Martin Grunin - Facebook Ads Fraud - Bank Fraud - mgrunin

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In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall.

That's the most fucktard comment in this entire thread.

You seriously think FB give a shit about money in this?

Like the poster above said, it's more than fucking 99% likely FB are just monumentally pissed off and don't mind throwing $$$$$$$ just to make an example out of him.

That is a total retard comment I've quoted above^^.

And..."Cause their stock to fall?"...bwahahahahahahahaha!

After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements? Even if they do sue, they probably won't get anything. Not good, but not the end of the world. Martin's a smart guy and has this figured out.

After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements? Even if they do sue, they probably won't get anything. Not good, but not the end of the world. Martin's a smart guy and has this figured out.

can i short your prediction?
Wow, what a story. I can safely say I learned 3 important things here:

1. YES

2. YES

3. YES
That's the most fucktard comment in this entire thread.

You seriously think FB give a shit about money in this?

Like the poster above said, it's more than fucking 99% likely FB are just monumentally pissed off and don't mind throwing $$$$$$$ just to make an example out of him.

That is a total retard comment I've quoted above^^.

And..."Cause their stock to fall?"...bwahahahahahahahaha!

The difference between a single penny in the EPS can mean the difference between a stock rising on earnings or falling 10%. For a $150+ billion dollar company, 10% is $15 billion. High stakes business is about tradeoffs, risk vs. reward, , not moralizing or making examples. Look up how GE CEO Jack Welsh manipulated the EPS during the 90's. I predict there will be a bargain where he pays the $330k and admits no further wrongdoing. That's bad, no doubt. The question is can FB recover $? if not, they can't do much anyway. They can try to make it a criminal case, but this would take getting the district attorney involved.

anyway, martin never ceases to entertain. that's for sure
Right, and Buffet didn't write down his SN derivative losses because there was no "material change in fundamentals." But no, it's not an issue of unpaid receivables lol. You can't seriously think Fuckbook thinks this is a mention in their quarterlies?
The difference between a single penny in the EPS can mean the difference between a stock rising on earnings or falling 10%. Look up how GE CEO Jack Welsh manipulated the EPS during the 90's. I predict there will be a bargain where he pays the $330k and admits no further wrongdoing. That's bad, no doubt. The question is can FB recover $? if not, they can't do much anyway. They can try to make it a criminal case, but this would take getting the district attorney involved.

anyway, martin never ceases to entertain. that's for sure

very entertaining martin, indeed.

Edit: But other than that point, you must be dreaming.
you really think he has 330k lying around?

Given his flashy lifestyle, stock trading, etc they ascertained he does have the money.

They are trying to scare him into going the fuck away, as they should. He obviously violated every item on TOS.

Read the prayer for relief. They keep mentioning this 340K figure, which leans me to believe they just want the money and for martin to go away, an outcome which he should consider himself lucky. If this were criminal he would have been raided and jailed ( think kim dotcom).
Holy motherfucking shit...From Audis, expensive suits, blonde girlfriend to a prospective prison participant. Boy that's quite a reversal of fortune, at least in the public eye. If your brain was the size of a peanut, you'd at least know not to open up your fucking kimono. But no, you wanted every bit of it in the public domain for everyone to enjoy while your reputation sank at the bottom of the ocean.

Where do I begin?

This isn't some juvenile ToS-violation-from-facebook-because-they-were-annoyed shit. This is felony-prison-time-criminal shit. What's being alleged here by facebook is literally the definition of a fraud. Per the complaint, he created fake domain and posed as a fake person to obtain a high credit limit account under false pretenses. If this was about him unable to pay his fb ad bills, that's a different story (he can just declare bankruptcy and move on), but he tried to put it on others. How is this any different than identity theft? That's exactly what's being alleged here. I mean creating "at least 70 accounts" doesn't just happen by accident. Neither does spoofing headers, creating look-alike domains and creating fictitious persons in order to obtain services under false pretenses. And where did all that money go? To buy expensive cars and suits. In other words, to buy thinks he didn't need to impress people he didn't even know, with money he didn't even have.


In hindsight, his façade was no different than some cocky immature teenager who craved attention. Why else all PUBLIC DISPLAY OF the pictures of fast cars, expensive suits, jet-setting lifestyle? To be honest, I was kind of on the fence about him from the get-go. One does not simply learn about trading and magically start multiplying money overnight. Especially the need for "look at me!! look at me!! Did you know I my Audi crashed? Oh yeah I drive Audi!!" It takes years of patience, discipline...and most importantly - HUMILITY to consistently succeed. I remember coming across one of his gaming campaigns around 2010. I didn't think too much of him at the time, and thought he was just another affiliate who thought not only that the affiliate game was going to last forever, but acted as such.

I doubt FB is going at this length for the money. It's implied that no one's going to see another penny. It's just that you've pissed off a higher-up at facebook and it just seems that they are out for blood. And that's not a good place to be.

The world doesn't just hand out the circumstances you want or what you think you deserve, but only what you actually deserve.

I'll leave ya'll with this:

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Was out of town for a few days, not on Wickedfire. I come back and see this. . .


I love a good witch hunt, but I would imagine he is just going to settle out of court and send Zuck a sweater as an apology.
You tried to game the system and the system eventually caught up with you. Which it ALWAYS does.
That is an extremely naive statement. I high percentage of rich people made it with criminal methods.

E.g. I'd say of all the Russian billionaires there's literally not a single one which built his empire without illegal methods and without mafia connections during the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Also, did you forget about Jesse Willms? Although he defrauded customers for $467 million he didn't end up in jail. Go figure

half you people scam others with shitty rebills with fake blogs and then make a big deal out of this.
Independent from Grunins failure, the amount of grudging and hating in this thread is disturbing.
After just reading th NYpost article nothing further will happen, my prediction. In terms of lawyer fees, going after martin will cost them more money than they could hope to recover and these expenses could theoretically hurt eps and cause the stock to fall. Even with lawyers on retainer, they have more valuable things to work on. FB will instead beef up thier security and not let it happen again. IN other words, well played, Martin, but maybe stay away from FB and doctoring statements? Even if they do sue, they probably won't get anything. Not good, but not the end of the world. Martin's a smart guy and has this figured out.

Given his flashy lifestyle, stock trading, etc they ascertained he does have the money.

They are trying to scare him into going the fuck away, as they should. He obviously violated every item on TOS.

Read the prayer for relief. They keep mentioning this 340K figure, which leans me to believe they just want the money and for martin to go away, an outcome which he should consider himself lucky. If this were criminal he would have been raided and jailed ( think kim dotcom).

Sigh - are you really this naive? If it wasn't already obvious - The amount involved is less than pennies for facebook. They more than made the amount Grunin cost them, in less time it took Perkins to draft up that complaint. It's not about money. It's about blood. It's about sending a message and I do think fb will go to great lengths to make an example out of his and burnish their PR.

This isn't anything new for fb - remember the $873 million lawsuit against a spammer? That too was to make an example out of people. Facebook Wins $873 Million Lawsuit Against Spammer - Slashdot
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