Real Money Making Shit Happening at Wicked Fire

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Blast ass you cuss too much and stop typing in caps. People here clam up when pressed for specifics regarding making money. Don't expect this thread to be any different. I wish that wasn't the case cause this forum would be better if people shared knowledge such as keywords lists but they don't.

Blast ass you cuss too much and stop typing in caps. People here clam up when pressed for specifics regarding making money. Don't expect this thread to be any different. I wish that wasn't the case cause this forum would be better if people shared knowledge such as keywords lists but they don't.
Will someone please slap this tard with the ban stick? I'm sick of his stupidity.
OK I had to come back and chime in for this guy. Here is a long tail keyword I'm monetizng and even teaming up with COPEAC to see if we can make it an affiliate offer.

Longtail keyword=
fuck peter drucker in the ass because that's where he talks out of and it would make this fucktard shut up and be banned from wicked fire forever

monetize that, you'll do great and your ass will feel mighty fine:eek:

Blast ass you cuss too much and stop typing in caps. People here clam up when pressed for specifics regarding making money. Don't expect this thread to be any different. I wish that wasn't the case cause this forum would be better if people shared knowledge such as keywords lists but they don't.
Blast ass you cuss too much and stop typing in caps. People here clam up when pressed for specifics regarding making money. Don't expect this thread to be any different. I wish that wasn't the case cause this forum would be better if people shared knowledge such as keywords lists but they don't.

Doesn't Jon sell keyword lists?

I mean... dude, you want someone to just give you a keyword list?

why not go to and just take your competitors' keyword lists?

It's free, and it works for me.
Uh oh. Looks like I got sick of ol' Petey too. He started off his stellar WF career with a post that said essentially, "Give me all your niches, keywords, and landing pages so I can copy them because I'm too fuckin' lazy to go read the forums". Bye bye, Mr. Drucker, we'll miss you.

Anyhow, back on topic...

youink*gasp* We met here on WF, I think that's been established. I think that we realized we had some things in common shortly after BYA started posting and people were dogging him for his writing style. I ignored the writing and read what he was trying to say and was amazed that people couldn't get past the writing style to see that this guy was full of good ideas, and he was willing to share them. So, I think I gave him +rep and said something like "Great post, love the ideas" or something equally cheesy. That kind of started some dialog via PM.

Now, we're driving up phone bills talking and planning everyday. Something I think a lot of people - that are as online oriented as most of us - forget about is phones. You can establish a lot more credibility, respect, and trust with a 10 minute phone call than you can with a slew of IMs, PMs and emails. There is something about being able to hear the other's voice, inflection and intent that goes a very long ways. Remember that next time you decide to partner with someone, or spend a lot of money with a developer / designer / whatever.

As for Joomla: I just spent about 5 hours getting used to the Magazine component from iJoomla and some of the templates from RocketTheme. Now I'm ready to start transferring some of the content from an existing site, and making it prettier and more user oriented, in addition to making it more "monetize-able" and doing the on-page SEO. Once that's done (eta: 3 - 7 days) I'll start on link building and the 'off-page' SEO.

Whether this project is a bust or gold mine, I think that Moe and I are going to make a great team for more projects to come. I'm looking forward to when we can announce some spectacular accomplishment(s) as a result of our collaboration.

to be continued...
ill be keeping up with this. BYA's posts never bother me. the writing style is nothing compared to the content.
Good morning Mother Fuckers:eek: !

Thanks for adding in there SEO Mike and I agree wholehearedly with everything you had posted. That's why we make a great team.

One thing I would like to emphasize is the phone and communication. I agree 110% with that as us computer fucks get hung up on a computer and PM'ing and IM'ing is great but a good phone call is a million time better and more efficient. Plus like he said it builds much more and becomes a friendship. I love you Mike!:D

OK, that said. I wont make this long. Here's what I did yesterday for our biz

  1. Our main goal is to make these sites semi-passive with adsense income and other offers to monetize a high quality conetnt site in the travel industry
  2. I have an existing domain (active 45 days with 30+ pages of contents and 10 good high PR links) no ranking yet. just doing arbi with various pages and having small success without ever tweaking my campaign
  3. The terms we are going after (in one venture) gets something like 200,000 searches a month. I decided to start devloping a blog on a domain that is keyword specific with dash and scrape content and ping it like a mofo and post some shit on Digg for linking only as a test to see what site we can get ranking first
  4. Search we are going after, #1 in Google has a PR3 and is revelant but in no way is it what searchers are looking for
  5. Purchased $50 credit at fotolia to have some nice pics on the site to make it sticky
  6. Submissions to free directories all by hand done daily and link requests (having great luck because our site in unique and doesnt compete with everyone)
  7. Estimated possible income once we get rankings in the big G and stabilize is $3,000-$6,000 just on adsense based on my ctr right now of 21%-30% daily. We figure it will be much higher when we are found organically
I know what I said is like um, mother fucking beginning SEO shit but new marketers need to understand that it is easy but hard work and it's a process to achieve LASTING success with a quality content site. Sure peddle your offers and think of ways to make fast money today but don't forget the long term goals.

If your patient and you work hard and systematically, then you will achieve success.

Remember this is a case study of a real life partnership being formed here and with it's progress updated daily. That's it.
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Thanks for your help blonde! So fucken cool. This is a great place to meet and help eachother and I hope this continues well into the future.

Everyone needs to realize that this place will explode someday based on REAL FUCKEN SHIT with no fluff.

Yeah we fuck around but when is all said and done. It's the REAL DEAL!

Now time to make it happen.

Can I just say that I'm psyched that someone else here is going to be Joomla geeky with me?

You guys rock, I'm rooting for you both! I'm hoping your partnership is as good as mine is (and mine is great).
BYA is one of the more entertaing people on here when he posts.

Good luck on everything you guys.
Update SEO Mike's ass talked me into registering another webite in our niche and it looks fucken nice and tight. Perfect.

A perfect example of how teams work and 2 minds are better than 1.

Update on money: Day 2 = $8 via adsense

$4 for SEO Mike
$4 for BYA

Off 2 blog posts, pinging it and driving 87 uniques

Looks like a profitable niche so far.

Everyone have a great fucken weekend and keep it real on here! Oh yeah, PETER DRUCKER'S STILL A FUCKER:eek:
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What's the niche? Can you tell me what keywords you're using? Oh, and if you could include the affiliate offer that would be really cool too.

Wombats - small Australian marsupial

Keywords - Wombat, Wombats, Breed Wombats

Copeac has some badass Wombat offers.

fromundacheese = Niche

ball fromundacheese = Keyword

Girl Geek's Ultimate Ball Fromundacheese Buster = Affiliate offer

now go monetize that biatch:D oh and stop being so peter drucker you fucker
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