolve with it.

In response to the "giving out tips" debate. On one hand I'm not giving out my money makers for free.... On the other hand I believe if you look at things from a standpoint of what you can give to the world, as opposed to what you can take from it, you'll be much more successful.

Slinging scam re-bill offers is shortsighted money. Bringing value to the world is how you get rich.

So AM for life.... Not necessarily, I can't predict the future. Trading value for money on the other hand is a "trick" that's worked since the dawn of civilization.

I'll probably step out to try something new and then see how I feel after that. I may come back to it after that, I may not. I'll just have to see.
You are not the smartest person, there is always someone smarter then you. Some smart people are just starting out and they don't know the processes that you are so used to over years of doing it.

So, when they come here and ask something (usually with specific method in mind explained) you, as an experienced marketer, will recognize the potential much faster then "the noob" will ever get a chance to squeeze it out of its juice and full potential. I think this is why its good to help out people starting out, apart from moral satisfaction and the fact, that someone helped you when you were starting out so you want to accumulate some karma points.

Competition is never a bad thing. You just need to evolve and not be lazy, think of new stuff, innovate.

That's basically what black hatters are doing with new methods and new approaches. Trying to get them saturated and help people get into it, thus making them money, so google or any other search engine get swamped and not able to keep up with new shitstorm.
It won't last for life due to people helping noobs. Eventually there will be 5x, 10x, 100x, or even 1,000x the people running campaigns. It will kill ROI

Absolutely - every area of business, including IM, has cycles and the peak of the cycle is when everyone and their dog, as you said, have a piece of the action. Then shake out occurs and those that don't have fortified, diversified and innovative positions within the market will lose. Then the top players will own the industry for awhile until it begins to grow again in a different way and eventually shake out again.

The continuous market cycles are why businesses must have negative entropy to succeed. If you're not battling the effects of stagnation constantly, your business (big or small) will rot away and you'll be one of the victims rather than one of the winners.

Personally, my husband does the IM and he's riding it out as long as the cash cow keeps giving milk. I don't do much IM personally - I prefer a different form of making money online. But our plan is to use what we know and begin building a brick and mortar in our area that deals with software, PC and networking issues and use the internet primarily as a marketing tool since even the big boys around here still resort to road signs to get their name out there.
I do it for the 20 hour stints on front of a cpu.
I've been doing this for 12 years now, and am earning more working PT online than I ever did in a J.O.B. So, yes... I expect I'll do this till I retire young to travel the world.