Louey's Journal

My thing with exit popups is that I'm not just doing internet marketing and trying to push as many sales through the door as possible. I'm building a brand. And for me, every part of the users expereince has to be consistent with that brand.

And you know my brand - desperately grabbing at people who're trying to leave definitely isn't part of that.

If I was just running a shitty sales page site trying to push sales through the roof, I'd definitely consider using VSA but I feel like building a brand is a different kettle of fish.

I'm going to get my first adsense site up in the next few days so I'll let you know how it goes. CTR theme looks solid and I've heard good things about it.

I was debating the same when considering popup. I opted instead for olark.com (Live help) sits on the bottom and I timed it to "open" after 120 seconds and ask if they wanted to book an appointment (Lead Gen).

Will give it a week or so and report back. Though I dont think it is to "salesy" if they are there for 2 mins they are interested.
Ok, looks interesting. Let me know how it goes. I'm keen to see what other options are available.

I think the 2 minute timer is great because if they're there for 2 minutes and it's just asking them if they need help then it's going to be much less intrusive.
Just discovered that my shopping cart abandonment rate is up around 50%. FAR too high. Has anyone used a merchant account other than PayPal? I think it's time to move on.

Has anyone used Authorize.net? I've seen plimus around a bit. Does anyone have any experience with it?
The prices they've quoted me is $675 for 6, 1 hour consultation sessions. They don't do the work in house but they have people they can recommend you to. Their services are purely on the changes you need to make.

They're the only people I've found who will work with anyone with less that a $500k profit.

The main guy I've been dealing with (Carl) seems like a really honest and genuine guy.

Their website didn't fill me with inspiration but talking to him has been positive.

I recommend filling out the form on their site for a free tip and then chatting with him about what you want to do. He's the only one who can really convince you of his skills.


Did you ever do the consulting with them? I'm in the same situation (looking for CRO help, but don't make enough for most companies). If so, how did it go? Was it helpful?
Jesus man, 50%? That's frustrating. Does PayPal give you options to optimize the cart?

I'm not using a paypal cart. I've got one from the email marketing / CRM / sales cart software I use.

I think it does have a lot to do with paypal though because I get quite a few messages from guys who don't have a paypal account and want to know if they can pay another way.

I'm going to check out Plimus in the new year and see what it can do for me. It looks like a better option because people can use paypal as well as just using other credit cards and what not.
Did you ever do the consulting with them? I'm in the same situation (looking for CRO help, but don't make enough for most companies). If so, how did it go? Was it helpful?

Haven't gone through with it yet. I'm still in the process of rewriting the email sequences at the moment and I'm only really able to tackle one thing at a time.

I'm going to do a few obvious adjustments to the site before I get in contact with him and see how they go. Once they're in, then I'll start using him because his talents wont be wasted on obvious changes.

If I do end up using him, I'll post it up in here so keep checking it out.

Otherwise, I've just posted up something in another guys journal who's looking at conversion rate optimisation and suggested that we do a skype call. We can dissect each others sites and throw out any ideas we have.

If you're keen, PM me and we'll see if we can hook something up.
Cant you use PayPal just a debit/credit card processor? I believe that may be an option. Great journal
Cant you use PayPal just a debit/credit card processor? I believe that may be an option. Great journal

Yeah, you can. But I think that's the problem. People see paypal, don't have an account, and then just abandon the thing before they get a chance to see.

I'm not sure. I haven't tested it yet. I think I need to get some kind of feedback form like kissInsights or something so I can get to the bottom of it.

Also, just bought: http://www.wickedfire.com/links-seo...s-ips-pr-6-3-lsi-2-private-blog-networks.html (Full package).

It's for one of the toughest KW's I've gone after. I don't think I have a hope in hell of getting #1 or #2 but wikipedia is at #3 so I think I can beat them out.
great journal my man...i just read the whole thing and i think the paypal thing is a common one...u may wanna checkout out 2checkout.com as that seems to be one of the major paypal alternatives
Thanks mate. Looks great. Have you used them yet?

For any of those who care, here's the latest site update:

I have 5 KW's at #1 with 44 on page one of google.

They're bringing an average of 1200 unique visitors per day and 33 conversions. That's an average conversion rate of 2.8%.

