Top Affiliate Network Ripped My Mobile Campaign

You can't dodge liability when you not only had knowledge of what was going on, but were encouraging affiliates by sending them sample farticles.

True, but how high is the chance of getting sued by the Brazilian FTC (or whatever they have) when you are a Canadian company?

Next, and more importantly, if it's supposed to be a starting point for publishers.. Why is there traffic being sent to it when you guys have never ran offers internally?
Lazy copy n paste affiliates? Mundo saved them a step by hosting the landingpage they would've ripped anyway.

Oh and fagott OP, deliver some proof.

If you wanted to keep all this confidential, then why did you post something in the first place. Your either lying or your a wuss of epic proportions.

Let's look at it this way.....

1) Who has helped you in your career? Answer: Us

2) Who stole from you? Answer: .......

3) Who do you owe? ....
I am waiting for the network to "discuss what happened over the weekend"...

they kept banking off your camps over the weekend while you were still being naive, thats what happened.

it's really hard to feel sorry for people like you
Didn't your parents ever teach you not to play with fire, David?

What is this forum called again?