Has Wickedfire become a ghost town?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb1ZvUDvLDY]2Pac - Dear Mama - YouTube[/ame]


I have been monitoring the forum for a while now, just never inspired to write anything. WF forum is probably at the brink of extinction as more people focus on making money than wasting words with random shit....

Anyway, in a world where all possible niches of interest can be Googled, most people seem to enjoy being the reading spectator then actually contributing. I know, I am often one of them ;)

It's fuckin' than, THAN not then. How fucking hard is this. I learned the difference when I was in grade 2 or 3.

Prolific writer... mmmk
I have been monitoring the forum for a while now, just never inspired to write anything. WF forum is probably at the brink of extinction as more people focus on making money than wasting words with random shit....

Anyway, in a world where all possible niches of interest can be Googled, most people seem to enjoy being the reading spectator then actually contributing. I know, I am often one of them ;)

Hi Cshark.
You and I seem to have different opinions on advice.

Generic IM advise and laying down proper ways to run a particular aspect of the business is almost never akin to outing campaigns or defining explicit methodologies for attaining a certain target.

Pretty targeted and exclusive advice can be freely posted on the forum targeting a particular niche without setting up a new realm of competition for your own self.

A lot of members have been posting pretty good stuff lately and a lot of other members have been benefiting immensely from that. So once again, am not sure if the whole 'burnt by giving out advice' part rings a bell with me at all.

Again, I am not sure if you're hinting at something/someone in particular that I am unaware of. (Giving that I have been here for just a little over a year) - so what I posted above gets completely nullified. In which case, simply disregard it.

Like you said - you have no idea what you're talking about as you weren't on this site back in the day.
I have met many friends here, many people who will help you out when you ask the right questions, and refer you to people that can assist you, whether it is programming, design, seo, link buying, tranny fucking, gay porkchops, and even Thanks to MGRUINN, stocks, not sure what else you want, Ghost town my ass.
It seems that at least one of the underground and under the radar networks was severely hurt by Google and many of the sites using them to rank well in Google are now penalized.

If only he'd tweeted about this network 3+ weeks ago, so many people could have not got burned.

Oh wait...

Allo Govna,

I beg your pardon my good man... but I think there was an extensive back and forth between some good gentleman on this matter about the writing on the wall - ol' chap.


Hopefully the burn victims can keep call and carry on...

Oh Wait... I.See.What.You.Did.There.bmp
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Bx4MLO1wk]The Secret to Free Live Cams - Free Cam Secret - YouTube[/ame]
I used to post a lot but then I got a job...

I also work projects on the side, but I just don't have time to visit WF.