Realistic revenues for beginner after 3 months

How much you made after 3 months from the start

  • Less than $0

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $0-100

    Votes: 513 25.5%
  • $100-500

    Votes: 363 18.1%
  • $500-1500

    Votes: 255 12.7%
  • $1500-5000

    Votes: 200 9.9%
  • $5000-10000

    Votes: 102 5.1%
  • More than $10000

    Votes: 215 10.7%

  • Total voters
if you make 5000 but spend 5000,make no sense

  • i used to make 3000/mo through ppc campaigns,but also spent about 2500/mo, so people really need to find a good way of arbitrage ,not only focus on PPC campaigns,otherwise you will be frustrated ...

I work a full time job during the day (10-12hrs/day) and do the affiliate marketing thing in the evenings and on the weekends. If you're looking to make a quick dollar, forget it, its a lot of hard work and its not easy. I'm earning well over $500 a day now and I've only been at it since December but I've had a lot of luck and put in many, many hours.

I found the biggest barrier to entry to be cash flow - almost impossible to keep up in the beginning with networks giving you net+15. Even if you have a great campaign, you can't scale it or you'll have 0$ left in your accounts.

Just to add to what Isostar said.

Yes you can't count out luck at least for your first couple successful campaigns. If you hit it the first or the 2nd time, chances you picked the right offer, with the right keywords and the right landing pages at the right time. When you find that first successful campaign, scale it up until you hit $500+ a day.

And yes those net-15 once a month cheques usually arrive after your CC payment date.

Solution: Save up and fund your business from your savings in the beginning.
I can agree to the cash flow issue. It's not a big deal when you are testing on a small scale but when you find a winner and try to scale it to the top, not only is it frustrating hitting your credit limit, but the more frustrating part is that because you CAN'T spend money advertising, you are actually LOSING money.

The key is to stick with it and diversify. Diversify or die.
i think its depend how much time can you spend in front of ur computer

It depends on planning what you must do each and every day and a lot of other factors.

Many people spend tons of time in front of their computers doing nothing but checking emails, reading this article to another, listening music, watching online movies, so on and on.
From reading the majority of this thread i cant help but think im going wrong somewhere?

everyone seems to be earning way more than i am?

ive been doing this since december and i make about £25 a month.

it could be to do with what i am selling (site in my sig) but any guidance would be great

ie a market that generally does very well?

probably a bad 1st post and im about to get destroyed
ive been doing this since december and i make about £25 a month.

it could be to do with what i am selling (site in my sig) but any guidance would be great

You've been doing this since Dec. and just heard of WF? This is the place to come and read EVERYTHING before you get started.

Also, site in your sig? What site?
I agree exactly with what WayneDog said too about the goal thing. Set a goal that you think is absolutely ridiculous and write it somewhere you will see every day. I stapled mine to the wall above the toilet. In less than a year I hit this goal and set a new one 10x it. We'll see what happens :)

As far as how much do you need to start? None - The first things I did was article marketing and posting on forums. I didn't do it that much but it did produce profit. Then I moved to PPC w/ a few hundred.

3 things you MUST remember when you are starting:

1. Set campaign and daily budgets - This is HUGE. Especially if you are working on a tight budget and don't want to spend more than $50 or $100/day, make sure you do this. You could essentially test 5-10 different campaigns at a time w/ $5-10 limits on each. Realize this will take a long time to decide if it's going to be profitable or not, but this is something that I still use on every campaign.

2. Stop reading John Chow - For the first 6-12 months after I learned about affiliate marketing, I jumped on the "make money blogging" bandwagon faster than a .25 cent whore drops to her knees. I read 8-10 blogs every day and, yes, I did learn a lot. I didn't put anything into action though. Stop reading these blogs as many of them don't offer anything you can use.

3. Do something - If you can stop reading blogs and just start working, you will notice things starting to fall into place. After you start testing things out on your own, then you can ask questions and clarification from people and they will be more than happy to help you (even here, I know this from personal experience).

The day I deleted all those blogs from my favorites and started actually testing things was when it all began. I don't think it's a coincidence that once my 80/20 flipped from majority of reading blogs to majority of working on things that I actually started making money online either.

