Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

Plus America has already proven above all other countries a republic with free markets produces better results than a socialist country.

Despite what you may hear on fox news, our country is very far from socialist. Even countries like germany with MUCH more in the way of social programs aren't considered socialist.

We also don't have a totally free market. We have regulations for good reason. While you may not agree with all of them, it's served us pretty well.

While I applaud paul for sticking to what he believes in, and that's a great quality, not everyone believes in the same stuff he is, and that's normal.

Most 'mainstream' republicans claim to be fiscal and social conservatives, and most are just social conservatives. Ron Paul is extremely both. Most people are somewhere in the middle, which is why he can't win an election.
I tried SO HARD to stay out of here tonight... But this is just sad.

...Not the usual stuff like Cakes trolling us; but the sad part is that some people here are giving into the news starting to think that it IS in fact impossible for Paul to win.

...Nothing can be further from the truth boys. I don't suppose you guys have heard of Warren G. Harding? He only had 39 delegates... And was FIFTH back from the lead when they held their conference! Newt Gingrich's performance this season makes President Hardings' look like Gary Johnson's attempt last cycle!

500 is a HELL of a lot of delegates... Literally over 12 TIMES as many as Harding had, but don't think for one minute that we will only have 500 @ the RNC anyway... We are masters at converting Romney delegates. I've seen training vids of how to do it and who to look for...

Simply put; the fat lady ain't sung shit. Not even warming up yet.

lukep you buy your plane tickets out of the US yet?
No. You get out from underneath your bridge yet?

the sound of reality crashing.
...Or the exact same sound we've heard countless times before (like last week in fact) when the MSM has interpreted something Ron's campaign incorrectly to try to harm him?

although paul probably realized he never was going to win, his followers have created a delusional parallel reality where he was a shoe in.
Not a shoe in at all, fool. We remember 2008 very well... And so far in every measurable way we're doing better than 10 times those numbers... At least the MSM allows us to see just 10x improvement... There's no proof we're not in the lead fully... We're just taking their (and the GOP's, of course) words for it.

like when he dropped out of the race and they said it was all part of the plan
He didn't do that. Go troll elsewhere.

Why can't he just go 3rd party now?
1. Because win or lose the r3VOLution wins by taking over the GOP and BECOMING the establishment... You get shit done a lot easier that way...

2. Because he may very well be w1nn1ng anyway, just saying things like this to throw the GOP off the game.

did you feel like you were in a cult?

because in a sense, you were.
In a very real sense you are a moron who knows nothing about what you speak. Calling the r3VOLution/liberty movement a Cult _IS_ calling the founding fathers a bunch of kool-aide dispensing cult leaders...

What, did you think the r3VOLution was all about honest Ron? Lulz...

it's a false dichotomy that just because you are a not ron paul drone you are some mass media watching, government loving lemming.
Speaking of false dichotomies, ever notice how the democrats and the republicans all seem to bring us the same results?

The Liberty movement has. It is our central motivation, in fact.

I just cannot express the amount of Irony I'm feeling right now about this tactic you're taking here with calling us brainwashed... I'd estimate that we've created at least a thousand YouTube videos, and several feature-length documentaries between us attempting to reveal the brainwashing by the MSM of people like you. Please save us a lot of time and go watch a bunch of them before you respond.

Some of the Paul fans are most def. delusional in the sense they actually thought he could be elected. I think Paul is awesome but I was never under any delusion that he could actually get elected. The country will have to erupt into civil war before someone as extreme as Paul ever has a chance IMO.
It's not about winning the nomination; it never was. It can't be done. The establishment is well, too established. We know this.

This is the shit I'm concerned about... Why U Give up so Easy??!? You remember this is a republic, not a democracy, right?

Delegates choose the nominee, not the voters. We got tons of delegates. 500 (which is over 12 times as many as President Harding needed) is just the public number of delegates that Paul wants everyone to know we've got.

...What if he knows he's actually got 1200? Would he be smart to say so?

When your team has a cause that Everybody can believe in, then the only thing standing in its' way is ignorance.

There's time to teach them yet... Even on the convention floor, there will be time still, because there's no way in hell a single Paul delegate at heart would ever vote for any other person in that room... So as long as Romney doesn't have 1144 on the 1st vote; our win is guaranteed.
Despite what you may hear on fox news, our country is very far from socialist. Even countries like germany with MUCH more in the way of social programs aren't considered socialist.

We also don't have a totally free market. We have regulations for good reason. While you may not agree with all of them, it's served us pretty well.

While I applaud paul for sticking to what he believes in, and that's a great quality, not everyone believes in the same stuff he is, and that's normal.

Most 'mainstream' republicans claim to be fiscal and social conservatives, and most are just social conservatives. Ron Paul is extremely both. Most people are somewhere in the middle, which is why he can't win an election.

Who watches fox news? Did you hear that all Libertarians watch fox on msnbc or something?

I never said the US was socialist I said I don't agree with the social programs that I am forced to participate in. social security is less effective than allowing me to save my own money, welfare keeps people out of the work force, as does unemployment, socialized medicine sucks, nothing good about socialism considering that it is all forced at the hand of a gun. . . Europe has many social programs making them more left leaning than the us which is why they have countries facing bankruptcy.

