The Art of Domaining - The Definitive Success Guide

What is a domain name?

Imagine if names didn’t exist.
Imagine that instead of having a name your friends and family knew you by, we could only be identified by our telephone number.

It’s not difficult imagining how hard it would be to remember EVERY telephone number of your friends, family, and even casual acquaintances.

I know…It’s crazy.
But here’s where the light turns on.

Names do exist. And so do domain names.
And it makes things a whole heck of a lot easier.

If you somehow made it to this forum and you still do not fully understand domain names and what they truly are, ENJOY!

Practically every computer in the world that is connected to the Internet will have what is called an I.P. Address.

They’re all different, but they look similar to this:
Think of an I.P. Address as being your own telephone number.

Now, I you could go around trying to remember all your favorite website’s I.P. Addresses if you REALLY wanted to.

But honestly, why go through all of that trouble?
With domain names, you don’t have to. They effectively mask the I.P. Address by using a catchy name or phrase that is much easier to remember.

That's really all there is to it.
Thanks for that Lord B,
Just a quicky... you say to try and buy a domain name that is the exact match of keyword(s) ...When should i buy the domain? When it reaches over 1000 global searches? 10,000 searches?

Please advise.
Simmo :D
10,000 searches is not enough, generally speaking .. I pass all day on .coms I am searching with 70K-250K searches .. When investing in hand registrations be very choosy. Where are you coming up with these terms?
Good Thread

Very nice and thoughtful post indeed!

The Art of Domaining

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You've heard about those million dollar domain sales and people making buttloads of money from just parking domains. So, how do you get a share of this pie? In this guide I am going to give you an idea of how successful people make solid money with Domain Names and how you can too.
Part 1 - Buying Domain Names

When you are into domaining, the first thing that you need is, well, domain names. In this part let's talk about buying the domain names that sell / earn you profit.

The easiest way to think about domaining is to think of real estate investment -- except this is virtual real estate.

a. Different Types of Domains. Essentially all the domains can be categorized into four basic categories -- Generic, Brandable, Typos and Trademark. Knowing about them will help you determine which domaining strategy would be best for you.
Generic Domains -- These are the names like, or These types of names are the ones in the highest demand because they attract highly qualified type-in traffic.

Now -- No one is going to type in to see if they are giving away free copies of bible on the site. Right?

As much as the seo types hate to think, not all people are tech savvy to use a search engine every time they want to find something. They rather just type in the generic .com or their ccTLD name to see if anything comes up.

And even if there isn't buttload of traffic, whatever traffic it gets is HIGHLY QUALIFIED traffic. That is why such domains make a killing when parked or developed. And that is exactly why they are in such high demand.

To find these kind of names, you basically need to do keyword research. The higher the frequency of the search, the more the probability that people will type in those domains.

If you are at WF, I don't need to tell you how to do keyword research. =) Do that on your own and see if the exact match of the keywords is available as a .com domain. If yes, just fucking register it!

Brandable Domains
-- These are names like,, or Brandable domains are the domains which are, well, brandable.

While they may not really get type-in traffic but, if developed and promoted, it will stick in the visitor's mind and they will visit it again.

Typos - The Mistaken Profits! -- So many people make mistakes when typing in the url that it is just shocking. It is SO lucrative that someone paid whole lotsa bribe to get rights to traffic from .cm domains. You know if someone types, they will not get a server not found error but rather a parking page. Go ahead, try it.

Heck, even Verisign tried to pull something like this.
I really don't want to give real examples that are working for me as I don't want every genius picking up the names I am collecting. But a generic example is =)

Well, you all do typo keywords on PPC. Now it's time you start thinking about domains too.

Trademark Domains -- Okay this is something best left untouched. These are the names based on the current trademarks that people recognize.

I Don't do them. Some people do that and make a LOT of money doing so. I know someone who made a LOT of moolah from before shady records (?) WIPOed them and got it.

But you know the quote on the first page of The Godfather -- "Behind Ever Great Fortune, There is a Crime".

