Louey's Journal

Lesson - Internal links matter.

There's a keyword I've been trying to get a particular page to rank for and haven't been able to get it to move. The other day, I was looking through the SERP's for that keyword and a completely different page on my site was ranking for it and my desired page wasn't in the first 10 pages.

There are no external links to this page so it didn't make sense.

Couldn't work out why till I checked back through my internal linking structure.

Turns out I set it up so that the page I didn't want ranked was being linked for that keyword on my site. Internal links were the ONLY links to that page and it was ranking on the first page.

Lesson learnt.

I've changed the links over to the page I really want ranked and with all it's external links, it should rank really quickly.


Lesson - High search volume and lots of competing pages doesn't mean that it's going to be hard to rank on page 1.

There a term that get's 90k exact searches a month and has 12mil competing pages. I thought it would be tough to rank for but it turns out it's not.

The highest page rank on the front page of google is 2 and there are some pages without any links on it.

Remember, check the front page competition before thinking that it's going to be too hard.
There seems to be a pretty consistent correlation between an increase in direct traffic (through email links and shit) and an increase in organic traffic.

I get it that correlation doesn't equal causation but it's pretty common. Something to look into...
The difference in daily traffic from position 3 and position 2 for a 27,000 exact match search term appears to be about 80 people per day. This means that position 2 gets roughly 18% traffic and position 3 gets around 10%.


This is probably skewed because I'm the only 'How to...' above the fold.
Yesterday, I hit a HUGE milestone.

When I took over the SEO of my site on the first of June, we had 120 visits through organic traffic and another 80 or so through other source.

Yesterday, we had 686 through organic searches and 350 through other sources.

It was the first time ever that the site has cracked 1000 visits in a day. Traffic has increased 5 times in 4 months.

And to make things better, we also hit a record for opt-ins with 34. This is up from an average of 6 in June.

Not bad for a beginner...
Good stuff. Looks like your SEO efforts are paying off.

Now on to the fun stuff: optimize those conversion rates. Set up GWO and test away, my friend.
Yeah, optimisation is where it's at.

I've got a 4 stage funnel and I've been analyzing conversion rates and seeing what's possible. And it tuns out that HUGE things are possible with if I can make small changes.

At the moment, the conversion rate from visitor to a free ebook is appallingly low at 2.5%. The conversion rate from opt-in to purchasing the paid ebook is also appallingly low at 3%. The conversion rates from here are great though. The conversion rate from the $25 ebook to the $495 coaching program is around 25% and the conversion rate from the $495 workshop to the $1500 workshop is 35%.

I really need to up the first two conversion rates and HUGE things become possible.

If I can get them up around 5% and keep the conversion rates in the latter stages of the funnel even close to where they are now, I'll be pulling in around $30k/month.

The only question is how... I've just got me hands on a plugin called popup domination which puts a light box on your site to get people to sign into. I've got a copy writer putting together some more powerful sales pages for me. And I'm working to create a more powerful email sequence.

Other than that, do you have any suggestions?
Great thread, keep it up. As an earlier poster said, do in-page multi-variate testing using google website optimiser (eg see which title/caption/image/heading/whatever converts better).
Lesson - There's always more traffic

When I first started in IM, I would always hold back on trying something because I was worried that this was the only shot I was going to get at this traffic and if it didn't work, the business would fail.

It's taken me a long time to get comfortable with the idea that there's always going to be new traffic. There's always new people discovering new concepts and asking the G about them.

Remember this - there's always going to be new traffic. There's always going to be new people looking for solutions to their dating and relationships issues and there's always going to be new people wanting your help.

If it doesn't work the first time, that's ok. There's always going to be a second chance.

Lesson - If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Over the last month, I've lost about $300 to scammers on the BST thread. The thread's looked dodgy, they felt dodgy, but I ignored my gut instinct and went ahead with them anyway.

Lesson, trust your gut.
Today, I got my first EVER number 1 ranking.

It's for a long tail with only a small amount of traffic, but it still feels like a huge achievement. I've got about 6 other keywords sitting at number 2 that I could push up if I tried.

I'm going to see the difference in traffic that this makes and work out if it's worth while.

Another huge milestone.

Yesterday, I had 3 sales. This might not seem like much but I only need 5/day to quit my job and do this full time. I'd been averaging around 0.5 since January.

