Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters

Are these inspiring PPC profit successes based on promoting crap (weight loss, grants) or do some of you succeed with promoting products of genuine value?

I just lost $80 and had to cancel one of our credit cards because my wife signed up for a free "wu yi tea" sample scam, and no doubt some skinny or fat bastard on here got $30 for referring her. :)Which is success for him/her of course.

I have my one and only one web site, an affiliate site that pulled in $200 last month, and $120 the month before, and I've only posted to the site's blog four times in that period. But I put a hell of a lot of time in learning the ins and outs of web design and researching that niche. It will be easier next time, if only I could multiply that success 10 or 20 times...but I can't see that happening. I'd have to branch out to PPC at least.

The best way to protect yourself from those sample scams, and legitimate offers that suck you into forgetting to cancel is to use a "virtual credit card" They are offered by Citi, Bank of America, and (possibly) Wells Fargo.
You generate a unique card number for each person you want to buy from. Set a limit from $1.00 up to your available credit, and set the expiration date. If you want that free CD, but have to pay 7.95 shipping, set the card for $8.00 and that's all they can ever get. Free trial, and 39.95 per month, get a VC for $5.00 and you have a legit card number that they can check but they can't ever get the 39.95 and you can choose to raise the limit and extend the expiration if you decide to. Just Google "virtual credit card" and you will find out all you need.
I got serious about AM on about 2/25 I had been just dicking around with it before. I burned through about $700 on stuff with no positive ROI for the first week I was just about the cut off the spending and just go back to researching stuff when I started to get some results.

I had my first 1k profit day yesterday and today is looking to go higher. The projects I have going now I know won't last though. But I have some ideas that I think are great and the capital to try them out now.

Thank you so much wicked fire.
Please answer truthfully

I made $100,000 per hour buying ebooks on warriorforum. If your not making as much as me I recommend getting over there to buy some ebooks.
I had the cash to scale as fast as I wanted (wasn't cash constrained), and was willing to put significant amts of money at risk to test what works/not (few thousand a day) starting on day 1. I believe that'd make my case unique vs most affiliates starting out, so this isn't really a perfect example case.

But, I was able to start hitting $5,000/day of revenue within about 3-4 days, and making pretty significant margins. However, I coded some pretty slick research software to figure out what to/how to target properly too.

Realistically if you're willing to do the work/research to figure out the ropes of how everything works, and have the capital to invest into the venture, there's no reason why you can't hit significant revenues+profits rapidly.
I'm at about $50 to $75 profit per day consistently for the past week, and that's fully automated. I've been doing this for about a month and a half. Let's see how much higher I can bring that up in the next 45 days!
Well, I've spent probably $100 in the past week and made nothing. Apparently I am teh sux!

Going to keep on working at it till I figure out how to make some money...
I had the cash to scale as fast as I wanted (wasn't cash constrained), and was willing to put significant amts of money at risk to test what works/not (few thousand a day) starting on day 1. I believe that'd make my case unique vs most affiliates starting out, so this isn't really a perfect example case.

But, I was able to start hitting $5,000/day of revenue within about 3-4 days, and making pretty significant margins. However, I coded some pretty slick research software to figure out what to/how to target properly too.

Realistically if you're willing to do the work/research to figure out the ropes of how everything works, and have the capital to invest into the venture, there's no reason why you can't hit significant revenues+profits rapidly.

That's pretty cool. The thing about all this is, I think most of us are telling the TRUTH about our successes or lack thereof. Some of us do make a lot of money very fast, but I would think almost always, these people bring valuable skills sets to the table. I had a ton of business, marketing, sales, sales training, writing, and life experience before I started in AM. Some people have a wealth of coding or programming experience.

Had I started in AM 12 years ago, right out of college with none of the successes and failures I experienced as an owner of various businesses over the last 12 years, I think I would have been a likely failure in AM (or very slow to a level of success).

I have a friend who asked me how much I made last month. I didnt want to tell her. After several days of harassment, I finally told her the truth.

I knew she was interested in getting started in AM, but I also knew by telling her my success she would have an unrealistic concept of what she needed to have success. Now she is trying to do AM.

I hope she is successful and I will help her in ways that I can, but I wouldnt bet she will last more than a month or two.
Depends on the person's skill level.

Here's a challenge -- teach an Nigerian scammer affiliate marketing. ;)
I started AM because a buddy of mine was selling a hot software, I threw $$ at PPC campaigns and ended up making a couple grand a month from a 1 page website landing page. My ROI was horrible, but alas, I made a profit. That ended after about a year.

So I tried taking my AM model to shareasale, and lost $$ for quite a while. I tried landing pages, direct linking, etc. I got sucked into a "affiliate school" which just ended up being an affiliate pyramid scheme. I lost a couple hundred there.

So my question to those who are making $$ from straight ppc investment, what method are you using? Direct linking? Full affiliate websites? Niche websites with affiliate ads?

Where are you finding your products? Straight from Networks?

oh, and WTF is Weekly Wires?
Weekly wires are just payments directly deposited in your bank account, once a week. Usually you need to reach a certain threshold to get into weeklies, $1000ish+ a week.
I agree exactly with what WayneDog said too about the goal thing. Set a goal that you think is absolutely ridiculous and write it somewhere you will see every day. I stapled mine to the wall above the toilet. In less than a year I hit this goal and set a new one 10x it. We'll see what happens :)

As far as how much do you need to start? None - The first things I did was article marketing and posting on forums. I didn't do it that much but it did produce profit. Then I moved to PPC w/ a few hundred.

