Top Affiliate Network Ripped My Mobile Campaign

You know... we actually don't have proof Neverblue did anything. Maybe OP was a former employee that got canned and is really good at social engineering.

If that were true, Neverblue would have already squashed any rumors.

A4D is one of the only networks I trust not to pull this type of shit.
If that were true, Neverblue would have already squashed any rumors.

A4D is one of the only networks I trust not to pull this type of shit.

You're absolutely right and I understand, but now it seems like anyone can make a claim against X company, and everyone jumps onboard with a mob mentality. At some point we have to be responsible and actually gather facts, otherwise WF can be gamed quite easily. And if it gets out of control, the credibility of this forum goes with it. But what do I know, I'm just a peasant.
Didn't Jon say there was a rule about these kinds of threads?

If you're going to create a thread like this you need to show proof otherwise you will be banned.

OP should be given 1 day to prove what he says is true or get canned. He didn't mention any networks yet, but it seems like people have an idea. Now he's responsible since he created this mess. Show proof or banhammer!
You're absolutely right and I understand, but now it seems like anyone can make a claim against X company, and everyone jumps onboard with a mob mentality. At some point we have to be responsible and actually gather facts, otherwise WF can be gamed quite easily. And if it gets out of control, the credibility of this forum goes with it. But what do I know, I'm just a peasant.

This. OP hasn't outright stated which network it is, but he's insinuated it's Neverblue (which I don't really doubt either). All he's done is damage their reputation and led many of us to accuse them. OP has to provide confirmation to set things right.
How disappointing, I've earned a lot with NB over the years and always regarded them as one of the top networks but this is irreparable. Happens all the time by someone like xy7 or leadcola but I just figured a network of their stature were doing well enough to not create conflicts of interests with their affiliates like this.
The risk of having your campaigns, keywords, and other IP ripped exists with any network your run with that has their own internal traffic teams, regardless of how stellar their reputation may or may not be. These internal teams have their own performance targets to meet and when things aren't going so well for them, it has to be tempting to sneak a peek at what their affiliates are doing.

Networks should not be competing with their affiliates. Because of the rates they get, because of the information they collect, because of the discussions they have with their affiliates, because of the direct contact they have with merchants, networks have an unfair competitive advantage over affiliates. Competing with them is morally and ethically wrong and 100% a conflict of interest.
Don't know if what I'm about to present is a private offer on Mundo Media, although I highly doubt a network would be stupid enough to host blatant flog pages for their affiliates. So it's [probably] internal media buying competing with their affiliates. Aside from the risk a network takes by running flogs themselves (refer to Copeac), blows my mind that they would rip affiliate landing pages. If they built it themselves, that's even worse. You can do a reverse IP on the domain for all their other pages, so OP might have been referring to this.

Mãe Ganha R$16.000 / Mês Trabalhando Do Seu Computador Em Casa!
Mãe Ganha R$16.000 / Mês Trabalhando Do Seu Computador Em Casa!
NoviBrasil - Trabalhe em casa: Mãe de São Paulo faz R$13.900 por mês em meioperíodo

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I've taken the liberty to archive the above landing pages in case they decide to pull it. Only doing all this because one of their AMs said they don't run traffic, and are especially against those who buy internally for offers they have on the network. Although they clearly have this offer open to affiliates. The landers also links to "", which I'm guessing is their affiliate network tracking. Most networks run traffic internally and I'm cool with it. If affiliates aren't jumping on an opportunity why should you not?! Only a few lie about it and deserve to be outed.

Let's not throw Neverblue under the bus until there's solid proof. Could be Mundo Media, or any other of the many networks in Canada. I haven't ever been able to pull dirt on Neverblue. They're one of the few reputable networks I've worked with that's still around. Although I don't run many affiliate offers now and am just a spectator, would still be very disappointed if it turns out OP was talking about them.

I don't know if they run internally or not, but in the past I've been hit up by my mundo AM to run private offers and they had a couple where you could send your traffic to a prebuilt flog lander. I don't know if they actually owned the flog or it was the advertiser who setup the page.

Also I don't think the OP was referring to that landing page. He said it was a mobile campaign. I don't do mobile so I'm not sure if those types of pages work very well for mobile, but.. If that is the page he is referring to as his LP... that shit ain't yours OP. That style of landing page has been around for years. In fact you probably ripped that shit off of somebody else and changed a couple things and claimed it was yours. I hope that's not the case because you would look pretty stupid to claim that LP as yours (unless you can prove you created that site years ago).
I have found out who the network is after making a few inquiries and it is indeed a network mentioned in this thread. The campaign was ripped by one of their reps, however because the OP has threatened to out them the rep can no longer continue to run the campaign.

I misread what you wrote earlier as "it is indeed the network mentioned in this thread" instead of "a" network mentioned in this thread. Figured that was nb since they're the ones with known internal buyers. You've said enough to reveal that it did indeed happen. You've been here awhile and don't seem like you'd fuck around about that.

