Holy motherfucking shit...From Audis, expensive suits, blonde girlfriend to a prospective prison participant. Boy that's quite a reversal of fortune, at least in the public eye. If your brain was the size of a peanut, you'd at least know not to open up your fucking kimono. But no, you wanted every bit of it in the public domain for everyone to enjoy while your reputation sank at the bottom of the ocean.
Where do I begin?
This isn't some juvenile ToS-violation-from-facebook-because-they-were-annoyed shit. This is felony-prison-time-criminal shit. What's being alleged here by facebook is literally the definition of a fraud. Per the complaint, he created fake domain and posed as a fake person to obtain a high credit limit account under false pretenses. If this was about him unable to pay his fb ad bills, that's a different story (he can just declare bankruptcy and move on), but he tried to put it on others. How is this any different than identity theft? That's exactly what's being alleged here. I mean creating "at least 70 accounts" doesn't just happen by accident. Neither does spoofing headers, creating look-alike domains and creating fictitious persons in order to obtain services under false pretenses. And where did all that money go? To buy expensive cars and suits. In other words, to buy thinks he didn't need to impress people he didn't even know, with money he didn't even have.
In hindsight, his façade was no different than some cocky immature teenager who craved attention. Why else all PUBLIC DISPLAY OF the pictures of fast cars, expensive suits, jet-setting lifestyle? To be honest, I was kind of on the fence about him from the get-go. One does not simply learn about trading and magically start multiplying money overnight. Especially the need for "look at me!! look at me!! Did you know I my Audi crashed? Oh yeah I drive Audi!!" It takes years of patience, discipline...and most importantly - HUMILITY to consistently succeed. I remember coming across one of his gaming campaigns around 2010. I didn't think too much of him at the time, and thought he was just another affiliate who thought not only that the affiliate game was going to last forever, but acted as such.
I doubt FB is going at this length for the money. It's implied that no one's going to see another penny. It's just that you've pissed off a higher-up at facebook and it just seems that they are out for blood. And that's not a good place to be.
The world doesn't just hand out the circumstances you want or what you think you deserve, but only what you actually deserve.
I'll leave ya'll with this: