Google Bizopps Last Warning

I think it's funny how much drama surrounds the whole FLOG issue. What's so ironic is that you never hear anything about late night infomercials that promise the world, riches overnight, beating the stockmarket with signals (red light/green light/black box software), weightloss, health, etc. and have scrolling micro text that's so fucking small you cant even read it. How is that fair? But internet folks have to post their terms and conditions. Im callin one big assed bullshit on all of this. It's crap. But, hey, what ya gonna do.

Rebills have been around forever. Funny how this is all coming up now.

Don't pull a Zeros when you do that

"What the hell is Cromwell doing giving lectures when his company is losing 25 mil a quarter? Probably talking about how to lose money. If he owned a funeral parlour no one would die. This turkey is totally brain dead. All right, Xmas is over, business is business, you dilute the sonuvabitch, LotsofZeros, I want every orifice in his body flowing red!"

Ok, im sorry but ^^^ this is fuckin great. Thanks for the laugh nacho. You have impeccable timing with your humor. Game Over - fucking perfect timimg, LOL


still fuckin laughin
When I get a hold of the son of a bitch who leaked this, I'm gonna tear his eyeballs out and I'm gonna suck his fucking skull.
When I get a hold of the son of a bitch who leaked this, I'm gonna tear his eyeballs out and I'm gonna suck his fucking skull.

Gordon Gekko. Nice.

"You know why floggers can't make any long term money? Cause they are sheep and sheep get led to the slaughter."
How can Google explain in a court that they allowed tons of these offers all over their own advertising system. Google willingly helped to advertise these offers to a large audience for a long period of time. Clearly showing they did not care about these offers said:
This is a really good point, if Google wants to sue peeps for damages for infringing on its brand, they have a duty to mitigate their damages, and happily accepting PPC ads from these EXACT advertisers, all the while building their case against them, is going to look to a court like an ambush by a large powerful corporation that was perfectly happy to take these advertisers money knowing full well what they were doing, then turning on them once they'd bled enough PPC money out of them.

It's still never a good idea to "borrow" someone's likeness to push your shady offers though, no matter what your AM told you.....
^^^MAN, that was one fuckin cool movie, I remember wanting to have that lil alien as a pet sooooo badly.
All this talk, and 95% of my AMs haven't heard anything on these Biz Opps and the FTC. Only word I've gotten to is straighten up the LPs...

Also, C2M is the Biz Opp "Guru" and not word from them guys either... ?

If it comes down to "no more" biz opps, you still have a boat load of other highly profitable offers, and if you are stuck on "biz opp money" like the Google ones, then hit up the CB Marketplace, and you'll still get the same amount of commissions, and good thing is - if you promote any rebills (like all CPA Nets Biz Opps are), then you get recurring commissions, and not just some one off fee.
Maybe Google biz ops will die... but who gives a fuck.

Anything that promises a lot of money, without doing any work, is going to sell like fucking wildfire to the sheeple.

Google ones work well because we all know how to market them. All we need is an advertiser to come out with a "new type" of biz opp and find an angle to market it that is believable and makes sense to sheeple.

Anyone who thinks they need "Google" to be on there page in order to sell, simply fucking sucks at marketing.

Flogs/farticles are coming to an end. This is how the "cycle" works.

The fucking d-bags who copy n paste will be clueless on what to do next. During this time, the people with real fucking skill/talent will have been already cranking out new innovative campaigns and make a shit load of money. After a while, the newbs will catch on to this next "fad" and make some money. Then this technique of marketing will die, and the cycle will repeat itself.