Louey's Journal

Mate, 750 uniques per day is wonderful. I definately agree you should focus on increasing conversions for a while. 999/1000 people are not buying your ebook, so time to convince them they need it!

And of all the crap that's out there, your ebook is far superior anyway.

I guess the challenge is, how to increase conversions without resorting to a typical hyped up marketing squeeze page (although maybe that's worth a try).

Also, have you considered recruiting affiliates to expand your reach?

If you already had a successful business, tap into your client base. Why should sales suddenly disappear or plummet because your partner disappeared/was let go?

If you already have a client base, and a successful model, just find a new partner dude.
Yeah, it is a challenge. I've go one of the guys on the forum helping out with sales pages that aren't too salesy and they look god. I haven't got them up yet but I will be putting them up soon.

I'm also creating a new email sequence that should help people see that we have the answers they're looking for without ramming it down their throat.

It'll take some time and a lot of testing but I think it'll be worth it in the long wrong.


PS. Had two back-to-back three sale days over the last two days. Things are looking good.
I've made a decision today.

There's a lot of traffic that comes to my site that doesn't convert. Yes, a lot of it could be because the content isn't engaging enough but I think the main reason is that the philosophy of the site is VERY different to what most people are looking for and so therefore, they don't convert.

I've decided that instead of just sending all G00gle traffic to my money site, I'm going to create satellite sites that are much more mainstream and use them as affiliate sites, BUT have a strong advertising presence of my money site on these sites. That way, I can take advantage of the mainstream traffic who's not interested in hearing what I have to say as well as find the guys who are interested.

I've already purchased two domains for the two highest traffic keywords and I'm setting them up now. I'll see how they go.

It'll mean less traffic to the site but hopefully, we'll get much more targeted traffic coming in.

Traffic is up to an average of over 1000 visitors a day. Things are looking really good. I can rank less competitive keywords on the front page with internal links alone. The site must be looking really good to the G00gle.

Sales are siting at roughly 0.5 sales per day which is still far lower than it should be but I haven't done any work on conversion rates so I'm not surprised.
Lesson - buying two highly priced link packages for the one site is a bit of a waste of time.

1 link arrow has amazing results. The second link arrow sucks balls.

1 Spam Gone Wild has amazing results. The second one sucks balls.

Don't buy 2 of the same high priced link packages for he one site. Not getting value for money.
Strange shit is happening. 6 weeks ago, I broke the 1000 visits mark for the first time. Yesterday, I fell just short of the 1500 visit mark (1463).

Time to get stuck into the optimisation for real.

I've contacted most of the decent optimisation company's but they only work with companies with over $500,000 profit per year. I don't think I'm in that ball park so I'm going it alone.

I've worked out that there's two different stages I need to work on with optimisaiton.

On-page and off-page.

The on-page stuff will be getting people to convert to the mailing list though changing site structure and CTA's and increasing the conversion of the sales pages.

The off page stuff will be changing the email structure and content to help guys see that we have the answers we need.

I'm using an on-page conversion rate analysis methodology I got from Conversion Rate Optimization | Conversion Rate Experts. It looks really thorough and I already have most of the data needed to make it work.

Once that's set up, I'm going to use the structures in Mass Control and Product Launch Formula, as well as stuff taken from niche swipe files, to create a new email sequence.

If you're going to get where you want to go, you need to know where you're starting.

Current Conversion Rates (this financial year):
Visitor to free ebook: 2.67%
Free ebook to paid ebook: 2.48%
Paid ebook to short workshop: 37.78% (Yes, 37%)
Short workshop to long workshop: 24.71%

And you can't get somewhere without knowing where you're going.

Target Conversion Rates:
Visitor to free ebook: 5%
Free ebook to paid ebook: 10%
Paid ebook to short workshop: 20%
Short workshop to long workshop: 20%

On current visitor rates, if I'd hit these conversion statistics last month, I would have made nearly $22k.

I think that's a very achievable figure.

I've just created a 7 chapter version (roughly 1/3 of the book) of the paid ebook to give away. It's to give people a sample. At the moment, (it's only been running since the start of the month) it's more than doubled the conversion rate to 5.26% but it's too early to tell if that's going to continue.

That's my update for now. I'll keep you posted.
PR update is in. Just went from 3->4 and from 2->3. Given the amount of high PR backlinks I've built over the last 3 months, I'm a little disappointed but what can you do?
PR update is in. Just went from 3->4 and from 2->3. Given the amount of high PR backlinks I've built over the last 3 months, I'm a little disappointed but what can you do?

Well done mate. My understanding is that PR is like a logarithmic scale, so it becomes increasingly more difficult to get to the next one up.

My site went from 1->2 so I'm happy with that!
hey man, almog just got me on to your post, good read.

ignore PR, one of my more legit sites just went from PR 4 to 2, and one i've been spamming hard with shit links went from 2 to 4. I couldnt care less about either. PR doesnt mean shit unless your selling links.
PR doesnt mean shit unless your selling links.