I'm assuming you won't out the exact one at this point since you're now working with them to crush OPs dreams.
I have found out who the network is after making a few inquiries and it is indeed a network mentioned in this thread. The campaign was ripped by one of their reps, however because the OP has threatened to out them the rep can no longer continue to run the campaign.

Instead he has given me the campaign to run. He has passed on all the OP's landers and traffic source and I plan to bank hard off it. I will pay the rep a % of my earnings in return.

The OP is an asshole.

if seema is not for real you better believe I will be contacting both networks to work something out b/c of your lack of helping out the community

can we please ban OP unless he outs the network... he is basically letting it be known he is ok with this happening as long as its not him
Don't know if what I'm about to present is a private offer on Mundo Media, although I highly doubt a network would be stupid enough to host blatant flog pages for their affiliates. So it's [probably] internal media buying competing with their affiliates. Aside from the risk a network takes by running flogs themselves (refer to Copeac), blows my mind that they would rip affiliate landing pages. If they built it themselves, that's even worse. You can do a reverse IP on the domain for all their other pages, so OP might have been referring to this.

Mãe Ganha R$16.000 / Mês Trabalhando Do Seu Computador Em Casa!
Mãe Ganha R$16.000 / Mês Trabalhando Do Seu Computador Em Casa!
NoviBrasil - Trabalhe em casa: Mãe de São Paulo faz R$13.900 por mês em meioperíodo

Alexa: Site Info

Whois information:

I've taken the liberty to archive the above landing pages in case they decide to pull it. Only doing all this because one of their AMs said they don't run traffic, and are especially against those who buy internally for offers they have on the network. Although they clearly have this offer open to affiliates. The landers also links to "", which I'm guessing is their affiliate network tracking. Most networks run traffic internally and I'm cool with it. If affiliates aren't jumping on an opportunity why should you not?! Only a few lie about it and deserve to be outed.

Let's not throw Neverblue under the bus until there's solid proof. Could be Mundo Media, or any other of the many networks in Canada. I haven't ever been able to pull dirt on Neverblue. They're one of the few reputable networks I've worked with that's still around. Although I don't run many affiliate offers now and am just a spectator, would still be very disappointed if it turns out OP was talking about them.

Nope, its just a flog (that the advertiser actually runs internally), given to MUNDO to help affiliates with a starting point for their campaign.

Please explain why its stupid for a network to host a flog page given by the advertiser? Its all in good fortunate to aid the publisher, especially a newb publisher that needs the guidance.
Why are you guys calling it a flog? Flog means fake blog. What you have there is an advertorial.
Nope, its just a flog (that the advertiser actually runs internally), given to MUNDO to help affiliates with a starting point for their campaign.

Please explain why its stupid for a network to host a flog page given by the advertiser? Its all in good fortunate to aid the publisher, especially a newb publisher that needs the guidance.

Should start by making it clear that you work at Mundo Media. Refer to the practices of reputable networks (A4D comes to mind), and the precautions they take to avoid being sued to oblivion. You can't dodge liability when you not only had knowledge of what was going on, but were encouraging affiliates by sending them sample farticles. If affiliates want to run it, let them find it themselves. Even if the advertiser sent it, I sure as fuck would never let you guys run any of my offers based on the recklessness. That's from the stupidity standpoint.

Next, and more importantly, if it's supposed to be a starting point for publishers.. Why is there traffic being sent to it when you guys have never ran offers internally?

Why are you guys calling it a flog? Flog means fake blog. What you have there is an advertorial.

Typo, meant *farticle.
It's not a matter of sugarcoating it but of knowing your industry and its terminology

Right. Aren't advertorials supposed to make factual claims? Or are these "advertorials" based on lying as much as possible to get the user to give up their credit card details for the hope of earning a large income at home for a small to no start up cost only to be charged $xx-xxx per month?

Why does your industry need "advertorials" and hidden billing procedures to thrive?

Because it's a pig.

Keep making money, but don't lie. Wait, nevermind, It's all based on lies.

Keep lying!

But fuck you for desecrating the advertorial.
Right. Aren't advertorials supposed to make factual claims? Or are these "advertorials" based on lying as much as possible to get the user to give up their credit card details for the hope of earning a large income at home for a small to no start up cost only to be charged $xx-xxx per month?

Why does your industry need "advertorials" and hidden billing procedures to thrive?

Because it's a pig.

Keep making money, but don't lie. Wait, nevermind, It's all based on lies.

Keep lying!

But fuck you for desecrating the advertorial.

I don't know where I stated the kind of a lander they're running is legal/compliant but to answer your question: "My" industry doesn't need advertorials and hidden charges - however they are a part of it. Might as well use appropriate terminology when talking about it, but I guess in your eyes that makes me a lying fuck right?