Has Wickedfire become a ghost town?

Sometimes less is more.

I don't give a rat's ass as to who's going to quit on our beloved wickedfire.

I'm not leaving this forum anytime soon. Period.

When you drive a BMW, do you care about who's riding a Honda next to you?
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The porn pictures should be reduced substantially, as it serves no true purpose. Many would not join when they see all the naked pictures.

When you look carefully, you can easily figure out the serious threads and the ones not worth your time.

Most are afraid to post or start a thread as some of the responses from some of the top members borders on childishness.

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.
The porn pictures should be reduced substantially, as it serves no true purpose. Many would not join when they see all the naked pictures.

When you look carefully, you can easily figure out the serious threads and the ones not worth your time.

Most are afraid to post or start a thread as some of the responses from some of the top members borders on childishness.

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.

Blasphemy sir. There has to be something to keep this from turning into WaFo.

Seriously tho.... you are against free porn? Astounding. What do you think we should post instead? Vegetarian meatball recipes? Sewing patterns for 80's style prom dresses? GARFIELD COMIC STRIPS? Hogwash. So you hate everything about this place then why the fuck are you on the gayest, porn slanging, obscene mother fucking no apologies internet marketing forum on the planet?

This place is awesome. It flows and ebbs like the tide, sometimes people get busy or maybe they are waiting until they have something truly interesting o say... because they know that if they just shit post over and over they will get their ass handed to them. Works for me.
The porn pictures should be reduced substantially, as it serves no true purpose. Many would not join when they see all the naked pictures.

When you look carefully, you can easily figure out the serious threads and the ones not worth your time.

Most are afraid to post or start a thread as some of the responses from some of the top members borders on childishness.

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.

If you're equating this to a pond, equate it to a pond filled with Piranhas. But the good kind.

These fishes don't spare any thought in ripping apart new fishes to utter shreds. While at the same time, a few who make it through are included in the gang and are given lessons on how to survive the perils of the bigger waters. Water that lay beyond the banks of the little pond. Water that is harsh. It is almost like how humans have this thing called the "real world". One with sharks waiting to gobble you up.

These Piranhas can be seen squabbling among themselves often. But that doesn't mean they don't love each other. The love is so deep, it spans beyond the limitations of the internet. This is where the boobie pics come in.

These Piranhas are also good at heart. Real fishes with real values. They team up against the Drewmyerias of the Pacific and the Kanigtfyonas of the Northern waters. Fishes like those two are classless. Faggots among fishes, I tell you.

So that is how it is, we're one big happy pond with space for a lot more. Except we don't like faggots and people who are here only for the "how i mak money with this website" kind of questions.

P.S - Also, judging from your outlook, I reckon you may be in the wrong pond Sir.

P.P.S - Did I mention, all the Piranhas here are gay? Yet we're all about Boobs & Asses of female Piranhas. Sexual Paradox, ya say? Damn Right my man! But that is a story for another time.

P.P.P.S - Watch out for this fish called "Suddenlia Buttsex". It is a favored fish of about 99% of the population of this pond and is the only fish of its kind.
Nothing wrong with staying a lurker, generally if you have something to say here, it's expected you will make it good.

The porn pictures should be reduced substantially, as it serves no true purpose. Many would not join when they see all the naked pictures.

When you look carefully, you can easily figure out the serious threads and the ones not worth your time.

Most are afraid to post or start a thread as some of the responses from some of the top members borders on childishness.

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.

In most social structures there is some sort of ritual hazing period/test/right of passage. If you cannot handle the hazing, you can't keep up.

What I've noticed, is all of a sudden as Digital Point numbers reduce, we are getting a flood of people complaining about porn all of a sudden with low post number ancient accounts.

DP is dying, because of the lack of quality, so you decide to fire up your WickedFire account, but are crying cause of the "porn".

But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain, ever take a look behind the curtains? Have you wondered for a moment if this eco-system with it's porn, which is meant to keep out Digital Point-ers and the "lessers", IS THE REASON there is higher quality content here?

Follow the logic. Porn keeps out peasants like DP/Wafo. It creates a higher barrier for people trying to look at WF at their 9 to 5 - hopefully including Matt Cluts and the Web Scam team, and their lesser known counter parts on the other search engines, any governmental parties, and organizations that are looking to sniff out things that are discussed. Constantly being hit with Porn, "Gay talk", and the likes, will make it un-pleasant for the people that we want to keep out. Therefore resulting in higher quality content that is being shared behind the guise of "porn", "gay webmasters", and disgusting Gifs.

If we didn't have a higher barrier to entry, if we didn't have a hazing environment, if we didn't have all these deterents, we'd have more Digital Pointer/WAFOers coming and flooding us with low quality questions, comments, and creating an environment were the high quality contributor no longer wants to give their marketing methods to these "lessers".

tldr; No one wants to be in the company of peasants, no one is going to share anything worthwhile. STFU, right click and save the boobs, jump over the cones, and if you make it past Go there be gold to harvest.​
The porn pictures should be reduced substantially, as it serves no true purpose. Many would not join when they see all the naked pictures.

When you look carefully, you can easily figure out the serious threads and the ones not worth your time.

Most are afraid to post or start a thread as some of the responses from some of the top members borders on childishness.

The only way to constantly replenish a pond is to always bring in new fish. New members should be welcomed, instead of ridiculed.

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped yellow onion
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup roughly chopped cremini mushrooms
1 cup packed baby spinach
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup cooked or canned black beans, rinsed, drained and divided
2 teaspoons dried organic basil
2 teaspoons dried organic oregano
1 cup frozen organic brown rice, thawed
8 ounces organic spaghetti
1 (25 ounce) jar organic pasta sauce

In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in mushrooms and spinach. Cover and cook until mushrooms are tender and spinach wilts, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, in the bowl of a food processor, pulse sunflower seeds until coarsely ground. Add cooked vegetable mixture, half the beans, basil and oregano. Pulse until mixture is just coming together. In a large bowl, combine puréed mixture, remaining beans and rice. Stir until combined.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Form mixture into 1 1/2-inch balls and transfer to a lightly oiled baking sheet. Bake meatballs 30 minutes or until heated through and crisp on the outside. Meanwhile, cook spaghetti according to package directions. Drain well and return to pot. Add pasta sauce and toss until combined and heated through. Add meatballs and toss very gently to combine, taking care not to break up meatballs. Serve.


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As a fairly new member, this is pretty much what a person should expect from a forum with no sacred cows. I don't think the body parts, swearing and hormonal aggression are absolutely necessary, but I also realize others may have more appreciation of that aspect.

I originally came here to learn more of things that aren't discussed on white hat type forums. Kind of stupid, IMO, to decry practices as "spam", rather than learn the potential benefits of said practices. Here, people pretty much say what they mean and that's refreshing, both on the positive and negative sides.

I'll still mostly lurk, learn and absorb what I can while making an occasional post.

If I get confused or lost, I'll just PM Grindstone.
My mother used to use that "rat's ass" comment a long time ago when I was young.
I always considered it a colloquial saying, deriving from Irish working the land.
Could be wrong, I've never looked at it deeply.

"When you drive a BMW, do you care about who's riding a Honda next to you?"
When you know how to drive, why is someone next to you?

I stated I haven't been on this forum for a long time.
With the limited information you provide, you are a fucking idiot.
I'd try to provide an appropriate translation for you, but you'd still be a fucking idiot.