Thanks mate. I appreciate the feedback. Like Mogzy probably told you, I've only been doing this since June so there's still a lot to learn.

On the whole 'conversion' front, I've decided to add a lightbox plugin to try and increase opt-ins. It's called Popup domination and by all reports, it's pretty good.

One thing that's clear through the analytics is that people love the site (4 pages per visit, average of 4 minutes on site) but they're just not opting in. I'm guessing that the CTA's just aren't strong enough so this should help a lot.

Once that's up and running, I'm going to finish writing a new email sequence and then get Conversion Rate Optimization | Increase Conversion Rates | Lead Conversion | SEM Services to help go through the site. They're the only people I've found that do conversion rate optimisation for small businesses.

How are your optins for popup dom going? Get the copy right and they should explode.

Get and read Cashvertising if you haven't already. I don't write my own copy, but I do write and change up my headlines all the time and its amazing what a difference just changing the headings can make. I'm constantly referring back to cashvertising for idea's.
I haven't set up popup domination yet. I'm just getting someone to redesign the cover and then it'll go up then.

It'll be done by next week at the latest.

My goal for optins is 5% which is currently double what I'm getting. I'm hoping that popup domination and a few changes to layout can get me there.

Cashvertising looks good. I've just ordered a copy so I'll let you know how I go with it

On another note, I just landed my first #1 ranking for a major keyword. It's the highest comp word in my niche. All the other #1's have been for long tails so this is a big step.

Nice work on the keyword, soudns like traffic is flowing.

I had a look over your site today, its not an easy task to download your ebook right now. I'm sure you'll easily double it once you fix this.

Like, if im seeing it right, I click on 'download now' from the front page, then it takes me to an article and i'm like hmmm, did I click the wrong thing? I clicked back and tried again, hhm.. I scroll down to the bottom of the page and see the ebook cover, but don't see a call to action popping up right in my face. I try and click the ebook cover, hmm. I took a poke around and eventually saw, in small text, enter your details below to download.

Tell the user what to do, and you'll increase your conversions right now, without pop ups.

I'd have the ebook cover stuff at the top of the page, so its the first thing thats seen after clicking 'download now', and then in big bold text. "Enter your name and email now to recevie blah blah blah".

Or, if you want them to read the article first, put a headline up the top "Here for your free ebook? Read on...."
Thanks for looking over it. I'm aware that there's some glaring inadequacies in the setup of the site. I'm addressing them at the moment. At the moment, I'm thinking of going with something similar to Ryan Lee | Continuity Income | Internet Marketing but a bit thinner. According to people in the know, his site is converting to optin at 21% which is not too bad.

Conversion Rate Optimization | Conversion Rate Experts use the same kind of thing but also use popup domination as well. If they're doing it, it can't be a bad thing.

I'm going through and setting up a list of needed changes now so I will get them done soon.
Leigh this thread is awesome. Following with rabbied anticipation - put up pop up dom already, even without the e-book cover and you'll start getting more leads. Do it. It'll be a good experience to start comparing the % with the cover and without - plus you will be able to start writing the copy - the 3-4 bullet points etc and see how they convert and then use it in when the cover is here.

P.s. you need a quicker graphic designer. Ppl on Fiverr will do a cover design for $5 and a TAT of 24 hours - not saying it's your best option but just open your mind. I'm sure a lot of people on the graphic design forum here would love your business too.

As for the conversion optimisers - how much $ are you paying them? Is it a monthly deal? I would totally pay lots of money for an excellent CRO, as the work they do on your site is incredibly permanent. They're building your money making machine. I'd love to see what comes out of it.

Alright Mogsy, you got your wish. Popup Dom is on board and I'm keen to see what's possible.

The conversion rate for the last 30 days has dropped to an impotent 1.81% so I'll see how much it can improve. The stats say that people love the site but they're just not converting. This should be a huge help.

I've got a new designer on board. Her work looks great and she's promised me a fast turn around. I'll have concepts by this arvo and should have it up in a few days.

Mogsy, can you have a look at the site and tell me what you think of the headings, bullets, etc...?
Popup domination day 1 report:

5 conversions in 12 hours. Didn't seem to have a negative impact on the conversion rates from other sources on the site because without it, the conversion rate still would have been around 1.93%. With it, it was 2.38%

I'm interested in seeing what it can do with a full day behind it. I'll update tomorrow.

Shit Leigh,

I visited your site randomly to show to my friend and closed the popup before coming here. Eek. So can't comment on headings and bullets. All that matters is the conversion rate at the end of the day?

Also, experiment with the time for putting that thing up. I think more people will want to download the book after reading a bit on your site, so perhaps try to make it popup on mouse exit - when the mouse leaves the screen it's the first thing they'd see.

So for example, for your biggest KW (a.m.) imagine someone coming in, not knowing what your site is about, and then getting that pop up in the first 8 seconds. Is that what they want?? Get into your prospect's mind and promise to give them what they were looking for - and then of course deliver it.

The bullets shouldn't describe the content of the book as exactly as possible but more describe it in a way that is relevant to your current visitor.
