Good places to live as an internet marketer?

I'm going to be splitting my time between Vietnam / Thailand. I just like their cultures and women more. I get by just fine with English in Thailand. In Vietnam you'll need to learn the language. I can pick it up in 2 months since I can understand it already.

Singapore girls are ugly.

I might consider moving to Hong Kong in the future because I'm fluent in Cantonese.

Two places to consider is Eastern Europe or Latin America.

Best thing to do is take a year off and just travel around to see what you like.

SE Asia and Eastern Europe will be easier since you can get by with English.
I'm heading to South/Cental America in December. Phillipines was high on the list, and so was Thailand, but Central America wins because I speak Spanish fluently.
That's simply because having dark skin means you work outside all day, and are probably just a poor rice farmer who makes $6/day. If you have light skin, that's a sign of being a successful white collar professional. It has nothing to do with people wanting to be white. It's to show people you sit around in a comfortable, air conditioned office all day making loads of money, while other are slaving away in the rice fields.

And it definitely makes a difference. If you're a Thai and goto Bangkok, you'll get treated quite differently depending on whether you have light or dark skin.

So true. Western culture went through this phase of culture/style/whatever as well. Being pale as fuck was considered classy because it showed that you didn't have to work in the fields and had an office job or enough money to just chill in your mansion. Now having a tan is fashionable largely because it demonstrates that you have enough time/money to be outdoors and hanging out.
I'm heading to South/Cental America in December. Phillipines was high on the list, and so was Thailand, but Central America wins because I speak Spanish fluently.
Care to share which country, or will you be hopping around?
I've heard this can be quite the opposite in Japan, lots of "NO FOREIGNERS" stuff around.

been there twice and have run into "no foreigners" sign only once, but the amount of Japanese English speakers is deplorable...
awesome post!
I've been considering doing exactly the same. Putting everything into storage and travel Asia and Eastern Europe for several months ... maybe several years. Internet Marketing is just the profession to do that sort of thing since you can basically do marketing from anywhere with internet connection.

Thanks for some of your ideas on great places to chose from!
Costa Rica is great. It's warm all year round and your only 45 min to the ocean from the city. However it's not cheap. You could get by cheap, but you wouldn't want to.
I've got my Dong on Vietnam. Cheaper than HK and Sing and lifestyle is just amazing. Girls, housing, opportunity. This place is China without the Chinese. If you cannot make money here, you should go back to Wal-Mart greeting.
CIVETS are the new BRIC
(new school Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa vs old school Brazil Russia India China).
A buddy was in Vietnam a few months ago. He didn't want to go originally but came back raving about the country.
I confirm this for MY and SG as well. If you were born dark-skinned you're shit out of luck because most MNC's prefer light-skinned employees.

There's a reason Indians put a thick layer of white powder (perfume kind) on their face here. It's really funny but I think they subconsciously want to appear "white".

Considering you are a malay, what skin color you have sir?
Yea Asia is pretty gung-ho about skin color.

Chicks will do chemical injections, bleach whitening creme, cake their face in powder, etc. to appear lighter skin. In any advertising, you will never see a darker skinned person in the ad.

Lighter skin is prefer due to the social status it implies. Dark skin = you're literally a peasant from the countryside, while light skin means you stay indoors working. Thailand is also racist as hell against the poorer countries such as Burma, Laos, Cambodia, & Philippines. Those people tend to be darker skinned. Thais have a favorable opinion of the Chinese & Koreans who are lighter skinned.

I am grateful I am a light skinned Chinese.

Anyways anyone that wants to hit up Thailand or Vietnam, PM me and I can show you around.
China (need me say moar?), Thailand (More high life and women), Taiwan (lotsa fine ass chicks and foods), Malaysia (average of everything), Indonesia (Dirt Cheap country, I know some pedos stay there to get "pets" from high school)
Taiwans been good to me. When I take vacations to Thailand all I see are ugly women. I'm ruined for life.

The food is cheap, healthy and yummy.

Internet is unfiltered and fairly stable.

Some amazing kung fu/tai chi/bagua masters sharing their knowledge and skill.

It's WAAAAAY Way more free than the 'police state' America. Especially in the lawless south.

If you got to be somewhere, it ain't a bad place to be.

On the downside, there's earthquakes every day, shitloads of assholes, and occasional typhoons. But....most earthquakes are not felt, I'm slowly learning patience with all the pricks, and depending where you live, typhoons are no big deal.