Louey's Journal

HUGE milestone. Just cracked 1500 visits (1504) for the first time yesterday as well as cracking 40k visits for the month.

Conversion rate was 2.93% which mean I had 44 conversions. This is a huge improvement over the 1.83% I was getting before popup domination.

The new version of Popup Domination was released today that allows you to put different versions for different pages and run A/B split testing so hopefully, the conversion rate should improve even more.

Killing it Leigh!!! I think you owe me a beer (or an interview for my new blog, right?? haha).

I would be very (VERY) weary of the thought you mentioned before of knowing where your clients have been because you have been there too. I know because (as you know) my background is very similar to yours, and yet when I started creating my client profile my mentor kept shooting me down about how the thoughts/fears/desires whatever I had were things I thought from the outside they had, rather than thoughts they were actively thinking.

TBH, I'd love to give you a peek at that, but it is my strongest IP from that project at the moment (Seeing product wasn't released). I can only say that if you keep your client profile in mind all the time your entire view of the project would change. Read the copy out of this place and see whether you are speaking in his language. Whether you are creating rapport with him and connecting on the first paragraph or not.

My 2c. I sent you a more detailed e-mail about technical suggestions to change in the copy. Either way, stellar effort this month man!
Hey louey, I sent you my idea on improving your conversion rate, am sure if you did some changes 5%+ conversion would be super easy.

Got the message mate. Thanks for the tips. It's so obvious when you point it out.

When I do the next round of revisions, I'll get them in.

Swinny that's pretty awesome. Do these scripts hurt SEO rankings?

I'm actually wondering about that myself. But most likely no as I see sites that are ranking #1 using this plugin.

I just bought this for myself and am excited to see how much of an increase in conversions it will bring.
Thanks Swinny. Let me know how it goes. I've always heard that popups when someone first lands on a page are fine with G but when they prevent someone from leaving a page is when you start to have issues.
I'm actually wondering about that myself. But most likely no as I see sites that are ranking #1 using this plugin.

I just bought this for myself and am excited to see how much of an increase in conversions it will bring.

For what Keyword? I'd love to check it out.

Btw, Louey, you can try it on an inner page and it won't hurt your site - Google ranks by page these days. Worst that can happen is that page drops (and then comes back again later).
I think I found a good keyword with a 'few' pages ranking for it with exit popups...
"exit popup".

Seem to work alright for them
I'm probably going to stay away from this one. I'd rather set up popup domination to come up on exit rather than this. It just looks really spammy and tacky.

I'm going through v.3 today so I should have it all set up soon.

P.S. For not upgrading me to v3 for free, it cost them $50.

I'm probably going to stay away from this one. I'd rather set up popup domination to come up on exit rather than this. It just looks really spammy and tacky.

I'm going through v.3 today so I should have it all set up soon.

P.S. For not upgrading me to v3 for free, it cost them $50.


Yeah fair enough lol... I'm not trying it on my SEO real-estate for now either... :)

Popupdom guys sigh. Such a good product, such a greedy attitude, especially seeing that their audience knows a thing or two about how the IM game is run.
Yeah, the attitude is a bit shit. Not to worry. I know they're not the kind of guys I want to give money to.

I'm having issues getting v3 to work. For some reason, it's not loading on my site. Maybe it's not as good as it seems...

I'm submitting a ticket now.

Lets see how good they are.
Yeah, the attitude is a bit shit. Not to worry. I know they're not the kind of guys I want to give money to.

I'm having issues getting v3 to work. For some reason, it's not loading on my site. Maybe it's not as good as it seems...

I'm submitting a ticket now.

Lets see how good they are.

Check your Wordpress plugin page. There should be a new update for Popup Domination. I had trouble running it when I first bought v3 a few days ago. Now it's working fine.

This version is way better than v2. Lots of new useful features.
^^^ Thanks mate. I've just updated it and it's finally working.

How are you finding it? Have you seen much of an improvement?
Btw, wanted to share this:

Virtual Smart Agent | Automated Chat Sales Associate for Your Website!

I found that a site I was pushing started using this, and sales eventually went up 2x.

It works especially well for niches where people have a lot of questions etc etc. You can easily put a 'Virtual Leigh' with your picture that answers guys questions... And the best thing - it will get you in text form, the actual questions people ask the virtual agent... To which you can start creating automated responses. Man I don't have it yet for myself (don't have an offer for myself atm) but in a few months gonna try the shit out of this thing. In a very unexpected way, it seems to be the best conversion raising tool I've seen.

You are demanding, aren't you Mr Raz?

UPDATE: Just finalising the latest email sequence. It's about 1000000 times better than the previous one (I think). The last one had no structure and was just a few emails lumped together. The new one has a lot more purpose to it and a structured direction.

I'll know if it's actually better in a few weeks.

Conversion rate is looking better for the optins. It's sitting at 3% today and I should break 50 conversions for the day for the first time ever. I'm consistently getting 1200 uniques a day at the moment so 3% is putting good traffic through.

I'm not doing much link building at the moment. I'm only going after one keyword right now and it's a doooozy. I don't have a chance in hell of hitting number 1 or even 2 but I could get number 3 if I really pushed. There's 66k exact searches a month with another 40k in long tail variations. It's THE BIG keyword in my niche so getting to number 3 should return good amounts of traffic. Especailly with the meat description I've got (is that what the title that shows up on google is called?)

I'm at number 7 now and I've only sent two link building packages at it. A few more behind it should give it a good shove.

In other news, I'm setting up my first EMD in a few days. I've just ordered 5 articles and got a copy of the CTR Theme. I'll try it out and let you know.

I'm not sure about the virtual smart agent thing... I'm not sold on Exit popups. I know how much I hate them. I don't know if I'd feel right using them.

I think I'd be more inclined to go with: https://kissinsights.com/

It comes up whilst people are browsing and lets them ask questions.

I've got a copy of virtual smart agent and I'll have a look at it but I don't think I'm going to use it.

Fair enough regarding the exit pop up.

The offer I saw pushing this which got a 2x sales boost actually loaded this 5 seconds after the rest of the page. It's a video sales page and the agent went ON TOP of the video. Fuck I thought it was annoying but I guess people had a lot of questions!

Yeah kiss insights should be awesome.

Hrm CTR theme, forgot about that. I've got a couple sites I've reluctantly had to changeover to adsense... Perhaps the best idea is to use CTR theme.