Here's why everyone is hating/ridiculing on the Grunin:
1. A lot of people already considered him arrogant because he loves to show off. Whether right or wrong - people hate on you when they find out you are successful. Showing off your success breeds envy. And envy breeds contempt.
2. His arrogance was confirmed when he unabashedly proclaimed to the world that he was magically going to turn $10k into $100k in 6 months.
3. Everyone knew that he was in over his head and that not even Warren Buffett can guarantee a $10k into $100k in 6 months.
4. He failed miserably and this is exactly what the crowd wanted, and that's exactly what the crowd got.
So it doesn't surprise me one bit with the reaction that I see in this thread.
Martin, you seem to be a smart guy and no doubt you are willing to work hard. The problem is that you've chosen a path that has a very very slim likelihood of giving you what you are really seeking - wealth. If you truly want to become wealthy, look at people who have gotten very wealthy over the years in the stock market, people like: Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, David Einhorn, Seth Klarman, David Tepper, Dan Loeb, Bill Ackman, Howard Marks, Mohnish Pabrai etc. By and large, they buy cheap/value stocks/bonds and hold them until they appreciate in value. Buying a dollar for fifty cents or less. None of them expects to turn $10k into $100k in 6 months. It's diametrically opposite to what you seek out to do. What do accomplish is beat the index/market year after year and eventually manage hundreds of millions/billions of dollars.
My humble opinion to you and anyone who's reading this thread purely for entertainment value but wants to get out something that really works is read books on Warren Buffett.
Most, if not all, do not like to go through the slow and steady (but virtually certain way) of building wealth - why? Because everyone seeks instant gratification.
I'll leave you with an anecdote that will summarize it quite well:
Jeff Bezos (of Amazon) once asked Warren Buffett why everyone doesn't invest the way he invests if no one disputes that it works and makes you rich. Warren Buffet answered: No one wants to get rich slow, everyone wants to get rich quickly.
You may get rich overnight building the next facebook, or running an Acai berry campaign on MSNBC frontpage or winning the lottery. But the one place you'll go broke, trying to be rich overnight, is the stock market!