Harry's Social Bookmarking Blasts - Over 1000+ Unique Domains - Bookmark URL Provided

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SERP movement review:

I was lucky to score one of the review packages Harry sent out before this was even released. The SERP movement has settle down so I thought I'd let you know what happened.

The page I was testing was brand new so there were no links to it and it wasn't ranking for any keywords in the top 50. The keyword I was chasing gets 12k exact match searches and the front page is dominated with well SEO'd sites. They all have obvious backlinking programs and are optimised for the term. I would say it was medium competition.

Primary keyword: 55 --> 12

Secondary keywords (all long tails with less than 2000 exact match searches and low comp):

Not rank -------> #3
Not ranked ----> #2
Not ranked ----> #14
#568 ----------> #28
#286 ----------> #37

Not back for a just a bit of social bookmarking...

Would have happily paid for these results.

I tried this on a super competitive keyword that is already sitting at #4, it had no effect after using this service. I'm sure the service will work better on less competitive keywords not ranking this well...
SERP movement review:

I was lucky to score one of the review packages Harry sent out before this was even released. The SERP movement has settle down so I thought I'd let you know what happened.

The page I was testing was brand new so there were no links to it and it wasn't ranking for any keywords in the top 50. The keyword I was chasing gets 12k exact match searches and the front page is dominated with well SEO'd sites. They all have obvious backlinking programs and are optimised for the term. I would say it was medium competition.

Primary keyword: 55 --> 12

Secondary keywords (all long tails with less than 2000 exact match searches and low comp):

Not rank -------> #3
Not ranked ----> #2
Not ranked ----> #14
#568 ----------> #28
#286 ----------> #37

Not back for a just a bit of social bookmarking...

Would have happily paid for these results.


Hey Thanks for the Great Review! Glad you are having some Great movement on these.




Primary keyword: 55 --> 12
Not rank -------> #3
Not ranked ----> #2
Not ranked ----> #14
#568 ----------> #28
#286 ----------> #37​
I tried this on a super competitive keyword that is already sitting at #4, it had no effect after using this service. I'm sure the service will work better on less competitive keywords not ranking this well...


Sending you a PM. I think we can get this to move.


placed an order for 700 bookmarks and article submissions the other day whats the ETA on these? thanks.
just ordered. Transaction ID #14R38257CD5838729. Left you some special instructions. Just wanted to make sure you saw those and that I filled out the form correctly.
Made an order, thanks.

Order received, Thanks!

just ordered. Transaction ID #14R38257CD5838729. Left you some special instructions. Just wanted to make sure you saw those and that I filled out the form correctly.

Order and special instructions received, Thanks!

Do I still get mine tonight?

We are just pulling the report for you it will be with you shortly.


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