The Official Trading Thread

I'm not a huge fan of regulating our industry either, but I know for a fact that what the FTC came in and did, served a very valid purpose. But we all know it won't stop the next round of guys just doing the same thing over again. Because its too profitable, and many of them truly believe that the risk is worth the reward

Do you have Stockholm syndrome or are you out of touch? the FTC put one of my friends out of business who ran one of the best networks I have ever used .Always paid on time ,very helpful and courteous. Maybe it's easy for you to say if you're lined with money, but the rest of US are affected i.e. not getting paid, networks shutting down etc. I am very upset that as the forum leader you would show deference to our avowed enemy..
The FTC always shoots first and aks questions later. Anyone affected by the FTC is guilty until proven innocent. these people destroy lives and businesses. it's not some benevolent arbiter.

Lets try to stay on topic..the last thing I want is this thread to be a debate about AM and the FTC.

A look at my Apple positions for today:

MAY2 13 440 CALL @ $6.30: Exit @ $9.15 (opened today)
MAY2 13 445 CALL @ $7.10: Market @ $6.65 (still holding) (opened today)
MAY2 13 435 CALL @ $4.65 : Exit @ 12.53 ( was worth $5.75 yesterday on close)
MAY2 13 430 CALL @ $8.30: Exit @ $15.70 (worth $7.95 yesterday on close)
MAY 13 425 CALL @ $8.20 Exit @ $20.44 (worth $12.20 yesterday on close)

Lets break this down by percents.

MAY2 13 440 CALLS:
Today's Increase: 45% gain

MAY2 13 445 CALLS:
Today Increase: 7% loss

MAY2 13 435 CALLS:
Today Increase: 180% gain today!
Yesterday Increase: 23% gain
Total: 200%+ gain

MAY2 13 430 CALLS:
Today Increase: 97%
Yesterday Increase: 5% loss
Total: 92% gain

MAY 13 425 CALLS
Today Increase: 60%
Yesterdays Increase: 48%
Total: 108% increase

The only position I am holding overnight are the MAY2 13 445 CALL.

Yesterday I said that for those of you waiting on the sidelines, a break above the 50 dma is where you want to enter. We broke that at the open, and then rallied another $12. The next MAJOR level is the 100 DMA which is at $466. If we surpass that level, we will jump up very quickly.

Volume was above average once again today. Even better than yesterday as a matter of fact. My sentiment for tomorrow? Cautiously bullish. I believe we are now up 5 days in a row of at least 1%+ each day, so the stock might need a rest. If the stock opens in the green tomorrow and the markets want to rally, you bet that I will be looking to accumulate contracts once again.

I will not be too aggressive because right now we are in no man's land. We have a solid support level now at the 50 dma, and a very powerful resistance level at the 100 dma. Any stock movement right now in between is tough to anticipate. We are also in the overbought territory on the RSI EMA indicator. The last time we reached this level we fall for 5 days in a row. (back in March)

Lets talk Google. Yesterday I mentioned that Google is setting up for a nice pop since we were finally able to conquer the $820 level. $810-$820 has been a massive level of consolidation for Google for the last two months. We got over the hurdle, and I expected a gap up on the open. That did not happen.

Nevertheless, the stock did finally rally later in the day and went up +$8 (1%). I made some profits on the Google options held from yesterday but I came with a small loss on the contracts I added during the rally since Google did fall down from that level. I have one trade at $10.75 entry, market @ $11.80. The losing position from today was entry $8.10 exit @ 7.00. Nothing exciting.

Good news is that I do see Google moving up from this region. $840 is definitely in the works for Google.
Martin amazing trading thread great information thanks so much for this I have been waiting for a thread like this and real estate for a long time.

plus rep
In the five figures the past two days.

I place most of my attention and capital into my short strangle and diagonal spreads which I typically hold for a week's time. The return % is much less but there is less position maintenance and stress is considerably lower.

Every now and then when the opportunity presents itself, I go in with some naked calls/puts.

I just want to weigh in here and say that unless you know EXACTLY what he's talking about and how any option position/spread/whatever affects the Greeks (if you don't know what the Greeks are don't trade options), then don't think about making these types of investments.

That being said, as a trader (institutional) I think this thread is awesome, but also don't want a lot of psychopaths throwing around crazy options because they 'read this sweet thing and think iron condors are the next big trade'.