I've just had the ebook cover redesigned. The cover has been approved and I'm just waiting on the final version to come through. The new optin banner will be ready shortly after christmas and hopefully that'll lift the conversion rate above the target of 5%

Popup domination v3.1 doesn't work on my site so I'm going back to v2.5 just so it's up and running. I'll probably pull it down once the new optin banner goes up though.

Still chasing a few high traffic KW's which should stabilise traffic above 1500 unique visitors per day once I lock them down although most of my efforts are on convesions at the moment.

The new email sequences are almost ready with just 1 or 2 key emails still to be made. They're mostly video's and podcasts that I need help with but will have them tied down before the new year.
Lesson - Don't mess with shit you don't know about.

At the start of the month, I was playing with some stuff in teh email autoresponder and I deleted something. I didn't think I was using it so it didn't seem like a problem. I've just found out that what I deleted was the main email autoresponder sequence and no-one has been getting any emails since the start of the month.


Don't mess with shit when you don't know about it. Learn about it then start to play with it.
Lesson - Sometimes people are looking for a reason to buy

The average time frame from when someone signs up to the mailing list and makes their first purchase is 13 days. Basically no-one purchases my book after being on the list for more than a month.

But, what I've just found out is that they may just be waiting for a good enough excuse to buy.

You see, I just did something I've never done before - I ran a sale.

I discounted my book from $25 down to $12.50, my first workshop from $500 to $400, and my second workshop from $1500 to $1200.

The response has been out of this world.

In the 25 days in this month leading up to this sale, I'd sold 21 copies of my book at $25 each and 0 places in my workshops. That's a total of $525 or $21/day

In 4 days of the sale, I sold 26 copies of my book at $12.50, 5 spaces in my first workshop at $400, and 1 spot in my second workshop at $1200. That's a total of $3525 or $881.21/day.

That's a 3000% increase in sales.

And there's still 2 hours to go.

The really interesting thing is that the sale email only went out to people who've been on the list longer than 30 days - the people who never buy anything.

I'm assuming (at the risk of becoming an ass), that this means that they were looking for an excuse to buy and hadn't found one. They like the material, the like the concepts, but there was nothing to tip their hand and get the to take the plunge.

Running a time limited sale pushed them over the edge. They had an excuse to do what they wanted.

I'm now building this into my sales funnel. I'll try selling to them twice over the course of a month and if they don't bite, I'll just throw a quick sale up.

I have to find a way to get wordpress to run timed access to specific pages based on user IP. Not sure if this is possible but I'll check it out.

If anyone in wickedfire land has any expereince with this, please let me know.
Just a thought --- maybe it isn't so much of an 'excuse to buy' but rather a price point issue?

Maybe keep your book permanently 'on sale' at $12.50 from the start and don't let them ever get to 30 days inactive?

Sorta the sell 100 at $100 or sell 100,000 at $10.... you make more at volume.

EDIT: Or.... get them to bite earlier. Tell them it is on sale for the first 24 hours after they sign up ... then it returns to regular price after that?

Lots of ways to skin this cat.
Just a thought --- maybe it isn't so much of an 'excuse to buy' but rather a price point issue?

Maybe keep your book permanently 'on sale' at $12.50 from the start and don't let them ever get to 30 days inactive?

Sorta the sell 100 at $100 or sell 100,000 at $10.... you make more at volume.

EDIT: Or.... get them to bite earlier. Tell them it is on sale for the first 24 hours after they sign up ... then it returns to regular price after that?

Lots of ways to skin this cat.

Exactly. The sense of urgency really does help.
Interesting thought. I'll have to split test it to figure it out.

I've actually just put the price up to $47 to see what kind of effect that has on conversion rates. I plan to put it on sale at $25 to see if people bite on that.

Do either of you guys know of any wordpress plugins that will allow me to do these kinds of IP synced, timed discounts?
I checked out DL guard. It seems great if you're running a membership site and selling downloadable products but I'm looking for something that can do what it does, but based on IP address.

I'll keep looking around. I might have to get someone to make one for me if I can't find anything.

I've encountered my first stubborn KW.

So far, I've had little to no resistance getting high rankings for keywords. I've finally come up against some tough competition.

The KW has 65k exact match searches per month and the pages ranking for it are actually SEO'd companies selling goods related to that KW.

I'm at 7 at the moment and 13 for a long tail variation with 22k exact match searches.

I've just purchased 1000 drip fed articles on ALN and pointed them at the URL. Interested to see how it goes.