Ron Paul Finally Admits He Wont Win Nomination

Sigh. So sick of the defeatist douche bags who get an ego trip out of laughing at people who supported RP 110% and put their heart and souls into promoting him (his message, actually) any chance they had. Of course we knew he would win. You have to believe, or you really have no shot at all. There is an ebb and flow of energy in this universe that simply can't be explained... we needed all the positive energy that could be mustered just to accomplish what has been accomplished, which is quite impressive in and of itself.

We all knew it was an uphill battle, but when you have the entire fake ass media propagating against you, and convincing every sheep that will listen that he had absolutely zero chance to win, you have to believe with every thing you have... and suffer the pain of loss if it occurs. Personally, I put a lot into supporting RP.. from going door to door, making phone calls, sounding foolish to friends and family that think political activism is extreme behavior, etc... the whole time knowing that it probably just will not happen. The system is just too expansive... but I can fucking guarantee you that I didn't carry that attitude to the literally hundreds of people that I caused to question the status quo, even if for just a few minutes. Bc I, like so many other RP supporters, understand the stakes and where we are at in this progression of tyrannical government.

So, enjoy your "I told you so" infantile ego trip.. but you lose too, realize it or not.

and yes, it's time to gtfo
He'll lose his congressional seat if he goes 3rd party.

Also Ron Paul does win even when he loses. He's clearly influencing the Republican party in what I consider to be a good way.

He has stated this as the reason for not dropping out of the race. not sure why RP haters seemed to think differently. Just because there are delusional RP supporters doesn't mean RP message is nuts. . . just some of his supports.
did you feel like you were in a cult?

because in a sense, you were.

did your family and friends at any point want to send you to a cult deprogrammer?

Sigh. So sick of the defeatist douche bags who get an ego trip out of laughing at people who supported RP 110% and put their heart and souls into promoting him (his message, actually) any chance they had. Of course we knew he would win. You have to believe, or you really have no shot at all. There is an ebb and flow of energy in this universe that simply can't be explained... we needed all the positive energy that could be mustered just to accomplish what has been accomplished, which is quite impressive in and of itself.

We all knew it was an uphill battle, but when you have the entire fake ass media propagating against you, and convincing every sheep that will listen that he had absolutely zero chance to win, you have to believe with every thing you have... and suffer the pain of loss if it occurs. Personally, I put a lot into supporting RP.. from going door to door, making phone calls, sounding foolish to friends and family that think political activism is extreme behavior, etc... the whole time knowing that it probably just will not happen. The system is just too expansive... but I can fucking guarantee you that I didn't carry that attitude to the literally hundreds of people that I caused to question the status quo, even if for just a few minutes. Bc I, like so many other RP supporters, understand the stakes and where we are at in this progression of tyrannical government.

So, enjoy your "I told you so" infantile ego trip.. but you lose too, realize it or not.

and yes, it's time to gtfo
There is NOTHING wrong for campaigning for an honest man. There is nothing wrong believing in a message of freedom.

There is something wrong with those of you who are cool with the current status of your own freedoms being assaulted while mocking those that stand up for you.

With out more people standing up from all walks of life you end up with a nanny state who tells you what you can do or be - instead of one that preserves your right to do it.

I'm not delusional.... RP COULD still win the nomination. He could still go third party. He could also wash his hands of all this and just watch the country sink.

There will be a point real soon in the future that every official, every elected rep, every policeman, etc... will be so complicit in criminal acts against the constitution that it can't be turned around.

The reason that RP supporters are so passionate about him, and the message is that they see that day as being close. They aren't spending hours on facebook or watching dancing with the stars --- in other words they are more informed than you.

When people who know more about something than you do are concerned maybe you should wake up - instead of mocking.
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it's a false dichotomy that just because you are a not ron paul drone you are some mass media watching, government loving lemming.

that's silly and the sign of a simple mind.
They don't even know that their own candidate has a 0% chance of getting nominated. Why the fuck would anyone listen to someone like that.