I think it's just an anomaly but its still nice to hit records.
Lesson - If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Over the last month, I've lost about $300 to scammers on the BST thread. The thread's looked dodgy, they felt dodgy, but I ignored my gut instinct and went ahead with them anyway.

Lesson, trust your gut.
Just don't purchase any service that is more than a lot of money like 50$ or $100.. so that even if you get scammed it would be just 20-30$.

Today, I got my first EVER number 1 ranking.

It's for a long tail with only a small amount of traffic, but it still feels like a huge achievement. I've got about 6 other keywords sitting at number 2 that I could push up if I tried.


Yesterday, I had 3 sales. This might not seem like much but I only need 5/day to quit my job and do this full time. I'd been averaging around 0.5 since January.

wow good job man especially if the 3 sales came from the traffic from that long tail you ranked alone.. how much is each sale bringin you?
Hey Leigh, found your thread! Thanks for recommending me to this forum :)

Anyone reading this thread, I can tell you, this journal will have a happy ending (not that kind), not because Leigh has stumbled on some fancy SEO techniques (although that may help), but because he has always been about delivering a quality service to guys who are genuinely confused and in need of solid advice. I have bought some of his products and never questioned the money I spent.

I've known Leigh for 4 years and he's been running his business since then and his content is derived from his own personal experience and research. It truly is about his own transformation and how other guys can apply it to their lives.

Anyway, nuff ass kissin', I'll be watching this thread and already seeing exciting results, really hope you get up to that $2000/week point dude. That's some good earnings if you can get it.


wow good job man especially if the 3 sales came from the traffic from that long tail you ranked alone.. how much is each sale bringin you?

Each sale brings in $25 so I made $75 on that day.

But, the average conversion rate from the $25 ebook to the $495 workshop is currently 25% so theoretically, I just need one more book sale to bring in the big bucks.

I've worked out that the value of each opt-in is about $14 and that's with appallingly low conversion rate to the paid ebook of 3%.

If I can get that up to around 10%, then crazy things are going to happen.
I love reading and following the posts in this thread... Seems like a fairytale... I hope this will have a happy ending.

I'm sure it's going to. I'm dedicated to making this work and I know that what I have to offer is of tremendous value, so in my mind, it has to work.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it.

It's great to see that I'm not the only one reading this thread.

Anyway, nuff ass kissin', I'll be watching this thread and already seeing exciting results, really hope you get up to that $2000/week point dude. That's some good earnings if you can get it.

Welcome aboard mate. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this place. If you need recommendations or advice, just let me know and I'll flick you the threads of some guys who're doing some great work.

$2000/week would be great but I've just realised that it's not necessay to go full time. I've just decided that I'm going to move to Bali with my girlfriend in April next year for three months and we can live like kings on the smell of an oily rag.

Should mean I can continue to build things without having to have a huge amount of cash flow coming in.

Welcome aboard mate. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this place. If you need recommendations or advice, just let me know and I'll flick you the threads of some guys who're doing some great work.

$2000/week would be great but I've just realised that it's not necessay to go full time. I've just decided that I'm going to move to Bali with my girlfriend in April next year for three months and we can live like kings on the smell of an oily rag.

Should mean I can continue to build things without having to have a huge amount of cash flow coming in.

That's not a bad idea, would you be living out of a hotel in Bali? It would be like a working holiday hey :)

Keep us updated on your progress.
I wont be living out of a hotel. My girlfriend and I are going to rent a place for a few months, just to see how we go living together in a country where we don't know anyone.

If it works, great. Then we're going to travel the world, living off the earnings from this little project.

If not, fine, we'll come back to Sydney and pick up where we left off.

Also, I've decided that I can stop chasing traffic for now and just focus on conversions. I'm averaging around 750 visitors a day which is PLENTY of traffic if I can get my conversions up.

I'm still going to put a bit of money into a few higher traffic keywords and slowly work my way up page one but there's no hurry.

It's all about conversions now.

I'm rewriting my new book so it's got more of a hook and then I'll be starting on the email sequence.

I'll keep you posted on how I go.

Current conversion rates for the previous 30 days:
Visitor to Opt-in for free book: 2.8% (20,180 visitors and 541 opt-ins)
Visitor to customer (paid book): 0.1% (20,180 visitors and 20 book sales)