Martin Grunin - Facebook Ads Fraud - Bank Fraud - mgrunin

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On information and belief, under the username mGrunin, Grunin used affiliate-marketing forums to find buyers for Facebook advertising accounts for which he procured access through unauthorized means. For example, one post by mGrunin on such a forum stated the following:
Title: Selling a $30,000 Daily Limit Facebook Account Date:
2/29/12 4:03 PM
The account is 1 year old. Has been actively promoted on for a year. Comes with a 2k Animal Charity Fan Page. Never received a warning email for this account. Payment will be either by Escrow or Direct Wire Transfer. I will keep the offer for this account open for a week and sell it to the best offer. The minimum offer I'll accept for it is $30,000. Reason for Selling: I have half a dozen high limit FB accounts that are sufficient enough for my FB campaigns. I've also been allocating my budget from FB to other mediums, so I'll be letting go off (sic) several accounts. During this account's life, I was throwing my cleaner/smaller campaigns on it.

I'm pretty sure someone in that other thread said they'd bought lots of Facebook accounts from Grunin in 2012.

I wonder what happens to them. Do they lose their accounts and investment? Have they put a great big target on their heads by dealing with Grunin?

I'm sorry now that I felt sorry for him. I thought he was just a kid who didn't know what he was doing. He was a good scammer because he didn't come across as one, but what would I know?!
[ame=]One of the greatest Flair flops - YouTube[/ame]

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't stop fucking laughing.

PS - Not at Grunin
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in reality


Come on guys, this is a quality thread. Respect the rules.

First the shit.
Then the ass & tits pictures from the specialists.

And then its time for the real horror a human body can become.

I already have my pics on the shortcuts. If you guys like to have
normal sex in the next days please do it soon and before i post.
After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements? Even if they do sue, they probably won't get anything. Not good, but not the end of the world. Martin's a smart guy and has this figured out.
After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements?

Did you read this?
After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements?

what makes you think they won't throw him in prison and make an epic example out of him?

actually he needs to read this, it explains exactly what will happen to mgrunin. bitfiend, get your facts straight you peasant.
I'm reading the scribd doc. now. It doesn't look good. -But- I think the want him to pay (~340,000) and go away, more than destroy his life. It will probably be settled in mediation. idk
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