Just like most people don't consider themselves liberals yet we have a liberal president.

Thanks for admitting he is not mainstream. But again when asked questions about economic and social programs most people actually agree with Ron Paul yet vote differently. I am not sure why. . . probably because no one will vote their "free" money away is my guess. . .
why would rand paul endorse romney if he though his dad could still win?

I tried SO HARD to stay out of here tonight... But this is just sad.

...Not the usual stuff like Cakes trolling us; but the sad part is that some people here are giving into the news starting to think that it IS in fact impossible for Paul to win.

...Nothing can be further from the truth boys. I don't suppose you guys have heard of Warren G. Harding? He only had 39 delegates... And was FIFTH back from the lead when they held their conference! Newt Gingrich's performance this season makes President Hardings' look like Gary Johnson's attempt last cycle!

500 is a HELL of a lot of delegates... Literally over 12 TIMES as many as Harding had, but don't think for one minute that we will only have 500 @ the RNC anyway... We are masters at converting Romney delegates. I've seen training vids of how to do it and who to look for...

Simply put; the fat lady ain't sung shit. Not even warming up yet.

No. You get out from underneath your bridge yet?

...Or the exact same sound we've heard countless times before (like last week in fact) when the MSM has interpreted something Ron's campaign incorrectly to try to harm him?

Not a shoe in at all, fool. We remember 2008 very well... And so far in every measurable way we're doing better than 10 times those numbers... At least the MSM allows us to see just 10x improvement... There's no proof we're not in the lead fully... We're just taking their (and the GOP's, of course) words for it.

He didn't do that. Go troll elsewhere.

1. Because win or lose the r3VOLution wins by taking over the GOP and BECOMING the establishment... You get shit done a lot easier that way...

2. Because he may very well be w1nn1ng anyway, just saying things like this to throw the GOP off the game.

In a very real sense you are a moron who knows nothing about what you speak. Calling the r3VOLution/liberty movement a Cult _IS_ calling the founding fathers a bunch of kool-aide dispensing cult leaders...

What, did you think the r3VOLution was all about honest Ron? Lulz...

Speaking of false dichotomies, ever notice how the democrats and the republicans all seem to bring us the same results?

The Liberty movement has. It is our central motivation, in fact.

I just cannot express the amount of Irony I'm feeling right now about this tactic you're taking here with calling us brainwashed... I'd estimate that we've created at least a thousand YouTube videos, and several feature-length documentaries between us attempting to reveal the brainwashing by the MSM of people like you. Please save us a lot of time and go watch a bunch of them before you respond.

This is the shit I'm concerned about... Why U Give up so Easy??!? You remember this is a republic, not a democracy, right?

Delegates choose the nominee, not the voters. We got tons of delegates. 500 (which is over 12 times as many as President Harding needed) is just the public number of delegates that Paul wants everyone to know we've got.

...What if he knows he's actually got 1200? Would he be smart to say so?

When your team has a cause that Everybody can believe in, then the only thing standing in its' way is ignorance.

There's time to teach them yet... Even on the convention floor, there will be time still, because there's no way in hell a single Paul delegate at heart would ever vote for any other person in that room... So as long as Romney doesn't have 1144 on the 1st vote; our win is guaranteed.
[citation needed]

Fine I stretched that out vastly, but seriously you can youtube people being questioned about economics and social programs and they will all respond agreeing with what RP is trying to do then wrapp up saying they are voting for Obama it's pretty funny.

but the rest of my argument holds true.
why would rand paul endorse romney if he though his dad could still win?
Because he's not his father?

Because he wants to be Veep?

Maybe because he's throwing the GOP off Paul's scent again...

But most likely, he's just a slimey politician like R$. Disappointing, but it won't slow the liberty movement down one bit. I can't tell you how often someone speaks up in favor of Rand on a board like Daily Paul just to immediately be reminded that "Rand is NOT his father." -It's pretty much expected, in fact.
i thought it was part of the paul camp master plan that they knew ron would never be elected so they would use ron's popularity to build a base to get rand to the white house eventually?

but now they are not connected?

Because he's not his father?

Because he wants to be Veep?

Maybe because he's throwing the GOP off Paul's scent again...

But most likely, he's just a slimey politician like R$. Disappointing, but it won't slow the liberty movement down one bit. I can't tell you how often someone speaks up in favor of Rand on a board like Daily Paul just to immediately be reminded that "Rand is NOT his father." -It's pretty much expected, in fact.
i thought it was part of the paul camp master plan that they knew ron would never be elected so they would use ron's popularity to build a base to get rand to the white house eventually?

but now they are not connected?
No, that "master plan" is another MSM myth designed to hurt Ron. I told someone that very fact back in February.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from Fox news... It melts your brain, bro.
like i said just because one isn't a paulbot doesn't mean one is automatically a fox news and reality show watching moron.
Jesus luke, give it up man. Tell ya what... I'm free this sunday. I'll help you pack.
Luke is a fucking delusional faggot or a really good troll. Mostly a faggot though.
Alright Asshole, let's do this... Thanks to Rand's shitty move I've lost my window to get any work done tonight and I'm going to take it out on your ass.

State your grievance, and prepare to be cyber-bitchslapped.