Will IM Be Your Career?

Will IM Be Your Career?

  • Yes. I will rely on IM earnings

    Votes: 168 48.8%
  • No. It is a stepping stone to bigger things.

    Votes: 176 51.2%

  • Total voters

yep... i don't understand why people try to help each other "make money" myself. maybe they think they're building their reputation in hopes of becoming some super duper blogger some day? if someone gives out help because they're feeling nice... well, that's just retarded. that info might not hurt your bottom line now, but it could in the future. i can understand affiliate network managers giving out tips because they think sounding knowledgeable will bring in business, but other than that it makes no sense to help others in this industry. if someone wants to help others so much, maybe they should move to africa and feed starving children.

People like you have no sense of perspective. The planet earth is BIG. The Internet is BIG. It is so fucking BIG, your tiny 1kg brain cannot fathom its enormousness. Sure, I will never give out my cashcows, I'm not a fool, but telling people how to do some tricks is a good thing. There are hundreds of countries, hundreds of languages to market to. Millions of niches, and infinite combinations of possible markets-methods-products.
And no, I dont give a shit about being a super-duper blogger. I just want the world to have more assholes like me. And the world is so BIG, we can all coexist with the ordinary sheeple.
yep... i don't understand why people try to help each other "make money" myself. maybe they think they're building their reputation in hopes of becoming some super duper blogger some day? if someone gives out help because they're feeling nice... well, that's just retarded. that info might not hurt your bottom line now, but it could in the future. i can understand affiliate network managers giving out tips because they think sounding knowledgeable will bring in business, but other than that it makes no sense to help others in this industry. if someone wants to help others so much, maybe they should move to africa and feed starving children.

People like you have no sense of perspective. The planet earth is BIG. The Internet is BIG. It is so fucking BIG, your tiny 1kg brain cannot fathom its enormousness. Sure, I will never give out my cashcows, I'm not a fool, but telling people how to do some tricks is a good thing. There are hundreds of countries, hundreds of languages to market to. Millions of niches, and infinite combinations of possible markets-methods-products.
And no, I dont give a shit about being a super-duper blogger. I just want the world to have more assholes like me. And the world is so BIG, we can all coexist with the ordinary sheeple.

<---Thank you for saying this far better than I could. This is the typical small change money mentality. Bill Gates became the richest man in the world 10+ years in a row because he made millionaires out of 25,000 OTHER PEOPLE....

They did a study that showed a striking statistic: the average person's income is approximately equal to the AVERAGE (aka mean) of his/her 10 closest associates....the implication here is that the more people close to you doing well, the better you'll do financially....and the deeper you look it also implies that the more people your friends help because you helped them, the higher they'll income will be and by a law of social action, the higher your income will be.

The gist of it is that when you create and maintain a solid group -that gets bigger over time - of people doing well, it will ultimately filter down to you in a very passive way.

I can guarantee the guy who wrote the prior comment hasn't met one high net individual (aka networth of $30M or more independent of first home ---> http://www.ml.com/media/79882.pdf )
telling people how to do some tricks is a good thing.
I just want the world to have more assholes like me.
how are you an asshole if you teach people tricks? if you don't benefit, teaching people tricks makes you a good samaritan, not an asshole. now, if you were teaching girls to turn tricks, that would be different...
I hope to one day give up IM to race high priced strippers in Ferraris for a living.
how are you an asshole if you teach people tricks? if you don't benefit, teaching people tricks makes you a good samaritan, not an asshole. now, if you were teaching girls to turn tricks, that would be different...

Yes. You are right. Helping people spam the net, promote rebills and rip off... *cough* market to people is very good indeed.
<---Thank you for saying this far better than I could. This is the typical small change money mentality. Bill Gates became the richest man in the world 10+ years in a row because he made millionaires out of 25,000 OTHER PEOPLE....

They did a study that showed a striking statistic: the average person's income is approximately equal to the AVERAGE (aka mean) of his/her 10 closest associates....the implication here is that the more people close to you doing well, the better you'll do financially....and the deeper you look it also implies that the more people your friends help because you helped them, the higher they'll income will be and by a law of social action, the higher your income will be.

The gist of it is that when you create and maintain a solid group -that gets bigger over time - of people doing well, it will ultimately filter down to you in a very passive way.

I can guarantee the guy who wrote the prior comment hasn't met one high net individual (aka networth of $30M or more independent of first home ---> http://www.ml.com/media/79882.pdf )

I fucking hate you, you superficial bitch. Seriously go fuck yourself. You probably live in a trailer with your mom and step dad. I bet you would wet yourself if you met a "high net individual" wouldn't you, fatass?
It's either IM or living in a car and playing poker.

Right now I'm doing both.

(But not living in a car)
I can guarantee the guy who wrote the prior comment hasn't met one high net individual (aka networth of $30M or more independent of first home

I fucking hate you, you superficial bitch. Seriously go fuck yourself.

I fucking hate you, you superficial bitch. Seriously go fuck yourself. You probably live in a trailer with your mom and step dad. I bet you would wet yourself if you met a "high net individual" wouldn't you, fatass?

Chatmasta, you know you're my boy. But I'm going to state this once. She makes cash. I've verified it. I've seen what she does, how she thinks, and she -will be- a millionaire sometime very soon. The list of her connections to the corporate wealth world is astounding. I've personally seen it. The stuff she says isn't bullshit, she isn't making it up, and yes the people she talks about knowing she does indeed know them. How do I know? She had one of them call me about a business venture.

Like I said, you're my boy - but I am going to say this just because I've verified it. Instead of criticizing her, actually think about what she says sometimes - it will start to make sense once you change your mindset.
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...telling people how to do some tricks is a good thing.

Creating competition = good thing? Of course I understand what you mean by 'tricks'. Even if I'm not giving out my niche & keywords but by educating people how they can get cheap clicks, high CTR & huge traffic I'm definitely creating competition.

Just tell me how the fuck are you going to benefit by education how people can avoid google slaps? Its good that people are getting slapped. More volume + cheap clicks for you. No? How are you going to benefit by educating facebook noobs how they can get a decent CTR & bring down their CPCs? How are you going to benefit by telling people how can they install some geo-ip script on their LPs so they can make another Kevin Hoeffer from "my" city?

Each of your trick is definitely going to work against you in long run.

Even if you're not giving out tricks, its best to keep shut & not talk or post screenshots about how high CTR you get or how lower your CPCs are. Every noob who looks at your stats will think - "If he can, why can't I?" Fucking competetion.
I can guarantee the guy who wrote the prior comment hasn't met one high net individual (aka networth of $30M or more independent of first home ---> http://www.ml.com/media/79882.pdf )
well, for example one of my best friends pretty much started all the penis enlargement shit in '98, so keep preachin' bitch. i know about 3 people w/ a net worth around that much off the top of my head.

you say that you "need to surround yourself with rich people" to become rich yourself. well, having lived around fucking rich people all my life, and seen less fortunate and less connected friends become millionaires before me, I beg to differ.