hey eliquid,
how many keyphrase have you built a site for and got index in google?
you must have a lot of keyphrase to be getting so much traffic being on the 2nd and 3rd page of Google.
If organic is converting @ over 60%, damn! thats fkn awesome...that's straight up profit!
are you using some BH method to get index so fast?
Its not really BH to me, but all I did was B&P the hell out of the URL itself, and got the URL linked to a few authority sites and B&P those authority URL's that linked to my main URL. I did this about 3-4 times each.
All this happened on the 8th, early 9th i was already ranking in Google in multiple terms.
Basically, create landing page... B&P it, get links from trusted authority sites ( say 5-6 sites ).. B&P all those URL that have my link pointing back to me. Then go back in an hour and B&P all the URLs again.. wait hour.. rinse and repeat. Oh, i also did this from different IP's as well.
Also, a lot of these trusted sites had a RSS feed, which had my link in it too.. guess what, B&P that RSS feed to death as well...oh, some of these sites had archive pages as well ( think wordpress ).. yep, those archive page URL's got B&P too.
When I create a landing page, I include in it the main keyterms I am going after.. and add in anywhere to 10-20 related ( not the exact same , but related ) terms to the main terms ( think LSI and other terms the searcher might use ). Format it correctly ( think h1, h2, h3, strong, ul, li, filenames, etc ) and you got one hell of a landing page that is ready to rank for multiple terms.
Now this page might not be the best 'converter' for my traffic as it is optimized for search, but shit.. when you dont pay anything for the traffic, then who cares. Yeah I could spend more time and make it more 'convert' friendly, but I already spent a good deal of time researching keywords, writing some copy, and setting it up with links to spend any more time on.
After you do this a while, you can find shortcuts and automate it some, which is where I am at now. If I can automate it enough, I might earn some time to make it more 'convertible' to surfers.
I should mention this as well.. for several of the terms, not only did my landing page come up in the results.. but so did the 'authority sites' I B&P too. Those giving me 2-3 spots in the Serps that lead back to my site.