Hey, dumb fuck... what do you not understand about supporting a cause against all odds when you know it's important? You are seriously close minded... from your lame ass attempts at moderating and cleaning up an internet sub forum titled "shooting the shit" that's famous for it's gay pron antics, to your obvious ignorance of our current political environment... your just full of complete and total faggotry.
Hey, dumb fuck... what do you not understand about supporting a cause against all odds when you know it's important? You are seriously close minded... from your lame ass attempts at moderating and cleaning up an internet sub forum titled "shooting the shit" that's famous for it's gay pron antics, to your obvious ignorance of our current political environment... your just full of complete and total faggotry.

All that stuff you think about me is great, but you're still delusional.
Many people who have been subjected to psychological manipulation and control selectively deny aspects of their experience. Some become angry and resistant at the mention of mind control, thought reform, or brainwashing, thinking these things could not possibly have been done to them. It is very threatening to a person’s sense of self to contemplate having been controlled or taken over. The terms themselves sound harsh and unreal. Yet only by confronting the reality of psychological manipulation can someone who has had such an experience overcome its effects.

Social-Psychological Influence «
Fortunately for Romney, the country is full of shitless pussies, like many of you, who will never do anything to stand up to mainstream politics.
Some of the Paul fans are most def. delusional in the sense they actually thought he could be elected. I think Paul is awesome but I was never under any delusion that he could actually get elected. The country will have to erupt into civil war before someone as extreme as Paul ever has a chance IMO. You have way too many parasite citizens living here to ever vote for him. Furthermore you have the higher ups in the military welfare system and the whole financial system sucking off the tax payers as well, they would never allow anything to change.

The country will just keep getting worse until something is done about the military welfare system, the welfare citizens, bankers, and the politicians. Country is way too far gone to fix this by voting, things will just continue to deteriorate until shit pops finally pops off. You can only rob tax payers for so long, as the numbers of actual tax paying citizens continues to decline eventually you're going to hit the point where the country collapses.

This fucking country makes me sick. Now I'm angry, fuck you guys and fuck this thread.

As a closing statement, I'd like everyone to know nickycakes came into a dayz server last night where me and 4 friends were shooting off automatic rifles. He got scared as fuck and immediately bailed saying "I hear shooting at NW airfield, I'm fucking out of here".

The united states is fucked anyways. Ron paul was a good man trying to tell the truth and spread his message. To those saying it was pointless supporting someone even though you knew you couldn't win, I don't know how far your heads are shoved up your asses but it's been said many times in this thread alone, much as it has been repeated in almost every other RP thread, article and interview RP has done.

It's not about winning the nomination; it never was. It can't be done. The establishment is well, too established. We know this. Fact of the matter is running for president is the only, best and most clever way to spread his message to the most amount of people. Think of how many people he turned onto liberty and you know, basic humans rights and common sense - oh and resisting obvious tyranny which has highjacked the US government? RP is setting up for something big.

If I hear one more time about how someone can be crazy for supporting him even though he couldn't win I'm going to blow someones fucking head off.

Many people who have been subjected to psychological manipulation and control selectively deny aspects of their experience. Some become angry and resistant at the mention of mind control, thought reform, or brainwashing, thinking these things could not possibly have been done to them. It is very threatening to a person’s sense of self to contemplate having been controlled or taken over. The terms themselves sound harsh and unreal. Yet only by confronting the reality of psychological manipulation can someone who has had such an experience overcome its effects.

Social-Psychological Influence «

Ok bro, I'll humor you one last time.

Some become angry and resistant at the mention of mind control, thought reform, or brainwashing

Oh noes, everyone that gets worked up in debates about their positions on important topics is part of a cult. More people need to get pissed.

thinking these things could not possibly have been done to them. It is very threatening to a person’s sense of self to contemplate having been controlled or taken over.

I know for a fact these things have been done to me.. and every other American...and yeah, it's a pretty big mind fuck when you really get the whole picture. Hopefully, one day you will too, but somehow, I doubt it.

Yet only by confronting the reality of psychological manipulation can someone who has had such an experience overcome its effects.

Truth. Get to confronting bro.

Seriously, I would rather you just call me delusional like Cakes did, at least he used his opinion rather than rehashing some bull shit pyscho babble used to push medications and classify people, from some shitty website no less. Could've at least linked Wikipedia.

Honestly, you're an idiot.. I mean that in a constructive kinda way bro. I hope you can feel the love.