JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.

the guy claimed to turn 10k into 100k in 6 months by hanging his star on momentum stocks. in other words he said "the market will continue to do what its been doing".

it didn't. there's not a lot to learn from that, except that markets don't always do tomorrow what they did today. let's not call that lesson "learning a lot". anyone ever burned in the market knows that. folks saying his endeavor was a fools errand weren't trolling, they were speaking a truth OP didn't want to hear. learn the difference.

W/e bro, look at it however u want. If this isnt a good example of what happens to you when u trade with ur ego, i dont know what is. It wasnt gambling until he didnt give himself any room for error

Those that are disrespecting Martin here as being reckless and careless really don't understand what was at stake and what he had to gain.

I've yet to chime in on this thread as I believe that trying to have an adult conversation with children interrupting every few minutes is silly, but I think you're a bit off with this point.

Martin is being disrespected because his motives are suspect - meaning that some (including myself) believe that he didn't do this to gain a return on his investment. If that was his goal, he could have easily just done this quietly, documented his every step of the way, and then let us know after he succeeded or failed. The title of this thread alone indicates that ROI wasn't the goal here.

In short: it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that the 'guru' mentality is unwelcome here. That - and not his losing chump change on some shitty trades - is causing a lot of the disrespect.
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I've yet to chime in on this thread as I believe that trying to have an adult conversation with children interrupting every few minutes is silly, but I think you're a bit off with this point.

Martin is being disrespected because his motives are suspect - meaning that some (including myself) believe that he didn't do this to gain a return on his investment. If that was his goal, he could have easily just done this quietly, documented his every step of the way, and then let us know after he succeeded or failed.

In short: it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that the 'guru' mentality is unwelcome here. That - and not his losing chump change on some shitty trades - is causing a lot of the disrespect.

I don't think the issue is the "guru" aspect. If it were the board would have turned on Jon when he posted the last sticky.

Or on CCarter. Nop, this board eats it right up. The only thing that went wrong here are Martin's wrong trades. Had his trades made him nice profits you'd see a ton of asslicking no matter his potential ulterior motives.
I've yet to chime in on this thread as I believe that trying to have an adult conversation with children interrupting every few minutes is silly, but I think you're a bit off with this point.

Martin is being disrespected because his motives are suspect - meaning that some (including myself) believe that he didn't do this to gain a return on his investment. If that was his goal, he could have easily just done this quietly, documented his every step of the way, and then let us know after he succeeded or failed. The title of this thread alone indicates that ROI wasn't the goal here.

In short: it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that the 'guru' mentality is unwelcome here. That - and not his losing chump change on some shitty trades - is causing a lot of the disrespect.

My writing must have gotten pretty bad communication wise. What I was trying to say was obviously the ROI of the trading wasn't what he was after (so we agree there) - to claim otherwise would just be silly.

What I guess I failed to understand is I didn't think this would be hated on as a "guru" play that gets hated on here because I really doubt his goal was to start selling coaching services like a normal MM guru, which is what I thought WF hated on.

I saw the plan as to turn it into him managing a firm or hedge fund. Something I can certainly see the similarity to as "guru" but didn't think it was something hated on here. The hate for MMO guru's for me personally always came from how they shape the general public's perspective of our business. So I don't share the same hate for hedge fund guys - even though on a base level they are similar just in a different industry with a different target demo.

Also if the trades were really that bad I can understand why you guys would hate on that. It's not an area I have enough expertise to judge so I would't know.

I'm all for adult conversations about things but my writing has apparently gotten bad communication wise and I've got plenty of work to do so a forum probably isn't the best medium for me. Working hard out here in Vegas if anyone ever wants to say hi.
If it were the board would have turned on Jon when he posted the last sticky.

Speaking against Jon on here can be a one-way ticket to a permanent ban. He's been called "The Fuhrer" a number of times, but I can't speak to his reputation as I've only met him in person once and he was cordial and polite. He certainly deals with situations here on WF very swiftly regardless of whom it involves or their 'status' within this community.

In my experience, the sentiment on that thread was far different from the sentiment I observed in a number of Skype chatrooms, etc.
Lol where exactly did I speak against anyone? I'm on good terms with CCarter and have nothing but respect for Jon. It's you who was insinuating there's something wrong with the whole guru aspect of this thread

I say we're all marketers here in one way or another, best to roll with it
due respect, at that level of return he claimed to clown the system. that's not entrepreneurial, its claming to be a magician. we're all entrepreneurs, just like snake oil salesmen are entrepreneurs, but we know snake oil when we see it. we love the fail because it was a carnival-worthy claim.

I didn't say what he did was entrepreneurial, but that most users of WF would describe themselves as entrepreneurial.

For that reason I'd kind of expect more respect for what he's doing, as opposed to sitting back and being bitter about someone sticking their neck out.

No, entrepreneurship is about calculated risk taking.

The risks he took ITT were not calculated. He was gambling. Nothing more, nothing less.

Would you cheer on at someone who had a thread titled: "Roulette Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months"?

It doesn't take balls, it's done for a dopamine rush.

I understand, but I still repeat what he's done takes balls to do and put it all on show in my opinion. OK, I guess that invites the hate, but I thought more people would be hoping to see some success here, not cheering for failure.

