JP Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months.

MGrunin hope all is well. Let Pink Floyd help you feel better:


[ame=]Pink Floyd - Hey you [HQ] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (Studio Version HQ) - YouTube[/ame]

Money/status ain't everything man

[ame=]Pink Floyd - Money - YouTube[/ame]

So far I've only trolled this thread as I didn't think I needed to state the obvious, but all the fucktard replies here have forced my hand.

Here's the dealio, and feel perfectly free to file your rebuttals:


No One- Especially not some fucking retail amateur like the Grunster. He's a chicken to be plucked.

I have several very close friends who make serious cashola trading every single day in the CBOT, and they will be the first to tell you:

Technical, Schmecnical. LOL. Without an inside edge, you are OUTSIDE.

Good Luck Bros.
Its possible to trade aggressively without not setting stops or following your own rules, just take larger positions off ur profits. If you dont have that then you just lose what little control you have and lose your edge. Risk management and discipline is the only edge intraday traders have along with their system, thats the biggest thing to take from this challenge. Respect mgrunin for doing this, theres a lot to learn from it even though most people are just trolling your losses. Keep trading man, u read technical indicators well and ur breakdowns are on point. Fuck the haters
theres a lot to learn from it even though most people are just trolling your losses.

the guy claimed to turn 10k into 100k in 6 months by hanging his star on momentum stocks. in other words he said "the market will continue to do what its been doing".

it didn't. there's not a lot to learn from that, except that markets don't always do tomorrow what they did today. let's not call that lesson "learning a lot". anyone ever burned in the market knows that. folks saying his endeavor was a fools errand weren't trolling, they were speaking a truth OP didn't want to hear. learn the difference.
This is very appropriate.

Three types of people:

  1. People who hold stocks FOREVER. Think: Warren Buffett (has never sold a share of Berkshire Hathaway since 1967) or Bill Gates (he sells shares but for 20 years basically held onto his MSFT stock).
  2. People who hold stocks for a millionth of a second (see Michael Lewis’s book “Flash Boys” which I highly recommend.) This is borderline illegal and I don’t recommend it.
  3. People who cheat.

Source: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Investing All of Your Money Altucher Confidential
So far I've only trolled this thread as I didn't think I needed to state the obvious, but all the fucktard replies here have forced my hand.

Here's the dealio, and feel perfectly free to file your rebuttals:


No One- Especially not some fucking retail amateur like the Grunster. He's a chicken to be plucked.

I have several very close friends who make serious cashola trading every single day in the CBOT, and they will be the first to tell you:

Technical, Schmecnical. LOL. Without an inside edge, you are OUTSIDE.

Good Luck Bros.

Friends? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't mean to be a dick and certainly don't mean any disrespect, but honestly, haven't your last two trading threads been like 25k in losses combined? you had that other oil or something like that deal go south for like 20K and now this what like 5-6K?

Who are you paying these losses to? aren't you becoming like the type of fish hedge funds take hard earned money from?

I brought it up last time.. and still think you're becoming a fish dude.. Damn, what a beating on this one...

However it is you really make your money, whether it be IM/e-commerce like you had indicated with your old cell cases videos or it really is through your parents... So far, based on anything trading related you've made public, it doesn't seem to be coming from trading itself...

So think about that... and best of luck to you either way. I'm sure some market insiders must really love you...
Am I the only one who's not full of hate?!

Seems Martin's stuck his neck out and tried to do something, sink or swim (think or swim?), it takes balls. And as entrepreneurs, I'm kind of disappointed at how much everyone seems to be loving the fail here.
Am I the only one who's not full of hate?!

Seems Martin's stuck his neck out and tried to do something, sink or swim (think or swim?), it takes balls. And as entrepreneurs, I'm kind of disappointed at how much everyone seems to be loving the fail here.

due respect, at that level of return he claimed to clown the system. that's not entrepreneurial, its claming to be a magician. we're all entrepreneurs, just like snake oil salesmen are entrepreneurs, but we know snake oil when we see it. we love the fail because it was a carnival-worthy claim.
Am I the only one who's not full of hate?!

Seems Martin's stuck his neck out and tried to do something, sink or swim (think or swim?), it takes balls. And as entrepreneurs, I'm kind of disappointed at how much everyone seems to be loving the fail here.

No, entrepreneurship is about calculated risk taking.

