Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

Actually all I mean about mind control is the actual existence of information among the masses... For instance, people might actually vote for Ron if they didn't constantly ignore him and introduce him as "the candidate that has no chance to win."

In fact they'd VERY LIKELY vote for Ron if they accurately reported on the real numbers of supporters out there that exist... I'd say Ron Paul has something like 55% of this country wishing he'd be the next president while Romney only has 1% of the most un-informed backing him. Obomba probably about 25%.

It's nothing less than Mind control on a mass scale to make THOSE SAME PEOPLE believe that Obomba as 44%, Romney has 42%, and Paul only about 5%... And when they believe Paul has no chance to beat obomba, they vote for Romney.

That's controlling their minds to control the vote. And it works very well.

Bro I think you've gone off the deep end.

Even here in Texas Ron Paul isn't that popular, I have never met a rank and file republican party member who was a Ron Paul supporter and neither have my friends who actually work within the Texas republican party. Anytime I see a Ron Paul supporter it's a 20 something college student or if I'm in Austin a fan/follower of Alex Jones since that's his "home base' if you will. Not that their votes count for anything less but that's not the demographic that the republican party is made up of, not even close.

Even here in Texas Ron Paul isn't that popular, I have never met a rank and file republican party member who was a Ron Paul supporter and neither have my friends who actually work within the Texas republican party.
Lol! I tell you what. If they're at the convention today, why don't you call them up right now and ask how many of us showed up there? I think you may be surprised to learn that Liberty is actually kind of popular.

Anytime I see a Ron Paul supporter it's a 20 something college student or if I'm in Austin a fan/follower of Alex Jones since that's his "home base' if you will. Not that their votes count for anything less but that's not the demographic that the republican party is made up of, not even close.
Wow, you have Alex Jones listeners there? Where I live the news is MSM only, nothing else exists.

...Yet the delegates still turn out. (Sadly quite a lot for Scrotorum here too, but we're still working on converting those uber-Christians.)

I repeat: STOP thinking that the populace and their votes matter 1 iota. They do not. ONLY ONLY ONLY delegate votes count...
Lol! I tell you what. If they're at the convention today, why don't you call them up right now and ask how many of us showed up there? I think you may be surprised to learn that Liberty is actually kind of popular.

Wow, you have Alex Jones listeners there? Where I live the news is MSM only, nothing else exists.

...Yet the delegates still turn out. (Sadly quite a lot for Scrotorum here too, but we're still working on converting those uber-Christians.)

I repeat: STOP thinking that the populace and their votes matter 1 iota. They do not. ONLY ONLY ONLY delegate votes count...

I'm not doubting there are Paul supporters, there just aren't enough of them to nominate Ron Paul from within the republican party because the party isn't made up of 20-something college students it's made up of 40+ year old religious people otherwise he would have won the popular vote in at least one state. Him having a strong showing at the conventions does show the dedication of his supporters but it's hardly a measure of how popular he is across the country but more importantly within the republican party itself. I could go grab 10 friends and overthrow the local PTA, it doesn't mean that the PTA represents us or that we represent the PTA it just means a bunch of us were willing to plan and work together towards a common goal by gaming the system to our advantage.

Based on reports from the Dallas morning news from the convention it seems the Texas GOP is firmly behind Romney:

“We have got a job to do. We have the job of electing Mitt Romney,” Hutchison said, drawing boos from Ron Paul supporters.

“The Democrats are trying to divide us. They are saying we’re not united behind Mitt Romney,” Hutchison continued.

“We’re not!” yelled a few dissenters.

Hutchison garnered cheers from most of the hall when she said, “It is time for us to rally around Mitt Romney!”

“We’re not distracted and we’re not divided,” Hutchison added. As she said that, a small group chanted, “Ron Paul!” But a larger chant of “Romney! Romney!” drowned it out.
Just wow. I counted, you made the very mistake I told you not to make THREE SEPARATE TIMES in that one paragraph, and then you concluded by quoting mainstream news to me. (Unless there is some other kind of "Morning news" out there?)

You're just not hearing me bro.

It's not about the people.

This is a republic, not a democracy.

The people only exist as a product base, not as the class whose votes count.

And the MSM is the one that controls them.

Call your friend(s) there and verify. The MSM has been known to misreport things once or twice.
Yes I know, it's all about the delegates because they aren't bound and can vote for whoever but last I heard from the Paul campaign was that they expect to have about 500 total delegates (bound and unbound) at the convention out of about 2,000 total delegates for all candidates. Santorum/Gingrich could turn around and vote for paul and there would be a brokered convention but do you honestly think that their delegates would vote for Paul over Romney?
Yes I know, it's all about the delegates because they aren't bound and can vote for whoever but last I heard from the Paul campaign was that they expect to have about 500 total delegates (bound and unbound) at the convention out of about 2,000 total delegates for all candidates. Santorum/Gingrich could turn around and vote for paul and there would be a brokered convention but do you honestly think that their delegates would vote for Paul over Romney?
FINALLY you're talking about something sensible!

I knew I shouldn't put you on the ignore list yet... Good to have you aboard.

Alright, there are a couple of missing variables in your equation here. It's waaaaaaaaaaaay too simplistic to say 500/2000 + a few we steal from Newt and Frothy... In fact the 500 number itself is simply an estimate that Paul would announce PUBLICALLY.

I trust we have 500 delegates like I trust Dresden deeply cares for the Juice!

This game Paul and R$ are playing is half Chess, half Poker. They can't afford to let the other see which chess pieces they have in their hands. They knew that from the start... So trusting that 500 is it, is silly, for all I know we could have 1200 already... Because we were deeply entrenched, sending in stealth delegates from the very first convention. If they were clever enough, R$ may never know until the 1st round of voting that he doesn't really have any delegates at all.

Now, let's say for argument's sake that Paul truly sees 500 Delegates now... But several states have yet to choose their delegates yet, including the two largest states! Was Paul adding in an unknowable number to his total? No, I think he would have left any future delegates out of that total entirely. It's likely that he did that on purpose to get the delegates in those remaining states fired up to overcome the perceived huge forces there, feeling that they could make the difference.

THEN there is the fact that we see Frothy and Newt delegates come over to boards like the Daily Paul and fall in with us all the time...

And Finally, there is the fact that Paul's speeches are DAMN moving, and he is well known for mopping up the fence-sitters when he speaks at conventions... Like he did yesterday, to a crowd of 17,000 people at the Texas GOP state convetion! If you watch one film about Paul between now and the August, watch that speech:

[ame=]Ron Paul Speech w intro Texas Republican State Convention June 7 12 entire speech - YouTube[/ame]

OMG it was moving... And many eyewitnesses have said they saw R$ people actually CRY in the audience while watching this. (Of course they could have been undercover RP ppl, but either way they're our delegates now!)

Speeches like these make ppl determined to vote one way vote the other way when no one's looking. That's the power of having this particular cause, true liberty, on your side.

So tune out the Media and watch the delegate counts bro. Texas will be very revealing, and we should know within a few short days how awesome that turned out, but so far all results positive and we've already taken over 3 committee chairs in the GOP!
I have looked into the Dallas Morning News article and have confirmed that yes, a Ron Paul supporter was drowned out by 'Romney, Romney, Romney'. They did leave out a few minor details, such as the venue:
[ame=""]Introduction to Romney Speech Ft. Worth - YouTube[/ame]