Google Bizopps Last Warning

Maybe Google biz ops will die... but who gives a fuck.

Anything that promises a lot of money, without doing any work, is going to sell like fucking wildfire to the sheeple.

Google ones work well because we all know how to market them. All we need is an advertiser to come out with a "new type" of biz opp and find an angle to market it that is believable and makes sense to sheeple.

Anyone who thinks they need "Google" to be on there page in order to sell, simply fucking sucks at marketing.

Flogs/farticles are coming to an end. This is how the "cycle" works.

The fucking d-bags who copy n paste will be clueless on what to do next. During this time, the people with real fucking skill/talent will have been already cranking out new innovative campaigns and make a shit load of money. After a while, the newbs will catch on to this next "fad" and make some money. Then this technique of marketing will die, and the cycle will repeat itself.

correct. actually i think this purging will make it alot easier for those that can actually comeup with original ideas.

I dont know about bizopp guru's but I've made my living for almost 5 yrs in the market. I mailed everyone last night but I'll say once more. You dont see me talking about because frankly, I dont give a fuck.

I'm not a he said/she said type of socialist. I go by specific facts and those facts are that I was contacted to have a flog completely removed, which we did. The publisher was happy as hell it was only that.

We were notified on certain bizopp offers that the advertiser was in contact with the FTC and was asked to make changes to the offer accordingly. Personally, I find this a plus for the advertiser in terms of being educated at the very hands of those who could have easily just shut them down.

As for bizopps dying off or whatever else people are saying, we currently are designing 5 offers at the moment ourselves and I see my fellow networks around us adding them on as well. I'm not coming in here to brag or self-promote. Anyone that has known me knows I have been in the bizopp market for quite awhile. We have no plans of leaving. Adapting and evolving and complying are all things right now that are hitting us in the face. Everyone is experiencing it. There is no one to police us but ourselves and frankly we havent done that, even I admit it.

As regards to publishers, what was relayed to me specifically is that lies will get your ass burnt. Those comments at the bottom of your flogs are going to burn you. You may not be a target, but you are more likely to become one by lying on your landing pages. The As "trusted" by resources were also pointed out, they hate that too.

Unfortunately, the barrier of entry is so low to make a flog that the market blew up in terms of exposure. Back when ebay offers were popular, you didnt really have the situation with all the restrictions that we have now. However, fucking with a federal trademark such as google is an offense that is not going to be taken lightly (at least we dont think so) from a multi billion dollar a year company who's reputation management team will take a shit on anything standing in it's path.

Are bad things going to happen? Who knows for the past actions been done. Does anyone care? Most likely with as many people that were in on this in an industry level as there were, it's hard to believe people did not consider consequences of their actions. In any case, this is the brutal truth. I dont know, but I damn sure aint going to sit around and waste my time talking about shit that aint even happened.
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Maybe Google biz ops will die... but who gives a fuck.

Anything that promises a lot of money, without doing any work, is going to sell like fucking wildfire to the sheeple.

Google ones work well because we all know how to market them. All we need is an advertiser to come out with a "new type" of biz opp and find an angle to market it that is believable and makes sense to sheeple.

Anyone who thinks they need "Google" to be on there page in order to sell, simply fucking sucks at marketing.

Flogs/farticles are coming to an end. This is how the "cycle" works.

The fucking d-bags who copy n paste will be clueless on what to do next. During this time, the people with real fucking skill/talent will have been already cranking out new innovative campaigns and make a shit load of money. After a while, the newbs will catch on to this next "fad" and make some money. Then this technique of marketing will die, and the cycle will repeat itself.

This is a bloody good post.
I've NEVER ran a flog before, but while everybody is pulling them down, maybe this is my prime chance. :small-smiley-026:


Edit: On second thought. Fuck flogs. They suck balls anyways.
I've NEVER ran a flog before, but while everybody is pulling them down, maybe this is my prime chance. :small-smiley-026:


Edit: On second thought. Fuck flogs. They suck balls anyways.

Funny thing is that I still see them all over the place...
Your going to see them everywhere and you will continue to see the flog take on many types of looks and feels.

The barrier of entry to copy someone is so low, almost any can do it.

The most affluent and persuasive all marketers do one thing better than anyone else -> They tell a story.

So now you have a mix of creative people and ones who dont care doing the exact same thing. It doesnt stop, it evolves.
It's always nice to have the FTC call you on your cell phone and request that you send all email conversations with said "client" or "network" and transfer all domains that you control to them. I believe the quote was, "to show good faith". I have done neither and have not received another call, that was 5 months ago. This was on sites that never were promoted but ended up getting indexed, so no money was made.
I think it's awesome the FTC contacted you, Ruck, and requested changes to be made. This is a good thing vs. suddenly being subpoenad.

The problem is, they need to make an example out of someone/a group of people as a deterrant, and they will, and it will work with 95% of the people to drop the flogs. The rest will keep them running thru blackhat methods, cloaking, etc most likely in another country where they can get away with it.

There's always a silver lining, perhaps at the end of the day, the public will feel more "confident" in LPs they visit, knowing the FTC and networks are only allowing legit offers, so perhaps consumer spending will increase significantly over time if they begin trusting more.

Right now it's safe to assume the suckers are falling for the flogs, and there's a sucker born every other click. But perhaps, if we can reach the hesitant, willing-to-try smarter crowd, revenues will skyrocket for all involved.
we should start adding FTC APPROVED logos right on the flog. Now that will be epic.


  • ftc-approved.jpg
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It's always nice to have the FTC call you on your cell phone and request that you send all email conversations with said "client" or "network" and transfer all domains that you control to them. I believe the quote was, "to show good faith". I have done neither and have not received another call, that was 5 months ago. This was on sites that never were promoted but ended up getting indexed, so no money was made.

Dude that was me. I was just messing around and wanted to know how you make the moniez.

Sorry about that.
There's always a silver lining, perhaps at the end of the day, the public will feel more "confident" in LPs they visit, knowing the FTC and networks are only allowing legit offers, so perhaps consumer spending will increase significantly over time if they begin trusting more.

honestly i doubt that will happen in a long time. People will probably just feel there are scams everywhere and be more cautious