JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.

Most of the glee at this clowns demise stems from the fact not everybody is impressed with a self absorbed braggart who continually tries to turn forums into his own personal facebook page.


Not camera shy are you groanin? You're name is mud my friend and you are a big laughing stock where it matters the most. @ ET. If it makes you feel any better, anybody with half a brain could see through you and the wannabe you are, so this came as no surprise. Pull your head in and stop being an insecure little boy. You'll probably get the intelligent people to like you instead of the idiots only.

Who the fuck are you??? Go crawl into a hole and die you fucktard.

If you are going to attack a person like that at least have the balls to show your face and not make a "dummy" account like a little pussy.

Grunnin may be a little naive and his youth might have made him make some silly errors of judgement, but at least he puts himself out there and sticks his balls on the line. You however are nothing but a petty coward troll.

Most of the glee at this clowns demise stems from the fact not everybody is impressed with a self absorbed braggart who continually tries to turn forums into his own personal facebook page.


Not camera shy are you groanin? You're name is mud my friend and you are a big laughing stock where it matters the most. @ ET. If it makes you feel any better, anybody with half a brain could see through you and the wannabe you are, so this came as no surprise. Pull your head in and stop being an insecure little boy. You'll probably get the intelligent people to like you instead of the idiots only.



Faggot hiding behind a troll account. Really, first post is in this thread? At least get some other posts to not make it so obvious. -Neg Rep.


What have most of you moaning bastards every contributed? Haven't you got imaginary M5's to brag about somewhere?
Martin, you seem to be a smart guy and no doubt you are willing to work hard. The problem is that you've chosen a path that has a very very slim likelihood of giving you what you are really seeking - wealth. If you truly want to become wealthy, look at people who have gotten very wealthy over the years in the stock market, people like: Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, David Einhorn, Seth Klarman, David Tepper, Dan Loeb, Bill Ackman, Howard Marks, Mohnish Pabrai etc. By and large, they buy cheap/value stocks/bonds and hold them until they appreciate in value...

It seems to me that most of the people you mentioned (Buffet included) got there first major seed capitol by doing something illegal before it was deemed illegal. They then say 'Yeah, that's kind of unfair, let me help determine and define what should be done to prevent it in the future.' and as such they get to keep the money they made before it was illegal and most importantly THEY STOP doing it as soon as it is considered illegal.

Compare this to someone like Shawn Hogan who instead of stopping and helping craft rules to prevent others from cookie stuffing, apparently tried to find ways to continue stuffing. Otherwise, he would have been able to keep millions and would probably be considered one of the great success stories of wealth.
Not sure if you're only referring only to day trading, but technical trading is still very much alive and well for longer positions.

Yes, more or less, it is glorified gambling. That doesn't mean that there still aren't independent traders making money consistently, much like a professional gambler- there is skill involved as well. Your dozen buddies probably had no clue what they were doing, it can take years to get good at trading. And I can tell you firsthand that it's not impossible to make more than 5%/mo, at least for a year or so. It's just very difficult and requires the right circumstances.

It also depends on the risk you take on and your trading strategy. Selling covered calls may get you that return but probably not much more.
Most of the glee at this clowns demise stems from the fact not everybody is impressed with a self absorbed braggart who continually tries to turn forums into his own personal facebook page.


Not camera shy are you groanin? You're name is mud my friend and you are a big laughing stock where it matters the most. @ ET. If it makes you feel any better, anybody with half a brain could see through you and the wannabe you are, so this came as no surprise. Pull your head in and stop being an insecure little boy. You'll probably get the intelligent people to like you instead of the idiots only.

Did you know this?

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Autocomplete also brings up all other users who logged in from the same IP !
What's up with all the hate in here? I've blown 10k on stupid ideas before. I don't know anyone who has had a 100% success rate with everything they've done.

It's not like he had some "hidden" ulterior motive. His motive was to see if he could make some money and put himself in a guru position. Fucking obviously. It's not like it's a big secret or some insane scam. The more successful people perceive you to be, the more they're willing to work with you. I wouldn't fault him for it. He fucked up, who cares. If anything, I respect him MORE for it, because (1) he has the balls to take risk, and (2) he values money > reputation.

