New WP/Twitter Plugin Gets *GUARANTEED* Traffic To Any Blog [FREE Reviews]

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I bought this about a 3 weeks ago. Never used it so wanted to contact the creator to get a refund (since the site has a refund guarantee within 1 month) , but creator did not respond. Contacted him twice,opened a ticket but not response either. I don't consider that a good customer service.
Be careful if you do decide to buy wptweetbomb. Even If you don't like it, you may just be stuck with it.

I was out of the office for 1 day and you've now been refunded. For the record - the first time you contacted me about this was yesterday and you were refunded the following day (today).

Ok, I picked it up, I'm not waiting for the reviews, I have a good feeling about this and I'm hoping to make some quick coin so I can upgrade, and then cover my ass for all the bills that have to be paid in a couple weeks!

Any help you can offer me as a newbie to Wordpress sites or possible markets that I might target (just to get off the ground) would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot, I look forward to massive success!

Ok, I picked it up, I'm not waiting for the reviews, I have a good feeling about this and I'm hoping to make some quick coin so I can upgrade, and then cover my ass for all the bills that have to be paid in a couple weeks!

Any help you can offer me as a newbie to Wordpress sites or possible markets that I might target (just to get off the ground) would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot, I look forward to massive success!


Glad you decided to get the plugin :)

As for markets - you'll ideally want something with obvious product tie-ins. For example a gambling site can offer many casino/bingo aff links, an electronics site can promote tv's etc. Bad options to pick would be markets with no obvious product to offer, or where the majority of users are only after freebies. These can still be profitable but make it easy on yourself to begin with.

If this is your fist autoblog then go for a small market so you can rank well and make some cash - which will motivate you to go after larger markets later. For example, pick a really small section of a larger niche and go after that with multiple blogs. Some random obscure examples might be "gloves for snowboarders", "Savannah Monitor Tanks" or "Camping Air Beds". Pick a big niche and drill down to a smaller area, check the keywords and traffic then try it. Look through other website's category lists (Like Amazon, eBay etc) for product ideas.

Also remember to build some links to the blog for added benefits. A bunch of crappy directory links and a link wheel or 2 should do the trick. Also if you leave the original links in the content WPTB "collects" you'll naturally get pingbacks from other blogs - which is more links ;)

Good luck with your blog - and if you need anything post here or in the WPTB forum and I'll help you out :)

Quick question about the de-duping feature. I assume this is cloaking ? Is it possible to disable this feature if using this tool on more white hat blogs ?

Cheers Alex

Quick question about the de-duping feature. I assume this is cloaking ? Is it possible to disable this feature if using this tool on more white hat blogs ?

Cheers Alex

Yep - it can be disabled, but it's not cloaking. The content shown is the same to Google and normal visitors.

I may add some cloaking elements, but they are not there yet :)
My main concern is adsense... do the site visitors get me some clicks... after using WTB plugin..?

is this $47 still holds good?

and How to go about setting up G Trends and News (Rss and keywords) in this WTB?

please this product seriously needs some sort of well explained guide.

I think i'll buy it if proper documentation and $47 holds good.

My main concern is adsense... do the site visitors get me some clicks... after using WTB plugin..?

That's up to you. It depends on your keywords, theme, niche, content and many other things. Affiliate products do give higher payouts and WPTB comes with an affiliate ad system as well...

is this $47 still holds good?

For about 2 days, yes.

How to go about setting up G Trends and News (Rss and keywords) in this WTB?

Just add them as a content block. It's pretty simple once you've got it installed and you can ask any questions on the forum.

this product seriously needs some sort of well explained guide.

There's already a bunch of documentation on the site and more being added. Also I'm getting a selection of tutorial videos recorded to help further.

Will it be possible for you to extend the $47 offer till this week end (7th March) as
i will definately be buying it, right i am short in funds.
I appreciate it if this is possible.

Will it be possible for you to extend the $47 offer till this week end (7th March) as
i will definately be buying it, right i am short in funds.
I appreciate it if this is possible.


As soon as v1.5 is done the price will be going up and I'm hoping to be finished pretty soon. When it's ready there will still be a discount off the full price offered here.
How does it handle multiple content blocks? I looked in the docs but didn't see anything. For example, if I have 5 content blocks, will it pick one randomly or do them in order? Thanks.
How does it handle multiple content blocks? I looked in the docs but didn't see anything. For example, if I have 5 content blocks, will it pick one randomly or do them in order? Thanks.

If you run the main cron url - it will pick a random content block to process each time.

You can run each content block individually via their own cron url if you prefer finer control over the exact posting schedules for different blocks though.
What's up SpamHat? The blogs seem to be working well now, I got the other issue with bitly worked out and ended up just getting another dedicated ip.

I have a question about auto tweets that may lead to a possible mod or update in a later verion. Is there a way to prevent your listed twitter accounts from following your own and other twitter accounts repeatedly? I notice that I get a lot of follow_fail from attempts at following already followed accounts. Not a big issue but if this could be prevented it would be a nice enhancement.

Also any thoughts on the twitter commenting mod I recommended? To post tweets as comments for posts. Just wondering if you gave it any more thought.
What's up SpamHat? The blogs seem to be working well now, I got the other issue with bitly worked out and ended up just getting another dedicated ip.

I have a question about auto tweets that may lead to a possible mod or update in a later verion. Is there a way to prevent your listed twitter accounts from following your own and other twitter accounts repeatedly? I notice that I get a lot of follow_fail from attempts at following already followed accounts. Not a big issue but if this could be prevented it would be a nice enhancement.

Also any thoughts on the twitter commenting mod I recommended? To post tweets as comments for posts. Just wondering if you gave it any more thought.

Howdy :)

I'm guessing that either your keywpords are obsure or your tweeting a lot? When following WPTB will find users for a psecific keyword on Twitter and if your accounts are there it will follow them. Also I'd recommend using more keyword per content block and you'll see this much, much less.

The Twitter comments is defiantly something I'll be including ;)
It will be in a future release after v1.5.
Whats the current deeal for your ever loving WF members?

I was just in the process of updating it actually as I released v1.5 about an hour ago.

I've raised the prices to reflect how powerful the plugin now is.
Especially with the new ad rules. You can use affiliate ads wherever possible on your blog and in cases where there are weird keywords like "kthxbi" with no products you can set custom ads, use adsense as a backup, only display sub-sets of ads in certain categories etc. I've got a lot more planned for the ad features in the plugin soon as well.

There's always a discount here for you though ;)

Here's the original prices...

...and here's your discount...

You can upgrade at any time btw.
Oh Man.. Why doest it always happen to me... ?

Now i have $47 to buy the tool but the prices are gone up...

Hey SpamHat would you consider giving me the software for $47 as i have already promised you that i will buy the software soon as i get $50.

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