Google Bizopps Last Warning

I agree with Seema, Google, Ophra, Dr. Oz, various lawyers can just suck the balls in his case. Even if they follow trough to CPA network to obtain contact info.

I'm sure if they're going to subpoena traffic sources they'll subpoena the major adware networks too. You're really not as protected as you think, the best protection will be a good lawyer.

When they successfully prosecute someone in the UK I'll start getting worried. Until then I'll continue rolling. Going after traffic sources where there is no visible way to prove the person is doing anything wrong seems like the last port of call they will make. They are much more likely to go after the stuff they can see plastered everywhere first.
I agree with Seema, Google, Ophra, Dr. Oz, various lawyers can just suck the balls in his case. Even if they follow trough to CPA network to obtain contact info.

ha ha very funny dickwad. I dont use lame Dr Oz or Oprah on my landing pages so I dont think your comments really apply.
ha ha very funny dickwad. I dont use lame Dr Oz or Oprah on my landing pages so I dont think your comments really apply.

But your use of false advertising, with specifically flogs or fake news, and the UK's agreement WITH the FTC, means they will be coming.

Hope you are saving all that profit!
But your use of false advertising, with specifically flogs or fake news, and the UK's agreement WITH the FTC, means they will be coming.

Hope you are saving all that profit!

UK agreement with FTC - Bullshit.

Show me evidence or STFU
Id love them to try and come after me. My hosting is in Panama which means they are not obligated to give out any information about me as US laws are not enforcable there. Also my domains were registered by a registrar in China who also will not give out any information about who I am. So go finger yourself google.
you're a fuckin idiot dude. thanks for the lolz, semen.
you're a fuckin idiot dude. thanks for the lolz, semen.

Jenkz do you ever actually post anythign useful on these forms. Seems you've been here a long time man 930+ posts and your still a no mark bum fuck. That must really hurt.
Jenkz do you ever actually post anythign useful on these forms. Seems you've been here a long time man 730+ posts and your still a no mark bum fuck. That must really hurt.
btw, the UK called and told me they don't like immigrants taking advantage of their citizens.
Seema, to run into any issues you need to be doing some volume to begin with, so you are safe for the foreseeable future.
Id love them to try and come after me. My hosting is in Panama which means they are not obligated to give out any information about me as US laws are not enforcable there. Also my domains were registered by a registrar in China who also will not give out any information about who I am. So go finger yourself google.

I notice you didnt mention YOU live in Panama, so let me give you the dime tour of what's gonna happen.

1. Your tracking link leads to..
2. Your affiliate network, who, when subpoenad,
3. Reveal your name, address, etc. which reveals
4. Your bank accounts.

So take Panama and China and shove it up your stupid noob ass.
Seema, to run into any issues you need to be doing some volume to begin with, so you are safe for the foreseeable future.

How much volume? 100 leads a day? 1000 leads?

I can see some small volume people getting caught up too just to prove a point.
I guess I'm curious if I should be warning , I did a *Decent* bit of leads, however I don't think I actively used trademarks on the site , lied on the site (Flog) or anything like that.........It'll be interesting.