Good places to live as an internet marketer?

I never did.

Originally Posted by clyde
I confirm this for MY and SG as well. If you were born dark-skinned you're shit out of luck because most MNC's prefer light-skinned employees.

There's a reason Indians put a thick layer of white powder (perfume kind) on their face here. It's really funny but I think they subconsciously want to appear "white".

there you go and just for your knowledge not all indians are dark skinned.
I never did.

you did. you mofo.



im in austria visiting a buddy, heading to barcelona on the 5th - 19th...should be good i think, from what ive heard....anyone been there? or other places to go in europe?

BCN is expensive, just like Paris or Valencia. Even the cheapest appartment is like 500+ Euro/month.

If you are more like the relaxed dude looking for nice bitches, a secure place for living, one of te lowest crime rates in europe, go for Malta cuz it's the most southern english speaking country in Europa, very close to Lybia ;-)
this thread is relevant to my interests. moar info plz. some of you bitches need to post your pics. where's dupre, hit us up with some advice bro.
there you go and just for your knowledge not all indians are dark skinned.

In Malaysia/SG? About 90% is dark-skinned. It's just their genetics, nothing wrong with that.
It's like saying, black people commit the most crimes in the US, it's just a fact.

and there are (many) Indians that DO put white powder on their face to appear white. It wasn't a racial comment directed to anybody and wasn't meant to be derogatory. It's just a fact that can be proven by a single visit to said country.
In Malaysia/SG? About 90% is dark-skinned. It's just their genetics, nothing wrong with that.
It's like saying, black people commit the most crimes in the US, it's just a fact.

and there are (many) Indians that DO put white powder on their face to appear white. It wasn't a racial comment directed to anybody and wasn't meant to be derogatory. It's just a fact that can be proven by a single visit to said country.

You are indeed an ignorant malay. Only people who belong to south india are mostly dark skinned, thats mainly because of massive heat they suffer from throughout the year. Since most immigrants who moved to singapore and malaysia during the british rule came from southern india and they later settled in MY and SG, thats the reason they are in far greater numbers than others. Most western, North and eastern indians are fairer, hell more fairer than you malays.

since you triggered the debate, Malays are mostly the most laziest people in asia. Many employers just reject them outright for being lazy, stupid and without any degrees.

When you call someone by color then yes its a racial comment and its derogatory. I had to pay you back on this one
You are indeed an ignorant malay. Only people who belong to south india are mostly dark skinned, thats mainly because of massive heat they suffer from throughout the year. Since most immigrants who moved to singapore and malaysia during the british rule came from southern india and they later settled in MY and SG, thats the reason they are in far greater numbers than others. Most western, North and eastern indians are fairer, hell more fairer than you malays.

since you triggered the debate, Malays are mostly the most laziest people in asia. Many employers just reject them outright for being lazy, stupid and without any degrees.

When you call someone by color then yes its a racial comment and its derogatory. I had to pay you back on this one

I'm far from ignorant(or a Malay lol). You just agreed to everything I said. I said at least 90% of Indians living in MY/SG are in fact, dark skinned? Which part of that statement did you disagree with? how is saying that deragotary or racist in any way or form?

I didn't call anybody by color, please show where I did that, I just said in MY/SG, Indians are dark skinned, which is a scientific fact that you actually agreed to. (because they're immigrants from Southern India/rubber tappers/shit genes/lower caste.)

Talk about being lazy, just ask the general Wickedfire population what they think of outsourcing to India. They're not the most hardworking bunch I'll tell you that much. Sure there's that 5% that work for Google, MS, red_virus etc but.. well you know where this is going.

I'm done wasting time here, if you're mad about a scientific fact then blame your gods.
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I'm far from ignorant(or a Malay lol). You just agreed to everything I said. I said at least 90% of Indians living in MY/SG are in fact, dark skinned? Which part of that statement did you disagree with? how is saying that deragotary or racist in any way or form?

I didn't call anybody by color, please show where I did that, I just said in MY/SG, Indians are dark skinned, which is a scientific fact that you actually agreed to. (because they're immigrants from Southern India/rubber tappers/shit genes/lower caste.)

Talk about being lazy, just ask the general Wickedfire population what they think of outsourcing to India. They're not the most hardworking bunch I'll tell you that much. Sure there's that 5% that work for Google, MS, red_virus etc but.. well you know where this is going.

I'm done wasting time here, if you're mad about a scientific fact then blame your gods.

You are a Malay, don't deny it now. LOL. Talk about being lazy, you are a Malay. By definition, you are lazy. Hahahaha.
The reason I've moved to Australia from Malaysia 7 years ago was cause of the stupid Malay government and no regret. Now back to talking chicks, I've developed quite an Aussie accent, I do love to go back to KL and lie about me being Australian Chinese and they bought it every fucking time, instant celebrity status and access to vaginas.
vinnythejinny, the post above is an example of a racist and deragotary remark.

am not defending wicked ice but that doesn't mean you are not a racist. In your last post, you called out indians as slaves, shit genes and lower caste. Guess you need some education, oh well sorry malays dont go to uni anyway. The government feeds them for being a muslim. What a shitty country. Its not even worth comparing malaysia to singapore.

In 2007, i visited malaysia in a hope that i would get a on arrival visa. They took me to an immigration office, asked me to stand (not sit) for atleast 2 hours and then when i went to collect my passport. That mofo immigration officer saw my SGD in wallet and demanded $200 from me. When i refused to give, he took the passports away. Had to pay the money to get the passport. What a fucked up country. India is corrupted too but singapore is 1000% better than fucked up malaysia anyday