Has Wickedfire become a ghost town?

^^ this. I heard so many ballers in rebills, but a lot of them were talking gross, not net.

Its not what you earn, its what you keep.

A lot of the so called "ballers" here got burnt during the rebill boom. By "burnt", I mean they gave helpful advice to people on the forum and got nothing in return. Then they had more competition and less revenue. So a lot of them think twice before posting anything of substance.

Look back at some of the poeple here that joined the community during the heyday... befriend people, suck out all the secrets/information, then leave.

I don't want to be misogynistic... but a few women that were active on the forum back-in-the-day took advantage of the nerd/white-knight syndrome to get some insider information about how to make money. Profitable ads.

After they sucked them dry.... gone. So jaded participation is now the standard.
Its not what you earn, its what you keep.
DFB had very nice margins. I think SGW probably had higher margins, but both of them benefited from actually being software, not arbitrage on someone elses service or labor costs.

Stay small keep it all?
Just stay lean, whatever side you're on.

A lot of the so called "ballers" here got burnt during the rebill boom.
We're talking about rebill IM services, not rebill CPAs.
Hello friend,s

I think it because almost everyone who join WickedFire eventual become very rich. So to busy spend lot money and no for have time post Wickedfire anymore.

Good luck bros
Hello friend,s

I think it because almost everyone who join WickedFire eventual become very rich. So to busy spend lot money and no for have time post Wickedfire anymore.

Good luck bros

I think it is quiet because the latest update has been over for a while now so everyone is busy pumping out new sites and banking till the next big black/white animal update is released... I think we should have clear sailing until around Christmas, make hay while the sun shines...

But where are all those sellers that can build $100 disposable custom word press themes... slim pickings at elance, I know you're out there... I need site builders, no time to chat in the ghost town.
So a lot of them think twice before posting anything of substance.

You and I seem to have different opinions on advice.

Generic IM advise and laying down proper ways to run a particular aspect of the business is almost never akin to outing campaigns or defining explicit methodologies for attaining a certain target.

Pretty targeted and exclusive advice can be freely posted on the forum targeting a particular niche without setting up a new realm of competition for your own self.

A lot of members have been posting pretty good stuff lately and a lot of other members have been benefiting immensely from that. So once again, am not sure if the whole 'burnt by giving out advice' part rings a bell with me at all.

Again, I am not sure if you're hinting at something/someone in particular that I am unaware of. (Giving that I have been here for just a little over a year) - so what I posted above gets completely nullified. In which case, simply disregard it.
I know me and mattseh's drippable blog comments was on that course with just that as the only thing we were selling here ONLY on WFire and we only sold it for a few months here.

I could only imagine what DFB did which came before us, was on multiple forums, and had a larger name and a BRAND too.

Me and Matt did none of that and we were about to hit 6 figures easily. Our market dried up as more people came out with more blog comment services and Scrapebox for cheaper.

Hello friend,s

I think it because almost everyone who join WickedFire eventual become very rich. So to busy spend lot money and no for have time post Wickedfire anymore.

Good luck bros

Sumitdhawan I think you are right, friend. Do you like Tupac & my new sig?
Sumitdhawan I think you are right, friend. Do you like Tupac & my new sig?

I have been monitoring the forum for a while now, just never inspired to write anything. WF forum is probably at the brink of extinction as more people focus on making money than wasting words with random shit....

Anyway, in a world where all possible niches of interest can be Googled, most people seem to enjoy being the reading spectator then actually contributing. I know, I am often one of them ;)
I have been monitoring the forum for a while now, just never inspired to write anything. WF forum is probably at the brink of extinction as more people focus on making money than wasting words with random shit....

Anyway, in a world where all possible niches of interest can be Googled, most people seem to enjoy being the reading spectator then actually contributing. I know, I am often one of them ;)
Several years ago I lost my wife and children to a rogue wave. Been moping around ever since.

But reading your words, iProlific Writer, have inspired me to begin anew. Thank you, my friend.
If you only make 1 post in 2 years, can you really call yourself a prolific writer?