JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.

I assume most of the followers on this thread blew off some steam sticking it to MGrunin but that's OK because you are on WF. If you can't take the shit and swears thrown at you, you need to grow a pair ASAP. On the other side some of the critics went too much side-tracked imo.

He claimed something near impossible but at least he tried. That's all that matters it does not matter if it is trading or a blown up campaign on your face. The most important point in here is, will he be able to restore his lost confidence if there is any.

As long as he climbs back from the hole he put himself into does it matter? Haven't you faced any downs during your career? I don't know him that well aside from his posts but my 2 cents. "Dude, nobody likes a show off be humble and it will go a long way." Being confident is good but cocky not so much, try to balance a little.

Hope a fast recovery for confidence department. Good luck, would like to see more case studies from you.
I assume most of the followers on this thread blew off some steam sticking it to MGrunin but that's OK because you are on WF. If you can't take the shit and swears thrown at you, you need to grow a pair ASAP. On the other side some of the critics went too much side-tracked imo.

He claimed something near impossible but at least he tried. That's all that matters it does not matter if it is trading or a blown up campaign on your face. The most important point in here is, will he be able to restore his lost confidence if there is any.

As long as he climbs back from the hole he put himself into does it matter? Haven't you faced any downs during your career? I don't know him that well aside from his posts but my 2 cents. "Dude, nobody likes a show off be humble and it will go a long way." Being confident is good but cocky not so much, try to balance a little.

Hope a fast recovery for confidence department. Good luck, would like to see more case studies from you.

fuck you fucking 4 post fuck! and fuck gruin :321:
So Martin - instead of presenting yourself to a bunch doo-hicky wannabe traders, consider putting something together for a hedge fund - hundreds, maybe thousands of them in Manhattan/Greenwich.

Portfolio managers at these funds have the leeway to hire whoever the fuck impresses them and I'm telling you a guy your age with your experience - it would be only a matter of time before you found something that would excite and challenge you.

1000x this.

MG, you're trying to impress the wrong crowd. Even if this challenge worked out, all you'd have gotten from WF is a pat on the back. Keep learning and trading, but focus on gaining access to portfolio managers.
Geeze, the EliteTrader guys are vicious and out for blood

Hang in there MGrunin, shit happens but we learn from our mistakes and do better next time. Loved all your other posts and learned a lot (srs). Hope to see you recover and prove the haters wrong soon.

I had a similar idea, thought about making a parody thread "tree fiddy to $100,000 in 6 days" where I'd bet red or black in an online casino roulette.

But then I changed my mind, got some respect for Grunin even though I never met the guy.
It seems to me that most of the people you mentioned (Buffet included) got there first major seed capitol by doing something illegal before it was deemed illegal.

not only did you spell his name wrong, you got his history wrong. if you want to support a weak point in the future, crack a book before you post, clown.

neg rep.
On a serious note, the markets are rigged. See:

Michael Lewis has shown how tech nerds rigged the stock markets. But who will guard the geeks? | Business | The Observer

The High-Frequency-Traders pay the exchanges to execute trades (i.e. they play market maker), which means they get the feed of the buy and sell orders first, and then can adjust prices to their advantage before they execute.

If you are a fundamental investor with a horizon of two-five years, losing a few ticks on your price doesn't make a huge dent in your profits.

but if you are a retail investor trying to day-trade, this sort of manipulation wipes you out - essentially you are transferring money from yourself to the HFTs.

So Grunin didn't stand a chance (even if he had practiced risk management and kept his stakes no more than 5% of his available capital).

But he's only 24, and the system is designed to rob people in their twenties with high hopes and ideals and a lack of information that you only accumulate with time.
I posted on wf In 2012 to invest in Amazon (amzn) because of their dominance in the public sector with AWS and the federal cloud initiative and the stock has doubled in price since then.

What do I win?

But seriously, I've only made money in the market on long term plays and buying low/ undervalued stocks/panic stocks

Always have lost my ass anytime I've tried options

Better luck next time grunin. Hope to see you bounce back.
I posted on wf In 2012 to invest in Amazon (amzn) because of their dominance in the public sector with AWS and the federal cloud initiative and the stock has doubled in price since then.

What do I win?

You win nothing, everybody knows that you can't make money in the stock market!
the system is designed to rob people in their twenties with high hopes and ideals and a lack of information that you only accumulate with time.
The multi-trillion dollar apparatus manned daily by tens of thousands and funded by pension funds and sovereign wealth - have all combined together to separate the clown-ass retail trader from his money? Interesting.

Earlier I was saying something along the lines of how a wannabe trader will sit down to a computer, having armed himself with knowledge and strategy, and occupy a space where his $5k is the most important $5k in the solar system. Without ever acknowledging the fact that the market place was not especially designed either in its inception or evolution as a place for someone like him to sit down and essentially gamble, odds are he will not attain what he came for and his once steely resolve will transform into a bitterness that will gobble up the "it's rigged" homily like true religion.

And that's been going on for hundreds of years.

Tea - were you under the impression that traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange were there for free and not privy to exclusive price action in securities or have cozy relationships with specialists (market makers)? And that this somehow created an inefficiency where stocks could not be traded by profit? I hope not.
^^^ Nah, I pretty much knew that all markets are manipulated and the whales have an advantage, and this has been going on forever.

The only time I thought they were fair was when I was in my twenties, which is why I feel sorry for Grunin. What he's gone through is a rite of passage.

Life teaches you realism, but when you start out you really believe that the little guy has an equal chance with the insiders, because that's what you are taught in school.
If you think you can predict the markets, you're dreaming. Nobody can, not even hedge funds with billions of dollars employing astrophysicists and mathematicians (Winton Capital Management).

The founder gives all the answers in this video. He's a trend follower.

[ame=""]Systems Trader David Harding - YouTube[/ame]
But seriously, I've only made money in the market on long term plays and buying low/ undervalued stocks/panic stocks

I think this is the soundest way to invest in stocks but it is also the most boring and wouldn't get a 6 page thread like this has.

Panic stocks are another story but opportunities don't seem to come around very often (maybe I just don't look hard enough). I wanted to buy BP back when the Deepwater oil spill happened and the stock was just getting destroyed.
I think this is the soundest way to invest in stocks but it is also the most boring and wouldn't get a 6 page thread like this has.

Panic stocks are another story but opportunities don't seem to come around very often (maybe I just don't look hard enough). I wanted to buy BP back when the Deepwater oil spill happened and the stock was just getting destroyed.

I agree and am doing a little bit of this kind of investing. I look for things that could return 100%+ over 1-3 years. I consider a lot of stuff including who is running the company and why I think it could double or more. My last trade that I'm still 1/2 way in was FNMA that I bought at $1.50. My other trade is JCP which I bought around an average of $8 I think. Their earnings are supposed to come out tomorrow. I kind of want to get out of FNMA soon because it's not a good longer term play. Same with JCP, I don't think malls are going to do that well in the future. So I'm looking for my next trade now and will buy once I sell one or both of these. I was thinking about mobile (maybe FB or King, but these don't seem that cheap).