3 things you MUST remember when you are starting:

1. Set campaign and daily budgets - This is HUGE. Especially if you are working on a tight budget and don't want to spend more than $50 or $100/day, make sure you do this. You could essentially test 5-10 different campaigns at a time w/ $5-10 limits on each. Realize this will take a long time to decide if it's going to be profitable or not, but this is something that I still use on every campaign.

2. Stop reading John Chow - For the first 6-12 months after I learned about affiliate marketing, I jumped on the "make money blogging" bandwagon faster than a .25 cent whore drops to her knees. I read 8-10 blogs every day and, yes, I did learn a lot. I didn't put anything into action though. Stop reading these blogs as many of them don't offer anything you can use.

3. Do something - If you can stop reading blogs and just start working, you will notice things starting to fall into place. After you start testing things out on your own, then you can ask questions and clarification from people and they will be more than happy to help you (even here, I know this from personal experience).

The day I deleted all those blogs from my favorites and started actually testing things was when it all began. I don't think it's a coincidence that once my 80/20 flipped from majority of reading blogs to majority of working on things that I actually started making money online either.

Good luck :)

$50-100/day is viable after 3 months if you have an understanding of what you're doing and work hard.

I think this is pretty much the best advise a newbie can get.

I also spent countless hours reading blogs and ebooks on how to make money. I learned a few basic concepts, but I can tell from my own experience that the best lesson I got was from actually doing something.

After you start to take action, you will almost immediately stumble upon things that work and don't work.

Once you have that knowledge, it will be much easier to find specific answers for the apsects of your methods that are not working. Instead of having big general questions about everything.

I remember that my biggest challenge when I started was finding profitable keywords. Even though, I was following the general advice everwhere about keyword research etc. And was tracking, getting clicks and conversions, I just could not make a profit. I was hardly breaking even in most of my campaigns.

It was until a decided to try my own ideas and angles for the offers I was promoting that things started to turn around.

Right now almost all the campaigns run on a profit and found a way already to test offers without spending to much money (That was my second biggest obstacle)

But what is funny is that nobody on blogs or IM courses is recommending the things that seem to be working for me. There are only vague references about them but nothing in detail. My guess is that the reason they do not write about them is not because they suck but because they might actually work.

So, my contibution to the thread for anybody starting on PPC is think outside the box.

Don't just go to Google or the spy tools get a bunch of related keywords, create your campaign ads, tracking and launch. You will get slaugthered by the guys with higher budgets than you.

You need to think harder and be smarter than that in the way you approach your markets.
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Don't just go to Google or the spy tools get a bunch of related keywords, create your campaign ads, tracking and launch. You will get slaugthered by the guys with higher budgets than you.

This. I just barely managed to profit doing this but I've been designing LPs for a long time so it's saving me. My ad copy isn't very good, and my keywords are utter shit. Spend some time (or use a good service) and develop a GOOD keyword list that's extremely targetted and DON'T broad match everything starting out unless you have a lot of money to test waters with.

Off-topic, oh well.

I think any numbers are viable depending on how much you work at it and how much money you start with. Obviously you're not going to hit $5k a day within the first few weeks if you start with $100 and are on net30 unless you have some 2000% ROI bullshit going on (in which case, PM me please). On the other hand, $5k a day doesn't seem like it would be that crazy if you're starting out with $10k and have a decent understanding of PPC and some common sense.
If you are trying the SEO natural search traffic way, 100$ a month after 3 months seems to be realistic.
Thats a pretty low estimate, even with organic stuff, I've been doing it for 2 months and I'm making approx $70-$100 a day from organic traffic, my highest day so far has been $196.

I'd prefer to have a big fat PPC fund but I had to do it the hard way as I was skint as fuck. It seems to be working, I just need to get my sites ranking properly, but its frustrating being Googles bitch.
I just started working with facebook, myspace, and adwords within the last 4 weeks. I started out losing money but slowly made the money back. I have spent about $2100 and made about $2800. It takes money to make money. Although my profit margin is nothing to brag about, I have learned quite a bit from it and fortunately I came out ahead in my first month. I am a gambler and am willing to take risks. Hopefully in the following months, I will be able to work with larger volume.
... I got sucked into a "affiliate school" which just ended up being an affiliate pyramid scheme. I lost a couple hundred there.
Just curious what school you;re referring to - was it UK-based one? If that's the case then it was no pyramid, only headmasters used to get compensated a small percentage of their affiliates volume. That's where I made my first serious money in AM leadgen ($3-$5k Profit/day using PPC->my lander) but now this particular market died (read:loan market collapse) eventhough the school is still there but it's freaking tough to get close to that level today..
But those were good times indeed!
First of all, Sorry about your father..

As far as your hijacked post is concerned, Not exactly sure what you are asking?

Your asking AM professionals if perusing AM is a good idea? Does that make sense?

I can recommend this, as I too have a day job, and go to school. Whatever your long term goals are, do not put them aside for AM. If your long term goal is to own the world, than sure keep at AM as your first priority ;)

But until your earnings from AM exceed that of your day job do NOT risk losing your day job, understand?