the 467 million is the key part here... also jesse willms is STILL ACTIVE
He also settled for pennies.
How he got away without jail time is beyond me.
Everybody knows it was a huge scam.
the 467 million is the key part here... also jesse willms is STILL ACTIVE
He also settled for pennies.
Sigh - are you really this naive? If it wasn't already obvious - The amount involved is less than pennies for facebook. They more than made the amount Grunin cost them, in less time it took Perkins to draft up that complaint. It's not about money. It's about blood. It's about sending a message and I do think fb will go to great lengths to make an example out of his and burnish their PR.
This isn't anything new for fb - remember the $873 million lawsuit against a spammer? That too was to make an example out of people. Facebook Wins $873 Million Lawsuit Against Spammer - Slashdot
I'm just trying to see this from a legal and game theory perspective.
I love a good witch hunt, but I would imagine he is just going to settle out of court and send Zuck a sweater as an apology.
I wouldn't be surprised if facebook would agree to a settlement for the monetary losses they suffered,
Hate hearing this about Martin, but at the same time every time I hear about something like this it stirs me up inside. Helps me remember that sleeping well at night is more important than an extra couple of bucks. Makes me remember to not get too carried away.
Either way, with this kids hussle, if he doesn't whack himself he'll be back in a couple of years better than ever. How many business husslers have gone broke and lost it all many times just to come back again and again.
Facebook sneeze $350K brah ffs.
I highly DOUBT the financial loss is the motive for FB here.
don't think i'm some internet warrior faggot. I would knock you out in real life. I'm like muhammad ali, I back my talk up 110%. You on the other hand are like this guy
Grunin seemed like a smart guy, did he really think he was above getting nailed for doing something on this scale, what was his exit plan?
very fucking easy to run good campaigns when you're not paying for the traffic!
If it's like everyone here is saying, the sky is literally falling, jail, felonies, fraud etc...Someone tell me WHY the fuck didn't facebook go to the police/FBI, they go after crimes in the 10~K.