If you want to learn about options and do some of this shit, pick up 'Options as a Strategic Investment'. I know the guy who wrote it and it's widely considered one of the best options books in the industry.

I also know guys who make a ton of money off of day/swing trading straight stocks too, so that's always an option as well. Leverage *will* fuck you up if you use it wrong.
this nice thing about the stock market is $ earned is $ in the bank. there is no net-15-30 etc BS

here we go again. buy the Dip in DIA & SPY. market closing green for the umpteenth time in a row.
I closed my Apple and Google positions at open and just closed SPX puts. Break even on all my naked positions. Just going to let my non-directional spreads do the work for the rest of the week.
The last thing I would do is buy AMZN calls. The stock belongs lower. As a matter of fact, I am noticing that it bounced off today perfectly from its downward support level. Daily chart, back from Jan 2012 you can draw the line. So you could try to scalp some calls here for some bounce, but if it falls under $245. SELL SELL SELL.
Fundamentally, it should be.

The GreatGrunin might see some immediate upside, but I wouldn't get so excited about it. That said, I seriously thought FB would be trading around 15-20 by now. FB is faced with a herculean task - to figure out mobile on a giant scale. Last sale is $27.20 - that's a market cap of almost $65 billion, P/E ratio is absurd. I can't get past it and I personally think FB has been forming a trading range that will be tough to escape.

looks like FB got it figured out judging by the earnings

LIVE: Facebook Beats Revenue Expectations, Misses On Profits, Does Well In Mobile Ads
Read more:
Take a look at that. Horrible price action on Facebook in the after market after that earning release. It is up only 11c right now in the aftermarket while it dropped 1.22% today during the market hours. Miss on earnings, beat on revenue. Increase in mobile revenue % out of total revenue. That is the summary of the earnings.
Maybe it's not quite the right place to ask, what do you think about EURUSD MGrunin?
Is it possible to break 1.35 in the next 3 months?

The last thing I would do is buy AMZN calls. The stock belongs lower. As a matter of fact, I am noticing that it bounced off today perfectly from its downward support level. Daily chart, back from Jan 2012 you can draw the line. So you could try to scalp some calls here for some bounce, but if it falls under $245. SELL SELL SELL.

Appears to have broken its trend line (a sign of weakness and reversal in its uptrend) and also it has broken past its 200MA (another sign of weakness). I would have to agree with not having a bullish out look on this. . . also it appears to be forming lower lows which could be a sign of the beginning of a town trend.
Maybe it's not quite the right place to ask, what do you think about EURUSD MGrunin?
Is it possible to break 1.35 in the next 3 months?


Hard to say that far out on the time frame. If I were a buyer, I wouldn't be getting it now. It might be forming a head and shoulder pattern - which is a bearish pattern. Get in at 1.38 if anything.

Appears to have broken its trend line (a sign of weakness and reversal in its uptrend) and also it has broken past its 200MA (another sign of weakness). I would have to agree with not having a bullish out look on this. . . also it appears to be forming lower lows which could be a sign of the beginning of a town trend.

Yea, Amazon is definitely not a stock that is pointing to any upside. The volume on the sell has been fairly enormous compared to the past quarters too.

A look at Apple since this reversal:


It held that rising support beautifully. Will be interesting to see what it does for the next two days. I sold my overnight calls early in the morning today when I saw weakness. When I noticed the bounce on the support, I picked up a few contracts to hold overnight. The markets finished near their lows while We were 1% off our lows for the day.
Take a look at that. Horrible price action on Facebook in the after market after that earning release. It is up only 11c right now in the aftermarket while it dropped 1.22% today during the market hours. Miss on earnings, beat on revenue. Increase in mobile revenue % out of total revenue. That is the summary of the earnings.

After hours when the CC didn't finish until late is not really that telling. I thought it was a pretty good report. It wasn't a home run, but solid nonetheless. We're up 3.5% on the day 15 minutes into open. Considering it was up overall 2% leading into close yesterday (down 1.xx% but up 3% the day before), nice little gain for me here.
Yes, there is better movement now. It actually broke through the downtrend that it has had since middle of February. Lets see if that will give it any lift off.


On to other stocks, Apple is crushing it again. My overnight calls are up nice, and I added more aggressive calls about 10 minutes ago.