Has Wickedfire become a ghost town?


Fixed it for you, this is wickedfire after all.

I did not say he's an idiot for specific items.
You can be an idiot while voicing opinions, including those of what you think of black people. I've said I'm new to this forum, that doesn't mean I haven't spent time in other places.

So, Dresden14 posted nothing.
You defend the nothing post?

I have time if you want to waste it, but does it really make sense?
Argument 1: Each Brisbane-pickled summit fox is quickly entertained before packing. We take pride in our focus on the ruddy anus hinds, and you can feel the result in our product.

Argument 2: That may be, but you shouldn't store the fermented rinds where inner-city teens can access them. It's causing an itchy outbreak, and parents are all riled up like a kangaroo mouse walkin' on Miley's tarantula hairs.

Summary: Some say it takes a Meyer lemon.
Maybe you should just go back to those other places because if "posting nothing" offends your sensibilities, you're not going to fit in very well around here.

Just taking one example from the BST: If you have watched it carefully, you have seen newbies (sellers) getting shit on by established members recently (which is very unfortunate because fresh blood is crucial for this place)

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.

to anyone else thinking that... read this

If we didn't have a higher barrier to entry, if we didn't have a hazing environment, if we didn't have all these deterents, we'd have more Digital Pointer/WAFOers coming and flooding us with low quality questions, comments, and creating an environment were the high quality contributor no longer wants to give their marketing methods to these "lessers".

I tend not to spend too much time in STS, and very rarely comment on threads outside of SBT/BST... but if services provided by newbs don't meet the high standards that we've come to expect from WF then they will be flogged publicly for failing to deliver.

Quality over quantity in the BST ensures that buyers like myself don't have to sift through page upon page of crappy services to find the what we're looking. Jon has done his bit by increasing the 'barrier to entry' recently by raising the price of BST threads... it's up to the rest of us (mods included) to identify the scammers and keep them out.
I really don't know what's more sad about this. That you don't think it happens, or that you keep posting about it when most everyone else knows it does.

Because I've witnessed multiple operations scale up to a solid 6 figures/month, and like to believe I have a decent idea of what it involves, as I always was the tech lead on them. A hell of a lot of energy, time, stress, money, and advertising goes into bringing an online operation up to 7 figures.

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe a $30 sales thread on BHW beside the guy slinging $4 Twitter packages is all that's needed to bring in 7 figures though. For some reason, I doubt it, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.
Because I've witnessed multiple operations scale up to a solid 6 figures/month, and like to believe I have a decent idea of what it involves, as I always was the tech lead on them. A hell of a lot of energy, time, stress, money, and advertising goes into bringing an online operation up to 7 figures.

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe a $30 sales thread on BHW beside the guy slinging $4 Twitter packages is all that's needed to bring in 7 figures though. For some reason, I doubt it, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

You are wrong. When there is such a high demand mixed in with an easy way to reach a market (SBT/BSTs), it creates a opportunity that's like no other. Never in history has there been a medium like the internet to grow wealth or scale. One of the biggest barriers that most offline business have is setup, and scaling, then getting customers and clientele. Whether it's on wickedfire or BHW or Wafo, the demand is already there (or the audience at least). The operation is rather easy, they fill out a form, and wait for results. The hardest part would be execution on the sellers side. If they have a majority of that automated 50-90% then they've achieved what most offline businesses can only hope of achieving.

Remember, they are hyper-focused and selling a single service, which doesn't require a lot of overhead in the beginning, and even when scaling if it has been reduced to mostly automated work where a $10 VA can input some text and the order gets processed, that's a profitable operation. Offline businesses can only dream of such a thing. I think you are busy thinking about computers, offices, and employees and all that fun stuff of dealing with office politics.

A guy can literally be sitting in his home office, create a product, such as links, create the process of execution, setup an order form, and create a SBT/BST thread and start making sales. Now with any business there is always a chance for failure - especially if your product/services is shitty. But if you have a half decent product, and deliver on time, you've got an instant business that can be grown and improved within 24 hours. And if you fail? Just try again next week, since overhead is so LOW, it's impossible to not make money if you really have your shit together AND have a product people want/demand. Remember, there is no committee meetings, manager meetings, No TPS reports, no research and development phase and all that shit that gets in the way of making money; it's literally you with your ideas (and a programmer if you aren't one) versus the internet.