The risks he took ITT were not calculated. He was gambling. Nothing more, nothing less.

Would you cheer on at someone who had a thread titled: "Roulette Grunin: From $10,000 to $100,000 in 6 months"?

It doesn't take balls, it's done for a dopamine rush.
Not sure why everyone is hating. Just put in the opposite of his trades and profit...

Most of you fags would rather play "hindsight is 20/20 gang-bang" then to make some cash!

Fucking losers!
due respect, at that level of return he claimed to clown the system. that's not entrepreneurial, its claming to be a magician. we're all entrepreneurs, just like snake oil salesmen are entrepreneurs, but we know snake oil when we see it. we love the fail because it was a carnival-worthy claim.

Well, I don't know if it was a "carnival worthy" claim. If he would have done the exact opposite, he could be up to like $30k by now, and have the full $100k in a week or two.
You dripping little fuckbag, does this look like a trading forum? And if it was, do you think STS would be the correct venue?

Hahahahaha. I lol'd hard. Gonna use that, man. mgrunin is dropping his nuts again. People will watch. I'm always suspicious of those who claim or imply they just want to "help everyone succeed" they did. As if they themselves are a pinnacle source of blood sugar success magic and they've chosen YOU to give some to. I think mgrunin is that guy and I think he likes elevation and expansion. Thing is though, the followers here love to watch him do it. Remember his gold thread around December or so where people photoshopped giant dicks on him and so on...yeah. Good luck mgrunin, and may all the dripping little fuckbags be enamored by your magic.

No One- Especially not some fucking retail amateur like the Grunster. He's a chicken to be plucked.

That's not true. It's funny that you can say that with such confidence, do you really feel you know that much about all types of trading to say that? It's pretty silly to make such a blanket statement about such an extraordinarily large and complex industry. For example have you heard of a "market maker" before?

Wisdom is understanding you do not know everything. Ignorance is thinking that you do.

You cannot achieve above risk curve returns on high capital portfolios for the most part, that much is true. But when you are investing a million or less there are ALL KINDS of market inefficiencies that exist. The big boys cannot even play in the same markets because if they took a $10 million position it would change the market from just the position they took and they don't care about taking $10,000 positions.

Going from $10,000 to $100,000 is worlds different from going from even $1 million to $10 million because of what plays you can make. It's not just about it being a 900% gain. Most people don't know that, even smart people, as shown in this thread pretty clearly.

Those that are disrespecting Martin here as being reckless and careless really don't understand what was at stake and what he had to gain. Think he gave a shit about making $90,000? This was a much bigger play. If he had publicly succeeded at this he could have used that reputation to be managing a billion hedge fund in the next few years potentially.

Maybe the trades me made in this exact case were not the best - I'm in no position to judge after the fact though. I'm sure he's his own harshest critic on that regard. It's understandable that he would get rattled with so much at stake.

The fact that what Martin is trying to do is not only lost on many of you, but being looked down on just goes to show where the quality this forum has gotten to over the years. Is there no innovation anymore? Do you all just copy and circle jerk at this point or something? What he's doing here is a pretty unique and potentially very large scale hustle but none of you can really see that it seems.

He took a risk with $10,000 and more importantly his reputation. The upside was plenty more than $90,000. If you do not get that I feel bad for you. Even still I bet he's going to be able to play this into a positive thing long term. Learning from failure and all.

And lastly like many "ballers" on the web Martin's bank account might never have been as big as some of you think. He's never claimed it was(unlike some people I've seen do quite hilariously). However I can personally attest to sending him 5 figure 1099s 2 different years and I'm fairly confident it was almost all profit for him and just a tiny piece of his earnings for the year. So no he's not entirely bank rolled by just his parents.

Good try Martin! Maybe next time.
Going from $10,000 to $100,000 is worlds different from going from even $1 million to $10 million because of what plays you can make. It's not just about it being a 900% gain. Most people don't know that, even smart people, as shown in this thread pretty clearly.

Well, gosh darnit, I think that one flew right over all of our heads. Thanks for filling us in.

Besides, I'd say he's getting treated quite nicely, and getting quite a bit of support over here on WF. Just read the posts. There's lots of people who quite obviously have more experience in the markets than mGrunin, who seem to be more than understanding, are trying to help him understand why / where things went wrong, and are trying ensure he walks away from this with a lesson learned.

If you believe he's been treated badly, go look at that EliteTrader thread.
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