But I am glad I didn't participate in this LOL
What's up with all the hate in here? I've blown 10k on stupid ideas before. I don't know anyone who has had a 100% success rate with everything they've done.

It's not like he had some "hidden" ulterior motive. His motive was to see if he could make some money and put himself in a guru position. Fucking obviously. It's not like it's a big secret or some insane scam. The more successful people perceive you to be, the more they're willing to work with you. I wouldn't fault him for it. He fucked up, who cares. If anything, I respect him MORE for it, because (1) he has the balls to take risk, and (2) he values money > reputation.

But I am glad I didn't participate in this LOL

I think a lot of the hate here is because of the perceived vision that WF is an anti-scam and/or anti-guru forum.

I've never seen it as such.

I think (and Jon or any of the original founding members can feel free to correct me) that WF is anti-online-marketing-guru, but not anti guru in general.

The thing is; I've never seen WFs anti-online marketing guru stance as an idealistic one. It was a pragmatic thing.

We are in the online marketing business, by having scammers and shit heads rip people off in the name of online marketing, it can and will hurt the online marketing business as a whole. I've had consulting clients who were reticent on hiring my services because some bozo had scammed them before. I've seen payouts go down on offers that have suffered at the hands of scammers (either because they didn't vet leads properly or because of cookie stuffing or other tactics)

We hate online marketing fake gurus and scammers because of that; they make us all look bad. Not because WF is a hang out for idealists looking to improve the world.

Plenty of people here have and do promote guru style pitches (for dating ebooks, federal benefits, making money with online gambling, etc)... we just make sure not to shit where we eat.

Some people view this as idealism against non-value added consumer propositions and think WF is a good place to roast anyone who fits in that category.

I liked what Martin did. I never even saw it as a trading experiment. I saw it as a marketing experiment and a test in group psychology. It didn't work; but lol if you think $10k is a lot of money lost in a marketing test.

And to the poster who said they lost $100k because of mgrunin: You didn't. You lost money because you are stupid.
I liked what Martin did. I never even saw it as a trading experiment. I saw it as a marketing experiment and a test in group psychology. It didn't work; but lol if you think $10k is a lot of money lost in a marketing test.
I like Martin and definitely think he's going places - but I thought his experiment was 0/10 before he even lost anything.

I'm sorry, but from my perspective this kind of show-trading shit has no healthy place in the game. Not for the "guru" or for the suckers who'll ultimately fail in his wake. Trading is some serious shit and there's enough pressure as is without having to perform for a difficult and arbitrary challenge.

So Martin - instead of presenting yourself to a bunch doo-hicky wannabe traders, consider putting something together for a hedge fund - hundreds, maybe thousands of them in Manhattan/Greenwich.

Portfolio managers at these funds have the leeway to hire whoever the fuck impresses them and I'm telling you a guy your age with your experience - it would be only a matter of time before you found something that would excite and challenge you.

And my suggestion would be for you to learn and not teach because ultimately 30-35 year old investment gurus tend to be worth several hundred times more than 20-something trading gurus. Trust me on this.

And to the poster who said they lost $100k because of mgrunin: You didn't. You lost money because you are stupid.
Did you really believe that guy?
Lolz. Sometimes it's reeeeeally easy to tell who is unsatisfied with their own lives. It's not the end of the world being in that position, but the solution is to keep your head down and carve your path, not get online and try to demolish some young dude you've never even met.
Inb4 "guys actually I knew those were bad trades and I just wanted to prove I could lose 10k so now the real challenge is 100K to 1MM ...... Would anyone follow my thread?"
mGrunin is a hustler. That's what makes him interesting.

I doubt there's a hustler alive who hasn't left a trail of face palms in his wake.

I 100% agree. I'd take a bet that McGrunnin will end up filthy rich one day, and probably blow it all, and make it back again. Want to do a follow along?