The internet strips away all the bullshit that people can come up with on why something failed, and gets it down to its root levels. Is there demand? Can I scale it? What is the competition like? And Is it profitable? I find the internet to be one of the purest forms of battle. It's you versus your ideas and the market. If you've got a great idea, and can get your shit together to come to market, and there is demand, there is nothing stopping you from succeeding except YOURSELF and your own limitations.

Another great thing about it BST that is taken for granted - INSTANT customer feedback. If you are screwing up, people will let you know, and you can improve that product/service almost instantly. Think about it, if I have a problem with Term Explorer, WordAi, or MicroSite Masters, I can instantly talk directly with the developers, owners, and operation and get my problem fixed. In what offline business is that instant communication even possible? Very few. That's another advantage being 100% web oriented has.

I've seen guys due 6 figures off of 2 BST threads. Another dude right now is at 5 figures in less than 5 days. What you are missing is that $30 BST from BHW didn't have a time limit. And if the demand is there, example SGW back in the day, people can become undercover millionaires off of a BST and no one but themselves know the profit margins.

If you are saying that it's impossible to scale a million dollar operation online, then you are pretty much saying it's impossible to do the same with affiliate marketing as well. The difference with affiliate marketing is you have to find the audience and entice them into coming to your site, landing page, and clicking the offer. Whereas a BST, the audience is already gathered in one spot for you to market to. That's a huge advantage most people don't consider.​
I know me and mattseh's drippable blog comments was on that course with just that as the only thing we were selling here ONLY on WFire and we only sold it for a few months here.

I could only imagine what DFB did which came before us, was on multiple forums, and had a larger name and a BRAND too.

Me and Matt did none of that and we were about to hit 6 figures easily. Our market dried up as more people came out with more blog comment services and Scrapebox for cheaper.
Because I've witnessed multiple operations scale up to a solid 6 figures/month, and like to believe I have a decent idea of what it involves, as I always was the tech lead on them. A hell of a lot of energy, time, stress, money, and advertising goes into bringing an online operation up to 7 figures.

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe a $30 sales thread on BHW beside the guy slinging $4 Twitter packages is all that's needed to bring in 7 figures though. For some reason, I doubt it, but who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

Look at it this way. Think residual monthly payments in the range of $250-$1200 per month. In the last two years more than 1000 clients who stay average 5 months. These are made up of individuals, a massive amount of resellers and a couple dozen giant accounts. Start putting those numbers together and maybe you will start to get it. I'm not even calculating the future value of the connections and network I have built up in that time. Those are priceless.

The way I did it was simple. I was using a team for my personal projects in India for about a year. I knew they had a big team and they were getting me great results for all my projects. I discussed scaling with him and he assured me he could handle the work. They would charge me $XXX, I charged $XXX. Client would order with a subscription, I would then wait 3 days and set up a sub with his team (this gave me 3 days to cancel if client canceled). I had a part timer who came in to process orders, cancel orders, and set up reporting (Ain't nobody got time for that). The only thing I did was customer service (updating thread, ongoing support). Honestly, minus all my other projects and businesses, I probably spent 20 hours a week if not less at it's peak.

Now, I know this particular BST was an exception. There are only a handful of guys over there that do these numbers now, especially since they loosened up their policies and the BST marketplace is now diluted with tons of garbage. Luckily I got in at the right time, with the right service.
It is very hard to do huge numbers without recurring payments. One off service sales are pain.
It is very hard to do huge numbers without recurring payments. One off service sales are pain.

The one I liked the most charged a whopping $1.95/week. Except they had like 140,000 subscribers, or something ridiculous. They also dropped $250k/month or more in PPC advertising and other things, so were lucky to see a profit some months.

And declined cards got retried every 24 hours. Sure was fun trying to make the payment gateway not get pissy while you're banging 20k+ cards every day for a $1.95.

Was a slick operation though.
I think it is important to remember that jstover said his numbers were gross, not net. My numbers were also gross.

you can do 1 mill in sales and make 100k, or you can do 1 mill in sales and make 800k.

1 mill in sales in IM is certainly attainable.