How Hydra Affiliate Network Screwed Me Out Of $25,000

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I guess hydra is notorious for this. They did something v-e-r-y crooked to me. It was not non payment but it was v-e-r-y illegal.

Be v-e-r-y careful when working with them. And now especially with the higher ups jumping ship.

I personally use primarily Copeac, and have a very easy to reach, helpful affiliate manager. Also use NeverBlue but haven't been terribly happy with them to be honest. After reading this post, definitely will not even be signing up for Hydra.

Shit like this just makes me give even more props to Mike Krongel for running a tight shop.
Ahahaha when I first signed up with Hydra I got stuck with Charlie too - he was AWFUL.

When I explained I was a college student and was having problems with cash flow since i was sinking multiple thousands into AdWords he replied back saying he wanted to see $10k monthly for 3 months before I got weekly payments...

I emailed him back 3 times with NO response....after calling hydra to bitch I finally got a new AM, Tammy, who was awesome.

He also failed to reply to 5 emails asking for the top converting search/banner campaigns and never returned my phone calls.

Anyone working with Hydra - if Charlie is your account manager call up and demand to be reassigned - he's an asshat

Huh. This thread reaks of Hydra sucking ass. Maybe I need to switch to Tammy as well. My AM at Hydra SUCKS at responding to anything.

Would love to see them post here.... I know the co-founders did every once in a while... but seeing as they were just fired....
Sounds like Hydra is full of shit. Fuck them queers. If I lost 25 grand I d be at their door with a sawed off shotgun .I've been using C2M and Ruck and the boys have been awesome as hell.
Are there any hydra reps on this forum that can clear this up? This is a truely shocking affair. That AM needs to be shot.
Yeah Charlie at Hydra sucks, I stopped using them because of that toolbag. I now use Motive and Chris Rodeno is the shit. Best AM IMO
Poor charlie.... hahahha

Sounds like Hydra is full of shit. Fuck them queers. If I lost 25 grand I d be at their door with a sawed off shotgun .I've been using C2M and Ruck and the boys have been awesome as hell.
Yep..I've been using C2M too..and Steve is my Affiliate Manager..awesome so far!
Hi Charlie!!

Hydra monitors this forum and I'm pretty sure they know about this thread. There has been other threads of people getting screwed by hydra and they knew of the thread but chose not to post.

I was also screwed by hydra and charlie. When you listen to what they have to say, this is the jist of it "we love the advertisers, not the publishers". They back the advertisers all the way and will throw you under the bus for a nickel.

Take your traffic elsewhere, C2M is the best IMO.

good luck, BTP32. The most I got was part of my traffic costs back.
I would seriously considering hiring a CA attorney to file a law suit in civil court against them. The action will probably cost you about 2-3k to file but they would most likely pay up at that point. CA attorneys are a dime a dozen btw so you might be able to find someone to do it for much less.
$25,000 is no joke, you might want to consider taking legal action. From what I gather this is not the first time Hydra has done this either. I'm a newb and with A4d, they have been so damn good to me and my AM Jay has given me some amazing advice on how to improve my campaigns. I'll be staying away from Hydra
LOL strikernr...they are lying to you. Simple as that. Did you not read my original post? Everything in that is 100% accurate and true.

I don't know. I will find out. But I don't see why someone will go against their word. I was confirmed over the phone that Hydra pays for the bad leads (as long as they were done accordance to the terms of the offer) up to the point when you're notified to stop the traffic by the advertiser.
I've worked with Hydra and never had a problem with them. I hope they make a statement or resolve this situation.

P.S. OP were you incentivizing?
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