Good luck :)

$50-100/day is viable after 3 months if you have an understanding of what you're doing and work hard.
Just to add to what Isostar said.

Yes you can't count out luck at least for your first couple successful campaigns. If you hit it the first or the 2nd time, chances you picked the right offer, with the right keywords and the right landing pages at the right time. When you find that first successful campaign, scale it up until you hit $500+ a day.

And yes those net-15 once a month cheques usually arrive after your CC payment date.

Solution: Save up and fund your business from your savings in the beginning.

Weekly wires. weekly wires. weekly wires.

weekly wires allow you to spend 3-4x times as much money.

try the following if you can. take ALL of your credit card balance (or as much as is allowed) as a cash advance and put it into your bank account that has a debit card.

this does two things. first it keeps the credit card company from lowering your limits (this is happening alot right now) due to the contraction of the credit industry. second, it allows you to have continual access to your funds which you can't have if you have to wait for your credit card payments to process 2-3 times a month.

spend 3-4x times what you could have spent once you have found a profitable, scalable campaign and pay your credit card off in FULL once you have no more cash flow issues.

Once I had profited at 4 times my credit card debt (about 40K in debt at the time), I paid off all my purposely maxed out cards.

yes, i paid a few extra hundred dollars in finance fees during that 60 day period. for that, I made well over a 100K extra in profit during the same time.

take control of your situation.
Overextending, leveraging yourself financially to do IM/AM without any proven money-makers solely on the belief that you'll make money is reckless and stupid.

All you people that recommend people take all their savings and immediately dump it... are you also promoting bankruptcy kits?

I understand the concepts of "no guts, no glory", "shit or get off the pot", and "fish or cut bait," but IM/AM is not something you need to spend all your savings on to try. Get your feet wet before you jump into the water carrying a large rock.
My advice -- give yourself time, work on your fucking chump job, and once you make a full time income, finger your boss in the ass with a carrot and travel 3 months in Asia (like I did :D -- although I never fingered my boss's asshole...)
Are these inspiring PPC profit successes based on promoting crap (weight loss, grants) or do some of you succeed with promoting products of genuine value?

I just lost $80 and had to cancel one of our credit cards because my wife signed up for a free "wu yi tea" sample scam, and no doubt some skinny or fat bastard on here got $30 for referring her. :)Which is success for him/her of course.

I have my one and only one web site, an affiliate site that pulled in $200 last month, and $120 the month before, and I've only posted to the site's blog four times in that period. But I put a hell of a lot of time in learning the ins and outs of web design and researching that niche. It will be easier next time, if only I could multiply that success 10 or 20 times...but I can't see that happening. I'd have to branch out to PPC at least.
Are these inspiring PPC profit successes based on promoting crap (weight loss, grants) or do some of you succeed with promoting products of genuine value?

I just lost $80 and had to cancel one of our credit cards because my wife signed up for a free "wu yi tea" sample scam, and no doubt some skinny or fat bastard on here got $30 for referring her. :)Which is success for him/her of course.

I have my one and only one web site, an affiliate site that pulled in $200 last month, and $120 the month before, and I've only posted to the site's blog four times in that period. But I put a hell of a lot of time in learning the ins and outs of web design and researching that niche. It will be easier next time, if only I could multiply that success 10 or 20 times...but I can't see that happening. I'd have to branch out to PPC at least.

Anyone that comes to a site, hands over their credit card details despite the fact the offer states "FREE" and then complains they got scammed probably deserves everything they get.
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In many cases expecting any income from first 3 moths for newbie can be really difficult because for newbies it will take them 3 to six months to get the feeling of online marketing... so i'll say newbies better spend their first 3 months in learning and researching .. if they don't wanna lose their savings online ....
Anyone that comes to a site, hands over their credit card details despite the fact the offer states "FREE" and then complains they got scammed probably deserves everything they get.

OK, maybe off the threads main topic, but is there a genetic disorder in some people that do this *repeatedly*? There's a segment of the population that seems to take the bait over and over again. I see those offers and want to run away without knowing exactly how I'm going to get taken. I just know the offer is a scam and leave.
i was profiting around $500 for couple days but its llike $100+ now and i started aff marketing last summer but of course i knew alot about computers and internet in general.