How Hydra Affiliate Network Screwed Me Out Of $25,000

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Very well said, Jon.
I run a business other than affiliate marketing. Sometimes my clients dont pay me for whatever reason. I cant tell my employees that I cant pay them because my clients wont pay me. My employees would be in an uproar, they would sue me and boycott me. There is a cost to doing business sometimes and you have to deal with it.

Also any network to agree to what Jon said I will gladly said the bulk of my traffic to them.
They really should have been tracking your leads, seeing if they were quality from the beginning, not months later. That's such a lame thing for them to do.. Best of luck bro.

edit: nvm, I cant read apparently
They threw me for a loop. It took them a full month to tell me they are paying me nothing. I know some people like hydra here, but they are the lamest most unprofessional company, I have ever worked with. They are far more concerned with keeping advertisers than they are publishers. They treated me like I was not important. My clown of an affiliate manager- Charlie- tried several times during this period of no pay to get me to send more traffic to them. I had to laugh.

Man dude! I feel you! That is really f*cked up! But if you are set up on terms, usually the networks have an agreement with the advertisers about how long they have to report leads. They certainly dont have 2 months, especially not on the QualityHealth offer! And in reality, they dont give a shit about affiliates. there are millions of us out there, but advertiser's are hard to come by, especially if they are direct. so for them to drop you is much more convenient than to boot the advertiser, even though, most of the time, it's the advertiser being shady bc they cant sell for shit! sorry this happened to u, it blows!
Quality Health blows. I ran with them through hydra for a few months when i first started AM and made decent money, after 2 months they decided to cut me. It was all adwords traffic. Not sure why the traffic was good for 2 months then all of a sudden it wasnt. But that's their right to cut me, so i switched to azoogle and ran it :) ended up getting cut there after a month and moved on.

I prob did about 25k in leads (zip submits) between both azoogle and hydra BUT i got paid for everything both times i gout cut. Very strange of them not to pay you. Hydra should be able to get them to pay up, they have working together for a while...

Doing this is one reason why advertisers scrub, dont pay, or lower payouts. If your traffic sucked in one network why continue to promote it in another network? At this point the adv feels youre scamming them and leaves the network sitting in the middle to fix it both ends, the affiliate who wants to be paid and the advertiser who doesnt want to pay for being scammed
van is okay. hydra is known to be strict from day one. i run nothing but ppc with them and every now and then the question me. its like what the fuck. i have been using them for 2 years though. no payment delays.
Doing this is one reason why advertisers scrub, dont pay, or lower payouts. If your traffic sucked in one network why continue to promote it in another network? At this point the adv feels youre scamming them and leaves the network sitting in the middle to fix it both ends, the affiliate who wants to be paid and the advertiser who doesnt want to pay for being scammed

Because he knew he could get away with it. He had already done all the work setting up the campaign and getting it profitable. Switching to another network was trivial for him.

What the advertiser needs is a faster way to evaluate lead quality to pull affiliates off. But as long as there are tons of networks and affilates are anonymous to the advertiser, how will this be prevented?
NO network I know of takes the side of an affiliate and pays them in full (full amount they are owed) and acts the way a network should act anymore and its a fucking disgrace.

I 100% agree on your proposal, but i'm going to bring in another side of the picture.

For the record, I did deep XXX,XXX.XX figs in a matter of 2 weeks and an advertiser ran like a stupid bitch. And guess what? Aforementioned network paid out every last fucking cent. That's some shit you never hear about, but it actually does happen.

I don't know if it's my way of dealing with networks, but the first day I start doing any type of significant volume on an offer I am on the phone to anyone and everyone with some kind of decision making power to ensure things are going right. While I have the greatest AM in the world, that does not keep me from wanting to hear straight from the Horse's mouth what is going down. make sure someone is on that account rep like shit on velcro so when the advertiser farts you fucking know.

In this situation, if the affiliate is telling the truth, then this is a huge fuck up and there's nothing to justify it, but i'll also say that even if you think it's the Network's responsibility, go out there and take it upon yourself to do whatever due diligence you can do on that offer, because sadly our asses are on the line a lot more than anyone realizes. Ask around other networks for their experience with the advertiser in the past. And yes it shouldn't be the affiliates fucking responsibility, and it is a total outrage, but damn sometimes it's apart of the hustle. And luckily companies like A4D and C2M are changing that bull shit.

In a lot of these networks AM's simply deliver the fucking Kool-Aid, which amounts to run this offer, run that offer, everything is fine. So many times they don't know what is up at all, because the Kool-Aid is coming from the top. If you feel you've got a Kool-Aid drinking mother fucker as an AM then you go higher and you get someone that takes your business seriously.
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So where the fuck is hydra? Go stand in front of their booth if they have one at adtech saying they ripped you for $25k. I'm sure they will get tons of new affiliates.
So where the fuck is hydra? Go stand in front of their booth if they have one at adtech saying they ripped you for $25k. I'm sure they will get tons of new affiliates.

Agreed, make up a shirt that says "Hydra Ripped Me Off Of $25k", and go stand in front of their booth and try and engage everyone that'd go talk to their reps.
That would be an excellent idea !

Also any AM's from Hydra care to reply to this thread & fix up this shit.

Agreed, make up a shirt that says "Hydra Ripped Me Off Of $25k", and go stand in front of their booth and try and engage everyone that'd go talk to their reps.

@ Jon - Lot of respect for you.
Thanks Jon - Finally

Reminiscent of a quote from a year and a half ago - check it out:
We'll see what happens when eventually it boils down to court and the first network settles for negligence.... its a matter of time

They wont be able to fight their way from a wet paper bag once someone proves they can not provide SOLID/ACCURATE information to their CUSTOMERS...

Yes Big Networks.... we are your fucking customer... with out us... you do not make money... time to re-prioritize?
Im a noob to Aff. Marketing but I'm not a noob in the business world. I have been on both ends of lawsuts (its the nature of owning businesses) and reading your original post pisses me off.

If it were me I would sue Hydra for sure, and knowing my attorney he would want to sue the advertiser and Google as well. Having been through this a few times the suit would (after my atty got finished) be in the 200k range or more. With attorney fees (recoverable in most states) , $emotional distress$ , $Opportunity Cost Losses$, $Cost of time losses$ etc. the shit ads up.
Take the terms of conditions Doc to your attorney and see what they think. If you do file suit and Hydra wants to settle after such time than make it for at least 25k+ interest+ time +accrued atty fees to date.
If it is true that your traffic was clean than it would behoove Hydra to pay you (before shit gets out of hand) and kindly ask you to "keep your motherfucking ass shut about the whole matter" ;)

good luck

btw. I am glad I found this site, so much to learn, being a noob fucking sucks!!
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