Google Bizopps Last Warning

I am in my cell that does not have wifi. Instead I McGyvered an antenna that is stealing from a coffee shop next to the bail bondsman outside my cell window. Have it hooked to a Dell Axim I had smuggled in.

good you're enjoying the buttfucking too
Can't having enough legal-verbal bullet proof ToS shit and the like at the bottom of a lander protect you from the vast majority of shit, save for clearly posting a fake newspaper article about a fake person? I honestly have no idea so I'm just asking.
Yes. This works fine for diet/teeth especially having "This is an advertisement" in small letters at the top.

Bizopp advertisers and pubs will get sued for using the google name on their LP's and the offer LP's. Google is getting assloads of complaints from consumers about the bizopps using google's name, and consumers think its google who is charging their credit cards (one of the reasons they fall for the scheme in the first place).

The government body that will sue people for the fake testimonials on fake news landers would be the FTC or your own State AG.
You guys need to be realistic. Google can not sue 11ty billion broke ass douchebags who are using their name in promoting a product that actually uses their services. It's just not profitable. How much would each suit cost? How much money would they get out of each suit? Not enough to even begin to pay their lawyers.

They want to stop the bizops, that is all. Lawsuits aren't profitable. They will take out a few big name companies, maybe, and people will mostly stop making the offer available. That's it.

That said, if your are running the same scam as every other retard on the internet you've got bigger problems than lawsuits from google.

google is god. stfu they can sue the whole world if they wanted too
You dumb motherfucker! Are you fucking serious?

First, a lot of affiliate marketers aren't broke ass douchebags like yourself.

Second, Google isn't in this for a profit, they're in it because we're hurting their brand name and that cannot be measured in dollars.

Third, I vote +ban for this idiot.

My point is that you have to look at their goals. Their goal is to make it stop. It isn't necessary to build a case one at a time against a few thousand people strewn across the internet to meet that goal. As soon as the major networks stop running them, it will be over.

Remember the RIAA suing 13 year old girls? Did they sue everyone who was pirating music? No, they made some examples, filed a bunch of suits in an attempt to extract settlements (most of which were thrown out by asking for summary judgement), and then shut down as many large sites as they could. This will be no different.
Can't having enough legal-verbal bullet proof ToS shit and the like at the bottom of a lander protect you from the vast majority of shit, save for clearly posting a fake newspaper article about a fake person? I honestly have no idea so I'm just asking.

You can't protect yourself with a disclaimer if you are breaking the law. Tradermark infringement, i.e. using Google's trademarks to imply some kind of association with them when there is none at all, isn't something you could disclaim. If you were selling a program that somehow assists you with AdWords (and you state this in your ad), THEN you could, under fair use, use Google's logo as long as your disclaimer states you are not associated with google and do not own their trademark.

My point is that you have to look at their goals. Their goal is to make it stop. It isn't necessary to build a case one at a time against a few thousand people strewn across the internet to meet that goal. As soon as the major networks stop running them, it will be over.

Remember the RIAA suing 13 year old girls? Did they sue everyone who was pirating music? No, they made some examples, filed a bunch of suits in an attempt to extract settlements (most of which were thrown out by asking for summary judgement), and then shut down as many large sites as they could. This will be no different.

One thing you need to know about Trademark law is that if a company does not go after infringers, they may lose the rights to their mark. They, by law, HAVE to do this or they risk becoming public domain. The RIAA/MPAA is trying to scare people away from file sharing their hasn't worked at all, and their motivation is largely financial. Google's motivation is to protect is reputation and its claim to the Google trademark.

This holds true for any person or company that owns the rights to a trademark.
if this was a move to conquer market share well played sir, well played.

In all fairness, Jon would be one of the last people to try that. He already has his own offers and other shit to worry about, he wouldn't waste his time doing that. He was just passing on information that he has heard to maybe help out a few people or have them take a closer look at stuff.
In all fairness, Jon would be one of the last people to try that. He already has his own offers and other shit to worry about, he wouldn't waste his time doing that. He was just passing on information that he has heard to maybe help out a few people or have them take a closer look at stuff.
Yes, Jon already has his own offers, why would he want to scare people into not running his competitors offers?
Yes, Jon already has his own offers, why would he want to scare people into not running his competitors offers?

Yeah, this must have all been an attempt for everyone to replace those google links with grant links.

If he didn't start this thread someone else would have, judging from the amount of talk going on about this.