Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

No no building, you certainly have me misconstrued. I take a kind of perverted pleasure from from reading these kinds of threads. I really want to understand the psyche behind different voting groups in order to better manipulate them.
^Well then if you're after Votes, you're out of luck with my group. We're smart enough to know that voting is a complete sham that distracts the masses from the real voting that delegates do... So therefore, we don't vote. (Unless we get in as a delegate, of course.)
Many people who have been subjected to psychological manipulation and control selectively deny aspects of their experience. Some become angry and resistant at the mention of mind control, thought reform, or brainwashing, thinking these things could not possibly have been done to them. It is very threatening to a person’s sense of self to contemplate having been controlled or taken over. The terms themselves sound harsh and unreal. Yet only by confronting the reality of psychological manipulation can someone who has had such an experience overcome its effects.

Social-Psychological Influence «

Ahh, the irony.
Can't trust a doctor who doesn't believe in evolution.

Evolution (macroevolution, rather) is a theory. Who *believes* in something that hasn't been proven?

Answer: someone matching the description in the post quoted above.
Can't we all just think for ourselves? lolz

The problem with using shaming language and labeling people "conpiratards" is that if there is indeed any kind of conspiracy going on, you're doing the work for the conspirators. Brilliantly efficient, actually...
Evolution (macroevolution, rather) is a theory. Who *believes* in something that hasn't been proven?

Answer: someone matching the description in the post quoted above.

I wish I could reach across the optic fiber lines and unload a .45 in your face. People like you don't deserve to breed.
I wish I could reach across the optic fiber lines and unload a .45 in your face. People like you don't deserve to breed.

would you like my address?

p.s. not that it matters much, but I would think this here would be grounds for banning.
You guys are all assholes. Lukep should be out in the real world trying to make a friend and you troll him here into writing hundreds of thousands of words about utter delusion and psychosis. shame shame
Fuck you Luke p. its impossible to argue with your cult like delusions because you will most certainty come back with some other bull shit until Ron Paul is in the grave. If Ron met you in person he would spit on you.
Fuck you Luke p. its impossible to argue with your cult like delusions because you will most certainty come back with some other bull shit until Ron Paul is in the grave. If Ron met you in person he would spit on you.

I'm actually embarrassed for you, but good luck with that mental disability.
[ame=]RAND PAUL ENDORSES ROMNEY IN 2012 RACE - YouTube[/ame]

^Well then if you're after Votes, you're out of luck with my group. We're smart enough to know that voting is a complete sham that distracts the masses from the real voting that delegates do...
So close, Luke. So close.