So if you are feeling adventurous, try them. You will be making your money from type-ins and parking. Sometimes it may be worth the risk.

What About ccTLDs?!?!
-- Okay this is one question which I get asked the most. What about other extensions like or .in? Well, I guess it's 'nuff to say that I sold a for $2.5k a few weeks ago and a friend got a $100k offer on a .in. So, think outside the box. =)
b. Where to Register Domains. I am a big fan of Moniker. They have the reputation of being the most secure domain registrar out there. If you get into bulk domaining, they will give you a price better than most registrars out there. PM me if you want help with the bulk pricing -- I can hook you up with my account rep and maybe see if she can help.

c. Drops! If someone doesn't renew a domain then it gets dropped. Now just imagine -- a domain which has been established, has back-links and, most importantly, has traffic!

The industry of drop catching is SO lucrative that there are companies which specialize in them. and Enom's Club Drops are two big ones. is another one but I've been hearing too many reports of mal-practices by them like fixing up with registrars and keeping names for themselves.

d. After-Market Domains. After-Market is the term used for directly buying a domain from the domainer / owner of the domain. This is the lowest hanging fruit but also the most expensive one. Sure -- if the person has put in the effort to find the gems, he will charge you for what they are worth. And this is the segment YOU will be making your money from.

Feel free to ask me questions about domaining -- that is how I earn whatever money I earn (still trying hard at PPC) and also am a mod at the largest domaining forum out there. I will complete this thread and create a FAQ about domaining in the thread.

So, shoot away your questions!

PS -- The thread is a work in progress. There is a LOT more to add. And, stay tuned for an exclusive domaining section -- whenever Jon creates that. :p
Ok, i have a lot similar question to the 1st on this page, but still isn't identical and in these matters i should have as accurate conclusion as possible.

I do know that contacting a lawyer is the best option but I am not in the country to which my question is relevant and I think there's a big chance that lawyer fees will far exceed the domain price.

I registered a two syllable .net domain. When I registered it only the .com one was registered. There wasn't a site on it though.

After around 2,5 years later, site on the .com domain and all top level domains are registered to the same company(which owns the .com). That same company happens to be named exactly as the domain.

I cannot find any track of the company prior to launch of the site.

The company deals with mobile customer risk management solutions for governments and big corporations. It has received several >$20m in funding, the most recent this three weeks ago.

So the question is can they file a report to ICCAN/my registar/whoever and take my domain or do I have the rights on it and can sell it/monetize it/whatever.

I contacted them, they e-mailed me back asking how much I want, I responded that I want them to make an offer. No response since then from their side. What's my move?

edit: I forgot to mention the domain, lol.

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I am planning on hosting my domain to free hosting sites.I am having trouble with regards to which hosting sites I can available for free.
How do you go about doing something like this and creating value to the domain name? Sorry if its a dumb question but I'm new to this and this in particular sounded interesting.
I do know that contacting a lawyer is the best option but I am not in the country to which my question is relevant and I think there's a big chance that lawyer fees will far exceed the domain price.At this point, it would probably be much more reasonable for these guys to buy it off of your buddy for and "interesting sum" than paying a lawyer to possibly sue... not to mention it doesn't seem like the owner of the .com has tried to profit at all from the companies name.
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Well informative one posting shared. Thanks for info…

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Great information. I hate to admit it but many times have I had people take advantage of a site of mine that has been what you called drops. It sucks when your the one who has lost a site. haha..

Q. How to Find Domains that Sell?
A. I hate to say it but the best way to know which domains sell is by experience. Over time you will develop a sense for sellable-names. But till then, keep a close watch on sites like SEDO and DNForum and see what's selling. Also keep an eye on DNJournal's Domain Sales.

If you are into traffic names, watch latest news, blogs and Yahoo! Buzz Watch. You can get some excellent ideas for names that will get you traffic.

I agree, you will learn through experience. But you should also keep on studying/learning. I mean keep yourself updated. You can see the trends and from there you will learn somehow because it will give you ideas on what niche or domains sell.