Although I do get tangy's point. If he was going all guru, then fair enough, we don't need another soupyone. :) I guess I just took it at face value and was intrigued to see what would happen and wanted a positive outcome.
For that reason I'd kind of expect more respect for what he's doing, as opposed to sitting back and being bitter about someone sticking their neck out.

Dear God, nobody is being bitter here. They are laughing at something that deserves a good humored laugh. Eventually even Martin will look back on this and laugh his ass off hopefully.

The guy haughtily announces to the world he'll turn 10k into 100k in 6mo. He loses it all in 3 days without a single good trade. The only people who wouldn't laugh a bit at this are his mother and a few members on here i guess. Only you, God, could claim such moral superiority as not to laugh.

We've all had embarrassing epic failure moments. He deserves some ridicule right now just like we all do at some points in our lives - and because he made it so public. And he'll get over it. It's a lesson in humility if taken right. And asking WF or some other place to not laugh it is like asking the Internet to behave itself.

It doesn't matter if it was a publicity stunt for his website or not it was funny either way because he definitely didn't intend to lose it all in 3 days.
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Most of the glee at this clowns demise stems from the fact not everybody is impressed with a self absorbed braggart who continually tries to turn forums into his own personal facebook page.


Not camera shy are you groanin? You're name is mud my friend and you are a big laughing stock where it matters the most. @ ET. If it makes you feel any better, anybody with half a brain could see through you and the wannabe you are, so this came as no surprise. Pull your head in and stop being an insecure little boy. You'll probably get the intelligent people to like you instead of the idiots only.
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Who knows what his motivations or inspirations were but this shit happens everyday.

Several years ago I had a project go unexpectedly viral and made a quick pile o' cash. I've always played the market really conservatively, you know, solid fundamentals, lots of diversification, lost some but made a little and always saw annual returns of a measely 3% to 5%. So with this extra cash I decided to hit it big with...wait for it...

So I studied it and did a few months of fake trades on paper to see how I could do (fake trades on paper make it easy to lie to yourself. It's a type of gambler's bias). During this time I got sucked into the hype. The hucksters, the newsletters, the talking heads, the exclusive insider groups, etc.

Me, I'm a huckster, I'm Mr. NLP persuade people to fork over money or do things that make money. No one's gonna fool me. Hahaha!

I eventually became an options trading disciple of, oh god I can't believe I'm admitting this publicly,
Lenny Dykstra.

He was working with Jim Cramer at the time and fortunately I had lost less than $20k before I realized this was all an elaborate hoax. It helped that Dykstra mysteriously vanished from the scene around this time.

When I was a kid I thought that I was really good at pool. One day I got hustled really bad by another kid my age with street smarts. It felt the same.

Live and learn.
Here's why everyone is hating/ridiculing on the Grunin:

1. A lot of people already considered him arrogant because he loves to show off. Whether right or wrong - people hate on you when they find out you are successful. Showing off your success breeds envy. And envy breeds contempt.
2. His arrogance was confirmed when he unabashedly proclaimed to the world that he was magically going to turn $10k into $100k in 6 months.
3. Everyone knew that he was in over his head and that not even Warren Buffett can guarantee a $10k into $100k in 6 months.
4. He failed miserably and this is exactly what the crowd wanted, and that's exactly what the crowd got.

So it doesn't surprise me one bit with the reaction that I see in this thread.

Martin, you seem to be a smart guy and no doubt you are willing to work hard. The problem is that you've chosen a path that has a very very slim likelihood of giving you what you are really seeking - wealth. If you truly want to become wealthy, look at people who have gotten very wealthy over the years in the stock market, people like: Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, David Einhorn, Seth Klarman, David Tepper, Dan Loeb, Bill Ackman, Howard Marks, Mohnish Pabrai etc. By and large, they buy cheap/value stocks/bonds and hold them until they appreciate in value. Buying a dollar for fifty cents or less. None of them expects to turn $10k into $100k in 6 months. It's diametrically opposite to what you seek out to do. What do accomplish is beat the index/market year after year and eventually manage hundreds of millions/billions of dollars.

My humble opinion to you and anyone who's reading this thread purely for entertainment value but wants to get out something that really works is read books on Warren Buffett.

Most, if not all, do not like to go through the slow and steady (but virtually certain way) of building wealth - why? Because everyone seeks instant gratification.

I'll leave you with an anecdote that will summarize it quite well:

Jeff Bezos (of Amazon) once asked Warren Buffett why everyone doesn't invest the way he invests if no one disputes that it works and makes you rich. Warren Buffet answered: No one wants to get rich slow, everyone wants to get rich quickly.

You may get rich overnight building the next facebook, or running an Acai berry campaign on MSNBC frontpage or winning the lottery. But the one place you'll go broke, trying to be rich overnight, is the stock market!
In the immortal words of Tom Vu, "Life is too short to get rich slowly!" Make a deeseason!

[ame=]Tom Vu and his babes - YouTube[/ame]
Takes money to make money friend. Who cares if he's bankrolled by his pops or he is sitting at a trading desk and bankrolled by other "fathers or investors".. Just saying welcome to trading/finance and keep :love-smiley-086:

Bro, I think you missed the point. The text in quoted image was a reference to his cars that he has been buying & wrecking with his parents money, yet he had the guts to showoff his audi in "post your ride" thread boasting how he has progressed so far... blah blah blah
[ame=]$10k to $100k in 6 months: DAY 4 - YouTube[/ame]