Top Affiliate Network Ripped My Mobile Campaign


OP is a pusssy. he posted this in a paid forum too and he still hasnt said shit, hes waiting for them to "do the decent thing"
It sounds like this mobile campaign is your only money maker and you feel that you can't find this same offer elsewhere at a reasonable enough payout to make it work for you. So your basically more concerned about you making money again vs helping out the whole industry know who is fucking them behind their back.

Word of advice, diversify your crap next time.


Posted 5 minutes ago elsewhere, guess what I said is correct:

I've giving them the time of day to pause the traffic and stop competiting with me on the traffic sources so i can run the campaign myself and generate the revenue i am entitled to. That is why i am holding out.
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Hes waiting for the damn network to pay him first. prolly his first working campaign so hes scared they will double screw him

IMO its gotta be neverblue. no doubt their aff managers would pull this off
lol @ this guy. Coming to wickedfire asking for help but not giving it back. Your one of those people that just ask ask ask ask. So selfish bro. Your screwing other affiliates over.

This is your only option, since you're bitch made: PM Hack "anonymously" and he shall deliver since you can't.
i dont know who you are, i don't know what you want
if you're looking for some sympathy I can tell you I don't have any
but what i do have are a very particular set of skills
skills that make me a nightmare for people like you
if you out the network now I will not look for you
i will not pursue you
but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you
and I will neg you
I have found out who the network is after making a few inquiries and it is indeed a network mentioned in this thread. The campaign was ripped by one of their reps, however because the OP has threatened to out them the rep can no longer continue to run the campaign.

Instead he has given me the campaign to run. He has passed on all the OP's landers and traffic source and I plan to bank hard off it. I will pay the rep a % of my earnings in return.

The OP is an asshole.
I have found out who the network is after making a few inquiries and it is indeed a network mentioned in this thread. The campaign was ripped by one of their reps, however because the OP has threatened to out them the rep can no longer continue to run the campaign.

Instead he has given me the campaign to run. He has passed on all the OP's landers and traffic source and I plan to bank hard off it. I will pay the rep a % of my earnings in return.

The OP is an asshole.

You should package them up in a zip file, and release it to everyone. That'll teach clowns that bait WF, to deliver, above all else.

Neverblue... Eh... I never trust a company with negative connotations in their name, shows the root of an environment. Never signed up with Neverblue.
I have found out who the network is after making a few inquiries and it is indeed a network mentioned in this thread. The campaign was ripped by one of their reps, however because the OP has threatened to out them the rep can no longer continue to run the campaign.

Instead he has given me the campaign to run. He has passed on all the OP's landers and traffic source and I plan to bank hard off it. I will pay the rep a % of my earnings in return.

The OP is an asshole.

How disappointing, I've earned a lot with NB over the years and always regarded them as one of the top networks but this is irreparable. Happens all the time by someone like xy7 or leadcola but I just figured a network of their stature were doing well enough to not create conflicts of interests with their affiliates like this. Fuck you neverblue.

Seema hope you steamroll over this tard just bc he's a nutless coward.