New WP/Twitter Plugin Gets *GUARANTEED* Traffic To Any Blog [FREE Reviews]

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I just purchased standard version and am messing with it now...pretty cool so far. I'll drop a review in a few more days after i see how it goes.
What the fuck is the deal dude. Every deadline in this thread is bullshit... which is fine if you're taking a hiatus during the holidays or whatever, just say so. You're active and posting on the forum, but not addressing this here. I feel like shakin my head like the fuckin hurr durr dog...

Why do I care and not just move right along? I like your work, want to give you more money (upgrade), and would like to be able to recommend this to a couple buddies once it can be used effectively.

Are you gettin sketched out or somethin on the new versions? Bugs?

I don't think anyone is going to care whatever the reasoning, people just don't like to be mislead, myself included.
I took a break during Christmas myself. I just finished testing and I have to say this is the best thing going right now. If you keep onwith the upgrades this will be my choice over WP Robot. I did have one person tell me they had a problem with their Posts to Twitter being pointed towards the original authors site (author of the article being posted). Have you heard of this issue?

I just purchased standard version and am messing with it now...pretty cool so far. I'll drop a review in a few more days after i see how it goes.

Awesome let me know if you've got any questions.

Are you gettin sketched out or somethin on the new versions? Bugs?

I don't think anyone is going to care whatever the reasoning, people just don't like to be mislead, myself included.

Not trying to mislead anyone - It's been the new year and I was working on v1.4. There were a few elusive bugs, but it's done now :)
You can email me anytime or submit a ticket if you've got any questions and I'll most likely answer them the same day.
(WpTweetBomb| Support)

I took a break during Christmas myself. I just finished testing and I have to say this is the best thing going right now. If you keep onwith the upgrades this will be my choice over WP Robot. I did have one person tell me they had a problem with their Posts to Twitter being pointed towards the original authors site (author of the article being posted). Have you heard of this issue?


Glad you like the direction WTB is going :) Once v1.5 is out and any bugs squashed I'm pretty sure it will be the best autoblogging plugin available.

I think I've heard from someone about the links in tweets pointing to the original site, but it might have been from you... ? The beta testers or myself have never seen this happen though - I would need to loging into the blog in question to check what's happening, which I'm happy to do.

Version 1.4 is now out
and I've sent the update emails to everyone. The emails are coming from aweber and were sent within the last hour if you're trying to pinpoint them. If you can't find your email shoot me an email with your licence key and I'll get you the plugin.
Excellent! Thank you, and I would like to upgrade whenever you have a chance sometime this weekend.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you, v1.5 will be unmatched by any other current plugin.
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