Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

Alright Asshole, let's do this... Thanks to Rand's shitty move I've lost my window to get any work done tonight and I'm going to take it out on your ass.

State your grievance, and prepare to be cyber-bitchslapped.

Come at me bro. My greivance is that you're a delusional faggot that won't give up the simple fact that even Ron Paul knows he won't be president. Also, libertarians are against big government yet by voting against and bashing Romney you're helping Obama. Logic motherfucker. Do you have any sense of it?

Also, libertarians are against big government yet by voting against and bashing Romney you're helping Obama. Logic motherfucker. Do you have any sense of it?

Choosing to vote for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I'm sorry I won't contribute to the problem. :( And you must have your head up your ass if you think Romney is for less government.
It is one thing not to vote and another to try to sabotage Romney.

I should clarify, Romney is not the lesser of two evils. Romney == Obama.

Looks like more conspiratards are flocking here and Luke still has no answer to my challenge.


First, you're not out of here.

Second, it's a conspiracy that there are those who would like to preserve the two party system by ensuring certain candidates get nominated?


gifs are fun.
Unfortunately for your victory declaration, there are enormous flaws with a totally free market.

Debt Up $1.59T Under GOP House

Paul as President would need help from congress to make changes and going by that article it doesn't seem like he would get much help.

Even if the federal government did everything it could to have a true free market, they can only do so much, as state and local governments would still be able to do their thing.

The President and Congress can't shut down schools, for example. They could get rid of the federal Department of Education, but that didn't exist until 1980, so it's not like it's necessary for schools to exist.

It is one thing not to vote and another to try to sabotage Romney.

Which Romney you talking about?

[ame=] The story of two men trapped in one body - YouTube[/ame]
ITT: people that had economics in college and actually know what "free" markets are vs retards that don't know shit about nothing. Nickycakes, you get my upvote in this thread.
Come at me bro. My greivance is that you're a delusional faggot that won't give up the simple fact that even Ron Paul knows he won't be president. Also, libertarians are against big government yet by voting against and bashing Romney you're helping Obama. Logic motherfucker. Do you have any sense of it?
Yes, I know a bit of logic. Prepare to receive some... I should warn you that it may hurt a bit though, since it will be alien and new to you...

you're ... delusional...
If you believe I'm delusional based on Paul's apparently impossible chances to win the the Republican nomination, then I respond by saying that you don't know what you're talking about. Ron's chances of winning are very good if you take history into consideration with a few facts that the press have been hiding.

Here's the breakdown, it takes too long to bring up all the evidence though...

1. According to the GOP rules, DELEGATES and DELEGATES ALONE elect the nominee. If you read rule 11a of the most recent ruleset, (linked) it is clear that delegates cannot be bound to a state's mandate, in fact. So even R$ delegates can and likely will vote for Paul, even on the first vote at the convention. (Ironically R$ himself proved this fact in the 2008 convention for us!)

2. Even the mainstream news like Rachel Maddow the WaPo, and a little bit on Fox have admitted that "those pushy" Paul delegates are taking over convention after convention... There are many hundreds of YouTube videos showing what those state conventions are like... It's usually as if everyone in the room is a rowdy Honest Ron fan... That's MOST of the time.

3. Check the link in my sig to see what the official Delegate standings are, not adjusted for Paul delegates signed up as other nominee's delegates. It's currently like 15% Paul to 57% Romney, but some states aren't reporting in yet of course, like Texas (Paul's home state) and California, both states where Paul campaigned and filled up multiple stadiums in places like A&M, Berkely, UCLA, etc, where R$ never got a large room of people together at all. We expect to do alright there.

4. Adding to this the many hundreds of "stealth" Paul supporters getting elected as R$ delegates then you'll see how we actually do have a chance... Paul says "at least 200," but by the look of those videos it could be a thousand. Tons frequent the RPForums and DailyPaul. You'll have to watch the vids all yourself to decide fairly, but I'm convinced.

5. 500 delegates, even 100 delegates, is technically enough to win the Nomination. Warren G Harding did it with 39. It really comes down to the passion of the people in the room who gets the Nod, and nobody denies Paulites lack passion... If we can just keep R$ from getting 1144 votes on the first ballot, our success is guaranteed. That's the whole ball game, just that first vote, and R$ knows it.

6. Then there is the drastic decrease in news channel use lately. FOX, CNN, CBS, they have all just had their worst month of this century. Why? The internet... You don't HAVE to listen to lies there. ...Still, these networks are driving people away from them by emulating 1984 by doing things like this:


and this:


and this:


...All the while online viewership is soaring. There are thousands of more examples of media deception where those came from. YouTube search "Ron Paul Media Blackout" for some great ones.

tl:dr; Ppl are waking up to tyranny by the truckload... And which candidate do you think they are going to support when they learn who the media has been targeting just about every time for a blackout?

So in conclusion, my assertions that Paul still has a chance to win are based on facts and logic. What are your doubts based on?

you're a ... faggot
I'm a dude married to a woman, as has been brought up dozens of times on this forum... But don't worry, we're all faggots at heart here on WF.

even Ron Paul knows he won't be president.
Complete deceptive fallacy. Assuming that you are claiming the much-hyped-by-the-MSM email Ron sent out 2 days ago, then clearly it was used against the Paul campaign by the media. Here are Paul's words:

Ron Paul said:
When it is all said and done, we will likely have as many as 500 supporters as delegates on the Convention floor. That is just over 20 percent!

And while this total is not enough to win the nomination, it puts us in a tremendous position to grow our movement and shape the future of the GOP!
The latter sentence is the only thing he said that can be taken out of context enough to explain what the MSM lied and reported him saying as a defeat. -When it's just a status report!

Also, libertarians are against big government yet by voting against and bashing Romney you're helping Obama.
Obomba = R$. They are the same, They are both the Problem. Their Source of funds are the same. Their voting records are the same. I mean Christ, R$ wrote and then passed mandated health care in his state when he was governor! It's errie how similar these two tyrants are, brothers from another mother. -Check out one of the hundreds of YouTube vids on the subject... Wait, here's the cliffs:


So no, it's not illogical to bash R$ or hurt his chances to beat Obomba. In fact many libertarians like myself would PREFER Obomba to stay in office if Paul loses because Obomba can only fuck us hard for 4 years... R$ clearly can for 8 years.

It's Illogical to listen to the MSM and form your opinions based on such deceptive fallacies.

Everything I've presented here is logical and backed with evidence. If your cute little belief system still won't allow you to believe that Paul just can't possibly be allowed to win, then it's going to be tough taking you any further... Apparently Logic just doesn't work on you.
wtf man paul said he can`t win. his son has endorsed someone else.

that is the fucking reality. it`s over.

to think he is going to win somehow shows you are sick in the head.

worse than some braindead christian.
Luke I am seriously going to buy you an all expense paid vacation cruise when election time comes and RP is blown out of the water. You'll be suicidal and I'll be there for you boo :(
So both of you (Friends & unicorn) are having problems with the logic I laid out?

Fine, I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong... Just point out which step above is illogical and we can explore that possibility.
Look, lukep, just answer this question honestly:

do you believe Ron Paul can be our next president (2012)?
Look, lukep, just answer this question honestly:

do you believe Ron Paul can be our next president (2012)?
Sure, besides a likely assasination attempt or two, why not? He's got a good 20% or more of the delegates it takes to win the nomination, and the Berkley thing was all the demnonstration anyone should need to know that Democrats are pretty fucking miffed at Obomba for doing the opposite of everything he promised them.