Uh oh. Looks like I got sick of ol' Petey too. He started off his stellar WF career with a post that said essentially, "Give me all your niches, keywords, and landing pages so I can copy them because I'm too fuckin' lazy to go read the forums". Bye bye, Mr. Drucker, we'll miss you.
Anyhow, back on topic...
youink*gasp* We met here on WF, I think that's been established. I think that we realized we had some things in common shortly after BYA started posting and people were dogging him for his writing style. I ignored the writing and read what he was trying to say and was amazed that people couldn't get past the writing style to see that this guy was full of good ideas, and he was willing to share them. So, I think I gave him +rep and said something like "Great post, love the ideas" or something equally cheesy. That kind of started some dialog via PM.
Now, we're driving up phone bills talking and planning everyday. Something I think a lot of people - that are as online oriented as most of us - forget about is phones. You can establish a lot more credibility, respect, and trust with a 10 minute phone call than you can with a slew of IMs, PMs and emails. There is something about being able to hear the other's voice, inflection and intent that goes a very long ways. Remember that next time you decide to partner with someone, or spend a lot of money with a developer / designer / whatever.
As for Joomla: I just spent about 5 hours getting used to the Magazine component from
iJoomla and some of the templates from
RocketTheme. Now I'm ready to start transferring some of the content from an existing site, and making it prettier and more user oriented, in addition to making it more "monetize-able" and doing the on-page SEO. Once that's done (eta: 3 - 7 days) I'll start on link building and the 'off-page' SEO.
Whether this project is a bust or gold mine, I think that Moe and I are going to make a great team for more projects to come. I'm looking forward to when we can announce some spectacular accomplishment(s) as a result of our collaboration.
to be continued...